[新聞] Kids get chance to see A-Rod up close

看板A-Rod作者 (祝妳在天上幸福)時間17年前 (2007/08/02 17:23), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NY-Yankees 看板] 作者: pckfman (祝妳在天上幸福) 看板: NY-Yankees 標題: [新聞] Kids get chance to see A-Rod up close 時間: Thu Aug 2 14:23:32 2007 Kids get chance to see A-Rod up close 孩子們有機會近距離看到A-Rod了 NEW YORK -- Five hundred squirming kids filled the main atrium of Niketown top to bottom Wednesday, one for each home run in Alex Rodriguez's soon-to-be career total. One away from his 500th homer, Rodriguez took a seat next to the YES network's Michael Kay in the Manhattan superstore just hours before the Yankees' evening game against the White Sox. Rodriguez bantered back and forth with the kids as Kay asked him questions, starting off with the ubiquitous buildup surrounding No. 500. 星期三,五百位侷促不安的孩子們由上而下的擠滿了在Niketown的中庭,Alex Rodriguez 在不久將會再拿到一支全壘打,一隻第五百號的生涯全壘打,Rodriguez在結束與白襪在 晚上比賽的幾小時之後坐在洋基轉播員Micahel Kay的旁邊。Rodriguez與小孩們嘻笑當 Kay在問他問題的時候,這個問題從無所不在的第五百號全壘打開始。 "The buzz, the excitement, everything now really drives me," Rodriguez said. "這些周圍吱吱喳喳的聲音(大概是每個人都很好奇A-Rod到底什麼時候會打出500的關 切聲音),就是激勵" 每一件事情都驅動我,Rodriguez這這樣說的 Enthusiasm was what A-Rod got, as he was interrupted mid-question with chants of "M-V-P! M-V-P!" Rodriguez smiled and looked up, taking in the four stories of children hanging over the railings in the open room and waving as the cheering only got louder. 熱忱正是A-Rod得到的當他被場外的MVP讚美聲所中斷問題,而Rodriguez用眼神跟微笑回 應,接受四層樓場外孩子們的故事(這邊搞不太懂),場外的歡呼聲越來越大聲。 "You know you're going to do your thing, but it's just a matter of time," Rodriguez finally got out once the cheering died down. "你知道的,你只是在做你的事情,但這只是時間上的問題而已,"最後Rodriguez下台後 歡呼隨即消沉。 As some of his biggest fans, many of the kids were hoping that Wednesday night would be that time. 身為一些最大的粉絲,很多小孩希望星期三的晚上就是那個關鍵的時刻。 "He's like the best player, and today I hope he's going to hit his 500th home run," said 13-year-old Shaquan Love from Harlem. "It would be the best, because I was here to see him before he played in the game. Now I can know where he's coming from and what he was feeling like on that day if it happens." "他是一個最棒的球員,今天我希望他會拿到她第五百支的全壘打,"一位十三歲從Harlem 來的小粉的Shaquan Love這樣說。"這會是最棒的,因為我在他比賽之前看到了他,現在 我可以知道他從哪裡來,知道他在那天怎麼想,如果真的發生的話。" But even with the constant reminders of the upcoming milestone -- the 500 kids, the 500 balls, the obvious questions -- the kids got to understand a different side of the Yankees star that they watch on television. 但是即使不斷伴隨著即將來臨的里程碑的提醒 -- 五百個小孩,五百個球,最明顯的問 題 -- 這些孩子會知道一個一個洋基巨星在電視前不一樣的一面。 "Alex was actually the first Yankee that I've been close to like that, and I loved what he said," said 15-year-old Dana Kamens from Lawrence, Long Island. "Now I know how he's extremely dedicated to what he does. To do what he does and that he's going to be the youngest player to hit 500 home runs, I knew that before, but seeing him in person just made it more real." "Alex的確是第一位像這樣近距離接觸的一個球員,而我喜歡他所說的話,"一位15歲 的粉絲Dana Kamens從Lawrence, Long Island來的。"現在我知道他近利的奉獻於 他所做的事。去做他想做的,縣在他即將成為最年輕的五百轟選手,雖然我已經在之前 知道了,但是看見他後讓我覺得更加的真實。" Kay varied his questions for Rodriguez, covering everything from his baseball hero -- Cal Ripken, Jr. -- to personal likes and dislikes. Any kid that scuffed his or her sneakers at Niketown on Wednesday can now say with confidence that A-Rod's favorite food is Japanese (or pasta or steak), his favorite actor is Michael Douglas, his favorite TV show is "Entourage," and that his favorite ice cream is chocolate chip with chocolate sprinkles. Kay變化對於Rodriguez的題目,涵蓋了許多事情,從他的棒球英雄--Cal Ripken, Jr. --到他個人的喜好和不喜好。任何星期三在niketown拖著他們運動鞋的孩子都可以自信的 說初A-Rod最喜歡的食物是日本料理(或義大利麵或牛排),她最喜歡的演員是 Michael Douglas,他最喜歡的電視秀是"Entourage(我家也有大明星,台灣翻譯的樣子)" ,還有他最喜歡的冰淇淋口味是巧克力片和巧克力碎屑。 "I got to hear what his favorite food is and stuff, that was my favorite," Love said. "He expressed himself to all the kids and let us know what he's really like. I learned his whole life in like an hour." "我知道他最喜歡的食物和事物,那也是我最喜歡的"Love這樣說。"他表現她自己給 所有的小孩,並讓我們知道他真正喜歡的,我在一近一小時內學到他的一生。" The group also got to sing "Happy Birthday" to Rodriguez, who turned 32 on Friday, yet another reminder of his record-breaking future as the youngest player to hit 500 homers. Rodriguez blew out the lone candle on a cupcake, though he wouldn't tell Kay what he wished for, before giving it to his wife, Cynthia, and his daughter, Natasha. 這一拳也開始唱"生日快樂歌"給Rodriguez,一個將在星期五變成32歲,並且可能成為 一個最年輕就破500支全壘打的紀錄者。Rodriguez吹熄了在杯形糕餅(蛋糕?)上的長蠟 燭,雖然他並沒有告訴Kay他許了什麼願望,因為他還沒告訴他的妻子Cynthia和他的 女兒Natasha。 Rodriguez's gift, a flashy new pair of Nike cleats, sported an embroidered No. 500 on the tongues, but the third baseman wasn't about to jinx himself by pulling them on for Wednesday night's game. Rodriguez的禮物,一雙閃爍的釘鞋,上面蛇形狀的部位秀了一個500號的字, 但這三壘手並沒有馬上穿上他們在星期三的比賽使自己倒楣(推文的大大說是因為穿了 500號的鞋子,因為其實還沒有擊出去,所以可能會使自己倒楣....) "No," Rodriguez said with a laugh. "But I'll wear them after I hit it." "不",Rodriguez笑著說。"但是我將穿上鞋子在我擊出五百轟之後" Niketown opened its big glass doors -- detailed with "Congratulations Alex, 499 and counting: Just Do It" and "Just Do It Alex" -- to make the day an unforgettable experience for the kids, who came from several local community groups, many of them baseball-oriented. Niketown打開他們最大的門最大的門,門上寫著"歡迎Alex,499且繼續當中:就去做 吧"和"就去做吧Alex"為了給予這對於來自不同地區和棒球性質團體的孩子們這不可忘記 的經驗。 "They're ecstatic," said Adam Hymann, the director of the half-day baseball program at Hofstra University's summer camps. "When we first heard about this, we couldn't believe it. The kids are so excited to be here." "他們樂的太瘋狂了,"Adam Hymann這樣說,他是一位Hofstra大學暑期營的半天棒球 指導員。"當我們第一次聽到慣於這件事情,我們都無法相信。"這些孩子們在這裡 非常的興奮。" As they entered, the kids passed by a pyramid spread of 499 numbered baseballs -- including an obvious nook on the corner -- representing Rodriguez's current home run total. Attendants wearing A-Rod Yankees jerseys then handed the children raffle tickets, pens and Nike baseballs individually labeled from numbers one to 500. 當他們進場時,孩子們以一個499球的分布金字塔形狀來穿越,--包含一個明顯的 角落--代表著Rodriguez目前的全壘打總數。參予者都穿著洋基A-Rod的平針織物,並 給小孩們對獎卷,筆和Nike的棒球上面分別標著1到500的數字。 Five lucky raffle winners got theirs keepsakes signed by Rodriguez after the question and answer session. Fourteen-year-old Gregory Bellantonio from Wantagh, N.Y., was the first to get his baseball signed. 五位幸運的對獎勝利者得到了他們標記Rodriguez的紀念品在問答的 單元上。十四歲的Gregory Bellantonio從Wantagh, N.Y.來的小朋友是第一個拿到紀念球 的。 "It was amazing," Bellantonio said. "I'm going to keep it and put it in a case. I'm going to tell them that I got a ball signed by Alex Rodriguez, and it was very, very cool." "這太驚訝了,"Bellantonio這樣說。"我將保留它,並且放在一個箱子裡。然後 我將告訴別人我拿到一個Alex Rodriguez的簽名球,這真的是,真的是太酷了。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/02 14:24,
08/02 14:24

08/02 14:28,
08/02 14:28

08/02 14:30,
喔喔 感謝 我也覺得怪怪的 哈哈 謝謝告知
08/02 14:30

08/02 14:37,
four stories... 是指四層樓,MLB 原文有圖片連結可以看到。
08/02 14:37

08/02 14:39,
08/02 14:39

08/02 14:41,
08/02 14:41

08/02 14:41,
08/02 14:41

08/02 14:51,
太感謝了 感恩
08/02 14:51
※ 編輯: pckfman 來自: (08/02 14:52)

08/02 16:53,
08/02 16:53
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/02 18:13, , 1F
有看有推,感謝翻譯。A-Rod 500轟快來,加油!
08/02 18:13, 1F

08/03 11:47, , 2F
08/03 11:47, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #16iQAO61 (A-Rod)