[譯文] Yankees react to return of A-Rod

看板A-Rod作者 (No other way)時間16年前 (2007/11/17 23:39), 編輯推噓25(25020)
留言45則, 21人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/22dhj4 Yankees react to return of A-Rod Girardi, players relieved Rodriguez will stay in the Bronx 新教練、隊友們得知阿肉即將歸來都感到寬慰 By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com NEW YORK -- On the spring day that the Yankees cut the ribbon on a new building one block over and one year into the future, Alex Rodriguez will be there. 一年後的春天,洋基的新球場落成典禮時,阿肉將會在那兒,與其他的洋基人一 起剪綵。 Just last week, many would have insisted that scenario was nearly impossible. 一個星期以前,許多人堅持:這個情節幾乎是不可能的了。 But for several players who watched Rodriguez this season and played alongside him, the landmark reported 10-year, $275 million deal that will keep A-Rod in the Bronx was not a huge shock. More than anything, those Yankees said, it was a relief. 但是對於今年與阿肉肩並肩打拼的隊友來說,阿肉的歸來並不讓人太驚訝;他們覺 得寬慰,勝過一切。 "I never saw him not want to be there," said catcher Jose Molina, who was acquired by the Yankees in late July and is currently a free agent. "He always wanted to be there, and that's a good sign. They're going to have an MVP in the lineup every day for 10 years. "我從未見過他不想留在這。" 摸二哥說:"他總是想在這(洋基),而簽下這份合約 ,洋基未來的十年,每天的打線都會有這一位MVP。 (Molina最近跟洋基簽下了2年4M的合約,所以明年還能看到他。^^) "I know his family feels really good about it. I'm sure that's why he made that decision. You've got to remember that there's big money involved. Now they're expecting big things from him." "我知道他的家人也會喜歡,這也是為什麼他做此決定。既然涉及了一筆巨額金錢, 球隊與球迷對他的期待也相對的會很大。" New Yankees manager Joe Girardi tracked Rodriguez's actions and words as a member of the YES Network broadcasting team in 2007. Speaking in the Dominican Republic, where the Yankees donated $60,000 to help hurricane relief efforts, Girardi told the Associated Press he was closely watching A-Rod's situation develop. 新教練Girardi在YES團隊的時候就已經注意著阿肉的一言一行,這星期四洋基捐款 救濟多明尼加共和國的颶風災害,球團代表是卡諾、牛奶卡布以及小拉米,Girardi 也在場,他告訴美聯社說: "Alex has always said he wants to stay in New York," Girardi said. "阿肉總是說著他要留在紐約。" And now it appears that he will. Rodriguez is a virtual lock to be named as the American League's Most Valuable Player on Monday, when the award is an- nounced by the Baseball Writers Association of America. 現在看來阿肉是留定了。 Leading the Major Leagues with 54 home runs, 156 RBIs and 143 runs scored, Rodriguez helped the Yankees to 94 victories and the AL Wild Card, digging out from a disappointing beginning. 今年阿肉的打擊幫助洋基拿下94場勝利跟外卡資格 "He pretty much carried that team," said pitcher Darrell Rasner. "The type of player he is, he's just amazing. He's one of the best in the game. I think it's going to be a huge lift for this team to have him for the next 10 years -- that's unbelievable. "他帶領整支球隊。"投手Darrell Rasner(抱歉,我竟然沒有印象他是誰?)說:" 他就是那種球員,整場比賽裡最好的,好的讓人不敢相信。我想球隊有了他將是一大 利多。" "If he even comes close to the types of seasons he's had, it's going to be a lot of fun to watch. It's an honor to have a chance to play with the guy and suit up with him." "如果他將來都打出類似今年的成績,光是看著就是一種樂趣。能跟他一起打球是 種光榮。" While Rodriguez's contributions on the field helped the Yankees immensely, he seemed to grow more into his role in the clubhouse in 2007, particularly with younger players. The 11-time All-Star quietly dedicated valuable hours to work- ing out with Melky Cabrera, who helped solidify the Yankees when he assumed the center field duties in June. 阿肉的貢獻還不只於球場上,對於年輕球員的指點他也不遺餘力,例如與牛奶卡布 的練習。 Later in the season, Rodriguez also was not shy to open himself up to the club's array of late-season and September callups. 季末擴編時,阿肉也不害羞地對那些小聯盟球員敞開心胸 "He came over a couple of times and just asked me about going to Princeton," said rookie reliever Ross Ohlendorf. "I talked to him about pitching a little bit. It was certainly nothing he had to do, but he went out of his way to help me feel welcomed. "阿肉過來問了我好幾次關於普林斯敦大學的事情, " Ohlendorf說:"然後我跟他 說了些我在那投球的事。其實他根本不用這麼做,但是他用他的方式讓我感到歡迎 與溫暖。" "I hope I'm able to be there with him for a while. It really makes the team so much better to have him in the lineup. We have a great lineup, but he's obviously the hitter that pitchers fear the most." "我希望我能夠多些時間與他在一起 ( >/////< ),有了他,整個球隊變得更好, 而且其他球隊的投手都很怕他。" Former Yankee Jim Leyritz, who now serves as an analyst for MLB.com, said he had several conversations with Rodriguez behind the scenes at Yankee Stadium. While going over videotape one day late in the season, Rodriguez told Leyritz that his comfort level in New York had grown over the course of 2007. Jim Leyritz以前是洋基的一員,現在他是MLB.com的分析員。今年球季末的某天, 他與阿肉在洋基球場有過許多台面下的交談,阿肉告訴他,他對紐約的舒服指數 隨著07年球季而成長。 "I really think he wanted to be there," Leyritz said. "He wanted to try to do well in New York, and he wanted to be part of that atmosphere. He told me toward the end of the season, 'Jimmy, people in New York are starting to like me because I've overcome a lot of problems. They like that in New York and I feel like I'm fitting in a little bit more.'" "我想他真的想留下,試著呈現最好的成績給紐約,他想成為這裡的一份子。球季 將結束時他告訴我,『Jimmmy,紐約人開始喜歡我了,因為我克服了許多問題。他 們喜歡能夠掙脫困境的人,而我覺得自己融入他們更多一些。』" (怎麼我看到這 段話有很心酸的感覺 Q_____Q) Leyritz said that, despite senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner's state- ments that Rodriguez's opt out meant "goodbye," the developing Yankees owner- ship group may be more willing to allow players to voice -- and prove -- their intentions toward the organization. Leyritz認為史氏兄弟接手球隊,想營造"願意傾聽球員心聲"的新氣象 "Maybe the best thing they had was right there in front of them," Leyritz said. "But this is not the George Steinbrenner Yankees -- this is a new era, a new group of guys running this organization. Maybe they're more political to the point where they're willing to give guys these opportunities and not take such a hard stance, even though they play hardball." "新老闆管理球隊的方式將與老史不同,他們願意給球員更多機會,姿態也不會太硬。" That apparently happened in Rodriguez's case, as A-Rod's movements brought negotiations from a dead halt to near-completion in just a matter of days. The promise of his inclusion in what should be construed as a bright future in New York, Leyritz said, may have been too much for Rodriguez to ignore. 而這些策略顯然地可由阿肉的例子證明。由先前的把話說死不追他,到阿肉透過第三 方與新老闆聯絡與接觸,現在合約幾乎擬定,都只是數天的事。 "I think A-Rod realizes that this had been Derek Jeter's team for the last 12 years," Leyritz said. "He's a part of it now. When you go to that new ball- park, you start a new tradition. He may be the marquee guy when he goes into that new stadium, depending on how the Yankees do. "我想阿肉也了解過去12年洋基是隊長的球隊,現在他為其中一份子了。當你到了一個 新球場,你會想開始一個新的傳統,阿肉或許會成為新球場的看板人物,端賴球隊怎 麼做。" "I think he sees that. Doing it in a Yankees uniform and surpassing these records and doing what he's been able to do, there's no better uniform to be in for. There's no better place to do it than New York and I think he sees that opportunity." "我想他也知道,當他創下新紀錄時,沒有比洋基的直條紋球衣更適合穿在自己身上, 同時也沒有比紐約更好的地方證明自己的能力,創造新紀錄。他能預見這些事的發生" -- 宇宙裡的微小塵埃 http://www.wretch.cc/album/AllyDai -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/17 23:39, , 1F
11/17 23:39, 1F

11/17 23:47, , 2F
11/17 23:47, 2F

11/17 23:49, , 3F
11/17 23:49, 3F

11/17 23:57, , 4F
11/17 23:57, 4F

11/18 00:20, , 5F
極品 堆~~....
11/18 00:20, 5F

11/18 00:38, , 6F
11/18 00:38, 6F

11/18 00:39, , 7F
11/18 00:39, 7F

11/18 00:41, , 8F
我在翻的時候也有想哭哭的感覺 == ==
11/18 00:41, 8F
※ 編輯: Ally1213 來自: (11/18 00:50)

11/18 00:56, , 9F
Let it be ARod's team from now on!!!!!
11/18 00:56, 9F

11/18 00:59, , 10F
11/18 00:59, 10F

11/18 01:06, , 11F
現在Jeter身陷逃稅危機,阿肉把握機會看看 (逃)
11/18 01:06, 11F

11/18 01:25, , 12F
11/18 01:25, 12F

11/18 01:26, , 13F
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11/18 01:27, , 14F
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11/18 01:33, , 15F
只能說在紐約The course of being liked never did run
11/18 01:33, 15F

11/18 01:34, , 16F
smooth 哈哈我亂引用別噓我
11/18 01:34, 16F

11/18 03:11, , 17F
11/18 03:11, 17F

11/18 03:12, , 18F
11/18 03:12, 18F

11/18 03:13, , 19F
看隊長跟A肉的差別待遇就知了.. 其實我很難過他回洋基
11/18 03:13, 19F

11/18 03:13, , 20F
11/18 03:13, 20F

11/18 03:14, , 21F
何必回去讓他們酸呢..打的好應該 打不好會被酸
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11/18 06:17, , 22F
11/18 06:17, 22F

11/18 06:21, , 23F
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11/18 06:32, , 24F
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11/18 10:09, , 25F
11/18 10:09, 25F

11/18 10:17, , 26F
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11/18 10:18, , 27F
在NY當看板人物也不是沒可能 尤以這個大約簽訂的話...
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11/18 10:20, , 28F
11/18 10:20, 28F

11/18 10:23, , 29F
11/18 10:23, 29F

11/18 15:57, , 30F
推...這篇有洋蔥... (拭淚)
11/18 15:57, 30F

11/18 16:03, , 31F
A-Rod已經簽了10年 我想他可以建立自己在紐約的地位的
11/18 16:03, 31F

11/18 16:04, , 32F
老實說 我覺得A-Rod在提攜後進的部分 比Jeter更有隊長的
11/18 16:04, 32F

11/18 16:05, , 33F
感覺 但我沒有說Jeter不好喔(撇清)
11/18 16:05, 33F

11/18 17:39, , 34F
11/18 17:39, 34F

11/18 18:16, , 35F
其實我比較喜歡感性一點的文章-->會被說婦人之仁? XD
11/18 18:16, 35F

11/18 18:38, , 36F
感性一點好啊~~(我喜歡洋蔥 XDD)
11/18 18:38, 36F

11/18 21:56, , 37F
提到Jeter就是兩回事了 因為他是純種洋基人啊
11/18 21:56, 37F

11/18 22:53, , 38F
11/18 22:53, 38F

11/18 22:53, , 39F
11/18 22:53, 39F

11/19 16:01, , 40F
如果牛奶沒被交易掉, 那明年就有機會看到棒子教出來的小砲?
11/19 16:01, 40F

11/19 22:23, , 41F
11/19 22:23, 41F

04/05 07:29, , 42F
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04/05 07:29, , 44F
04/05 07:29, 44F

06/30 19:16, 5年前 , 45F
06/30 19:16, 45F
文章代碼(AID): #17Fmiv0G (A-Rod)