[球員] Totti Back In Action This Sunday Against Napoli

看板ASRoma作者 (Marco Borriello = Goal!)時間15年前 (2009/01/19 20:38), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Totti Back In Action This Sunday Against Napoli: http://www.goal.com/en/news/1709/roma/2009/01/19/1067776/ totti-back-in-action-this-sunday-against-napoli 縮址: http://tinyurl.com/8wgay5 前言: Er Pupone is back and ready for action. This Sunday, his side travel to Napoli... 本文: Roma have been given a major boost after captain Francesco Totti returned to full training with his team-mates on Monday morning. Er Pupone has been injured since December with a hamstring problem and initial reports suggested he would be out for two months, missing the Champions League clash with Arsenal. However, the Italian has recovered in record time and Il Corriere Dello Sport claims he should be back for the game against Napoli this Sunday. The number 10 suffered a strain to his hamstring against Catania less than four weeks ago, and his recovery can only be seen as a miracle to Roma's medical staff who had written the player off for 60 days. Totti was at Trigoria this morning and he took part in regular training and a short match as coach Luciano Spaletti put him through his paces. The captain will undergo further fitness tests throughout the week and he is expected to play this weekend. The Giallorossi have been in stunning form of late as they chase fourth place, and Totti's return will come a nothing less than a major boost. Meanwhile, the game against Napoli poses a security threat for authorities following the trouble during the reverse in week one of the Serie A season. It is believed that Giallorossi fans will not be allowed to travel to the San Paolo. Salvatore Landolina, Goal.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/24 14:40, , 1F
01/24 14:40, 1F
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