[情報] 倫大瑪莉皇后學院的3年獎學金 - 主修戲劇

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剛看到的訊息,倫大瑪莉皇后學院戲劇系提供三年博士班全額獎學金, (雖然只付歐洲學生的價碼,但還有一堆生活費....) 最棒的是可以當助理編輯,有志走上去的這真的是難得一見的機會啊~ 申請到七月3號截止,希望這個訊息可以幫到一些人~ 有問題的請不要來信問我,我只是好康到相報的路人而已:P (下面有承辦教授的email,自行取用囉~) Vice-Chancellor of the University of London Contemporary Theatre Review doctoral studentship in International Theatrical Cultures Applications are invited for a three-year doctoral studentship, funded by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of London’s central development fund, to be based in the Department of Drama at Queen Mary, University of London (with anticipated associate status at Birkbeck College). Applicants should have a commitment to pursuing research to doctoral level in some aspect of theatrical cultures outside the UK. The studentship will be accompanied by a three-year responsibility as editorial assistant on the international journal, Contemporary Theatre Review; this will involve working closely with the editors of the journal on the 4 annual issues for each year of the studentship. Applicants should be holders of a good first degree from any university, with relevant MA studies completed or close to completion, and should be competent readers and writers of at least one language other than English. The studentship will pay for all tuition fees (at UK/EU rates) and will provide a maintenance grant of £15,290 in the first year, rising to £15,540 in the second year and £15,790 in the third. Potential applicants should review the further particulars for the studentship, which are available at http://www.drama.qmul.ac.uk How to Apply Potential applicants may contact Dr. Michael McKinnie, Director of Graduate Studies for Drama at Queen Mary, with further inquiries at: m.mckinnie@qmul.ac.uk Applicants must complete a Queen Mary, University of London postgraduate application form, which can be downloaded from: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/index.html Deadline for applications 3 July 2009 _________________________________ Dr. Michael McKinnie Senior Lecturer in Drama Director of Graduate Studies (Drama) Dept. of Drama School of English and Drama Queen Mary, University of London London E1 4NS m.mckinnie@qmul.ac.uk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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06/12 16:42, , 2F
06/12 16:42, 2F
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