[跨國] X Factor Season 6相關消息

看板AmericanIdol作者 (夢想奔馳)時間15年前 (2009/08/14 08:38), 編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
source:http://ppt.cc/G;oQ The leaks are coming fast and furious from this season of Factor set with details emerging of which group each of the judges will be mentoring, along with more information on who the special guest stars will be. Today's Sun reports that Louis Walsh will be looking after the groups for the fourth time in his six series as an X Factor judge, while Simon Cowell will have the over-25s category for the first time since he guided Steve Brookstein to victory in the 2004 series. And look how that turned out! The newspaper also claims that Cheryl will once again get the 16 to 25-year-old girls and Dannii will get the similar boys' category - interestingly, those are the categories that both Dannii and Cheryl won the series with in previous years. Meanwhile, the show's choreographer Brian Friedman has revealed that Madonna, Whitney Houston, Rihanna and Robbie Williams will all be appearing on the live shows. It's also been claimed that Kate Moss will be helping one of the judges to whittle down their last six acts to the final three. The model is a big fan of the series and went along to watch several of last year's live shows. She is expected to join one of the judges at their 'home' for the final heat before the show enters the live stages. 大意是四個評審的工作大致抵定 Simon和Dannii的工作互換 至於Cheryl和Louis則是不變,另外包含蕾哈娜,惠妮,瑪丹娜和羅比威廉斯本季都會 現身 感想:老頭子又去選團體了...搞不好他可以創造另一個第一天團(特大誤) Simon和Dannii的工作互換很有意思 我很想知道如果去年聖母牛假如在Simon手上,Simon會不會力保她挺進決賽 至於個人感覺老是被欺負的Dannii,第一次看她帶男子組 不曉得她的眼光如何?? 至於正妹Cheryl再度率領女子組,是不是能延續去年的氣勢也令人期待 畢竟到準決賽時唯獨Cheryl手上還有兩個人... (Dannii哭哭...) 期待第六季啦,不要再給我很囧的淘汰順序即可... (聖母牛-護手霜-Laura永遠是我的前三名(堅定)) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/14 09:23, , 1F
有多有才能的人都沒用啊,有Louis Walsh這個賤老頭就.....
08/14 09:23, 1F

08/14 09:33, , 2F
08/14 09:33, 2F

08/14 09:51, , 3F
08/14 09:51, 3F

08/14 09:51, , 4F
08/14 09:51, 4F

08/14 09:52, , 5F
08/14 09:52, 5F

08/14 10:59, , 6F
08/14 10:59, 6F

08/14 11:00, , 7F
08/14 11:00, 7F

08/16 09:28, , 8F
希望Dannii這次別再流淚了 LW死老猴真是讓人降低觀看欲望
08/16 09:28, 8F

08/16 22:55, , 9F
08/16 22:55, 9F
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