[情報] 05/02 瓶兒運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (玥影)時間8年前 (2016/05/01 17:27), 編輯推噓7(703)
留言10則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/MMNBss Are you having some problems with authority, Aquarius? Are you having a hard time making yourself understood? If so, have you thought about explaining your projects in detail to the people that you hope will follow you in your adventure? You can't expect others to follow you blindly. They, too, have their lives to live, as well as their own objectives and priorities. 你是否有些權威的問題? 你是否有覺得讓自己了解是困難的? 如果是這樣,你有沒有想過向你希望未來要跟隨你冒險的人解釋你計畫的細節? 你不能期待別人會盲目的跟隨你。 他們一樣有著他們的生活要過,一樣的他們也有自己的目標跟在意的事。 http://goo.gl/eZkZ6x You might think that by giving yourself boundaries you will give yourself more self-discipline. This is definitely not the case, though -- especially today, when you will be better off just letting yourself go. Enough with the self-imposed restrictions! You need some more freedom in your life and you should give yourself that freedom. Don't schedule everything down to the minute. Leave room for spontaneity and last minute ideas -- they're usually the best, anyway. 你可能認為給自己一個邊界,就可以讓自己更自律。 不過事情絕非是如此,尤其在今天,當你放手讓自己走時你將會變得更好。 受夠了自我設定的限制! 你需要一些自由在你的生活中,你必需給你自己你需要的自由。 不要把任何事情、每一分鐘都安排好行程。 為自己保留自發性的空間和關鍵時刻的想法,它們通常都會是最好的。 http://goo.gl/iEhQtS You start to feel, both mentally and physically, that you have moved on from all that was holding you back. You realise you're stronger and wiser now and the world really is your oyster. Enjoy! 你開始有感覺,在心靈與身體兩個層面都有,你已經從那些阻礙你的事物中向前進。 你意識到你更加的強壯也更加的有智慧,世界的一切真的就像是在你的掌握之中。 享受這一切吧!! --- 好久沒生病了 昨天晚上發燒頭痛到完全無法入睡 不過現在已經好多了 第三則 感覺頗誇張 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1462094876.A.B03.html

05/01 18:34, , 1F
第三則.. 真的假的.. 怎都沒啥FU
05/01 18:34, 1F

05/01 19:21, , 2F
05/01 19:21, 2F

05/01 19:42, , 3F
05/01 19:42, 3F

05/01 20:24, , 4F
需要強壯 最近壓力也太大了吧
05/01 20:24, 4F

05/01 21:59, , 5F
05/01 21:59, 5F

05/01 21:59, , 6F
05/01 21:59, 6F

05/01 22:47, , 7F
05/01 22:47, 7F

05/02 00:19, , 8F
05/02 00:19, 8F

05/02 00:42, , 9F
需要強壯+1 身體黑暗心靈都是
05/02 00:42, 9F

05/02 18:49, , 10F
今天規劃的兩件事 都有點小變化 真的是有點準
05/02 18:49, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1N9SmSi3 (Aquarius)