[情報] 09/10 瓶兒運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (玥影)時間8年前 (2016/09/09 21:18), 編輯推噓17(1703)
留言20則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1&ZSign=10&Af=0 Frustration may be the word for today, Aquarius. You could be experiencing a bit of wanderlust. Distant states and foreign lands may beckon to you, but circumstances could make it hard for you to get away. There might also be friction with your partner. Don't get sucked into a quarrel. Use your placid nature to get grounded, then use your practicality to solve the issues at hand. 挫折感會是今天的代名詞。 你可能有一點想要去旅行。 遙遠的國家和異國的土地在呼喚著你,但是情況很難讓你可以脫身。 而你跟你的夥伴可能會有摩擦。不要陷入爭吵。 用你平和的天性去平靜下來,然後用你務實的方法去解決掉這個手上的問題。 http://www.astrology.com/horoscope/daily/tomorrow/aquarius.html Today, use your free time to take stock of your goals. Analyze what you're trying to attain and how successful you've been at attaining it. Be prepared for the cold hard truth and accept the idea that you might be better off changing your goal than changing your tactics. There is no shame in admitting when something isn't working. In fact, it's a rare kind of intelligence that allows you to see that while your ego might not like admitting defeat, your brain knows that you have to keep moving forward. 今天你利用你的空閒時間評估一下你的目標。 分析你想要達到什麼,還有你已經到達什麼地步了。 做好準備迎接殘忍的事實,接受你應該要轉變目標而不是轉變戰術的想法。 承認某事情是無用的並不羞恥。 事實上,這是個罕見的情報,這讓你看出當你的內心不喜歡承認失敗, 你的大腦知道你必須繼續前進。 A better relationship evolves between you and a close one and you start to understand why it is they acted so distantly recently. Paperwork promises a more secure future for your close ones. 你跟你一個親近的人關係有所進化,會開始了解為什麼最近會如此的有距離。 文書對你親近的人,承諾一個更有安全感的未來。 Saturday Sep 10 2016 You may have a sense of deep disappointment in yourself because of a regret, Aquarius, but that kind of mindset can only drag you down. You are often far harder on yourself than you are on others. You may not even have an objective view on what happened, but you hold yourself to very high standards. If you made an error or a bad decision, you need to learn from it and let it go - but when you do, you must truly let it go and not allow yourself to dwell on it. We evolve through experience, so be grateful for your mistakes and bad decisions. 你可能對自己會有種很深的失望,因為後悔, 但是這種心情只會拖垮你。 比起對其他人來說,你通常對自己非常的嚴格。 你可能不會客觀的看待發生什麼事,而會用自己非常高的標準。 如果你犯了一個錯誤或是做了一個壞決定,你需要記取教訓且放下, 當你要這麼做時,你必須真的放手,而不是糾纏於它。 我們透過經歷而進化,所以要感激我們犯過的錯誤還有壞的決定。 -- 好準~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1473427085.A.CA9.html

09/09 21:20, , 1F
對了 今天木星來到天秤
09/09 21:20, 1F

09/09 21:23, , 2F
09/09 21:23, 2F

09/09 22:06, , 3F
09/09 22:06, 3F

09/09 22:29, , 4F
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09/09 22:34, , 5F
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09/09 23:02, , 6F
我明天要看big bang 耶...這什麼運勢啦
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09/09 23:02, , 7F
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09/09 23:05, , 8F
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09/10 00:04, , 9F
09/10 00:04, 9F

09/10 02:03, , 10F
我明天要刺大圖啊啊啊啊啊 希望不要出意外啊啊啊啊
09/10 02:03, 10F

09/10 06:52, , 11F
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09/10 07:54, , 12F
09/10 07:54, 12F

09/10 08:48, , 13F
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09/10 10:06, , 14F
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09/10 10:06, , 15F
09/10 10:06, 15F

09/10 14:34, , 16F
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09/10 22:25, , 17F
超準 今天面試被放鴿子 害我準備那麼久...
09/10 22:25, 17F

09/10 23:57, , 18F
09/10 23:57, 18F

09/11 00:42, , 19F
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09/11 01:21, , 20F
冰與火之歌 怎麼了嗎?
09/11 01:21, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1NqhQDof (Aquarius)