[情報] 09/15 瓶兒運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (玥影)時間8年前 (2016/09/14 23:54), 編輯推噓10(1002)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
You may have a strange paranoia that people are out to get you today, Aquarius, but don't let this feeling paralyze you. Your emotions are more than likely getting the better of you. The reality of the situation is much different than your sensitive emotions perceive. Avoid the tendency to escape even further into this fantasy world. Stay away from drugs or alcohol. 你可能會有奇怪的偏執讓人們很難懂你,但不要讓這種感覺使你麻痺。 你的情緒可能會勝過你。 (前面這兩句好難 求高手) 現實的情況跟你感覺的非常不同。 避免逃避現實,甚至更進一步進入虛幻的世界。 離藥物跟酒精遠一點。 Why worry about what is holding you back from reaching your goals when there seems to be no way to determine what exactly it is? You're fretting and stressing over a mystery that might never be solved -- and it's a huge waste of your precious energy. So today, just get moving forward and focus more on doing things rather than on all the subliminal stuff that you'll never be able to pin down. Leave the prognosticating for the fortune tellers. You just need to get stuff done. 為什麼要擔心那種不知是什麼的東西,阻止你去達成你的目標? 你煩惱且對無法解惑而感到壓力,而這對你能量是很大的浪費。 所以今天,就只要往前邁進專注在多做些事,不要被潛意識的東西牽制。 把預言還給算命的。 你只需要把事情做完。 Your love life comes under the scrutiny of others and you may find it impossible to keep past secrets to yourself anymore. The good news is that your exposure brings unexpected support. 你的愛情生活將被其他人監督,你可能會發現無法再保持過去的秘密。 好消息是,那些秘密曝光會帶來意外的幫助。 Thursday Sep 15 2016 You are a very forward-thinking person, Aquarius, which is a good thing because you also happen to be a trailblazer. You are someone who explores new boundaries and paves the way for others to follow you. You have a keen sense of what the future could hold, and you use that insight to your advantage. Sometimes, though, it is wise to also turn to the past for guidance and insight. An event from your own long-ago past may hold the key to unlocking a goal you have for the future. 你是個非常有遠見的人,這是一件好事,因為你碰巧也是個開拓者。 你是個探索新邊疆,且幫其他跟隨者鋪平道路的人。 你有著敏銳的判斷力知道未來會如何,你使用你的視野去得到優勢。 有時候,回頭看過去找尋指引和見識是明智的。 很久之前的一個事件,掌握著你未來目標的一個關鍵。 -- 中秋快樂喔喔喔 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1473868440.A.460.html

09/15 01:08, , 1F
09/15 01:08, 1F

09/15 01:43, , 2F
09/15 01:43, 2F

09/15 06:56, , 3F
假期愉快 感謝翻譯~
09/15 06:56, 3F

09/15 07:52, , 4F
09/15 07:52, 4F

09/15 08:13, , 5F
09/15 08:13, 5F

09/15 08:15, , 6F
09/15 08:15, 6F

09/15 09:37, , 7F
中秋節快樂~第一句也看不太懂 第二句會不會是情緒戰勝
09/15 09:37, 7F

09/15 09:37, , 8F
09/15 09:37, 8F

09/15 09:38, , 9F
09/15 09:38, 9F

09/15 12:51, , 10F
09/15 12:51, 10F

09/15 12:51, , 11F
09/15 12:51, 11F

09/15 21:13, , 12F
09/15 21:13, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1NsNAOHW (Aquarius)