[情報] 10/26 運勢綜論翻譯

看板Aquarius作者 (柴郡喵)時間7年前 (2017/10/25 22:52), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 7年前最新討論串1/1
Claire's Daily Horoscopes 出處:https://goo.gl/b5YHvM You finally get the chance to catch up with those you have not had chance to speak to for a while. You learn information which can and help you find peace over something you'll soon see, was not your fault. 今天終於有機會和那些許久沒有聯繫的人說上話。 你即將認知、學習到一些可以幫助你保持平靜的方法, 並發現有些事情並不是你的錯。 www.astrology.com You are one of the most socially conscious and concerned people in your gang. You're certainly genuine in your desire to make the world a better place, and you love working with others to come up with new, exciting ways to make that happen.This ever-present impulse gets even stronger today,so get ready for a wild ride!You can dig deep and come up with even more ideas and innovative ways to implement them. 你是在你的社交圈內,最具有社會意識且關心周遭的人。 你一定程度真誠地渴望讓世界成為一個更美好的地方, 並且你享受以創新、刺激的方式,與擁有同樣價值觀和目標的人,一起使這世界更美好。 這種渴望一直存在你心裡,並且在今天內更加強烈,所以準備好來一場狂野的旅程。 你可以挖掘出更深刻、更創新的想法去讓這個目標實現。 http://www.astrocenter.com/ If you've been considering writing or teaching, today is the day to get started.Your imagination is intense, you're inspired, and your way with words is sharper than usual. You could also sell anything. If you want to pitch a project to someone, do it now. Many ideas may be running through your mind. It would be a shame not to set them down on paper. 如果你有考慮過創作或教學,今天是你動手執行的好日子。 今天你的想像力十分豐沛、狂野,你被深深地啟發了, 同時使你的說話方式更加精準、銳利。 今天的你有能力推銷任何東西出去, 如果你想做出一個成功的企劃說服他人,就立馬實行吧! 有許多的想法在你的腦海中浮現,若是不去執行或是記錄下來就太可惜了! 嘗試翻譯,若有錯誤還請多多包涵與指正^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1508943174.A.757.html

10/25 23:09, 7年前 , 1F
10/25 23:09, 1F

10/25 23:11, 7年前 , 2F
10/25 23:11, 2F

10/25 23:34, 7年前 , 3F
10/25 23:34, 3F

10/26 00:22, 7年前 , 4F
10/26 00:22, 4F

10/26 00:41, 7年前 , 5F
今天真的又撿到兩個老友。一蠍加一雙 XDD
10/26 00:41, 5F

10/26 00:58, 7年前 , 6F
10/26 00:58, 6F

10/26 01:01, 7年前 , 7F
10/26 01:01, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1PyAL6TN (Aquarius)