[情報] 4/04英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (愛睏的眠羊)時間11年前 (2013/04/04 00:06), 編輯推噓6(601)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Today's celestial energy could find you making plans to travel for pleasure or possibly business. A young friend or relative might accompany you. You're likely to accomplish whatever you hope to on the trip, Aries. All signs are for success and good fortune. You might even aim for a new position. This is an excellent period to open up your own business. 天體能量讓你有機會規劃旅行(出遊或出差),並有一位年輕的朋友或親戚做你的旅伴。 你能在旅行中做到任何你希望的事。所有的跡象都顯示成功和好運,你也許會尋求一個新 職位。現在是開拓個人事業的絕佳時機! http://0rz.tw/0HFO1 You need to make big plans today — things are going your way still, but if you don’t capitalize on this momentum, you are sure to fall behind in the long run. Think it all through! 今天必須好好處理你的大計畫。情況仍然順著你的意,但如果你不趕上這個勢頭,長遠看 來一定會落後,認真想一想吧~ If you stop and think about it today, you’ll realize that the greatest battles of your life have been battles of will. So if you encounter conflict today, keep that in mind. If you can focus your brainpower on achieving one goal today, there is nothing and no one that can stop you. Do not accept compromise just for the sake of keeping the peace. Move forward with your ideas. If you display all the confidence you feel, you won’t ruffle any feathers — you will inspire people. 如果你停下來好好想想就會理解,原來羊兒生命中最大的戰爭,是意志力之戰。當你今天 遭遇衝突時,記住這一點。如果你全神貫注在達成單一的目標上,沒有任何人任何事可以 阻擋你。不要接受為了息事寧人所做的妥協。帶著你的想法前進吧!只要展現出你所有的 自信,就不會激怒任何人,反而會激勵他們。 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Claire Stop preparing and start doing. You think you’re not ready for what is coming your way, but you’re wrong. Life and loves start to make you promises which are worth taking chances for. 克萊兒: 別再瞄準了,直接開槍!也許你覺得還沒有準備好,那只能說你錯了。生命與愛正要讓你 做出值得冒險的承諾。 Frank Friendships or social interests come to the fore in unusual ways today, but they bring an inevitable measure of disappointment if you expect or demand too much. 法蘭克: 友情或社會利益(註1)以很不尋常的方式進行著,但如果你期望或要求太多,可能會導 致必然的失敗。 註1: 社會利益基本上指的是,人們在社會或團體生活能得到的利益,以及以維護社會秩 序順利運作為目的,所需要達到的需求和主張。 --------------- 預祝兒童節/清明假期快樂~ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/04 00:24, , 1F
推熱心翻譯 運勢好好攸~
04/04 00:24, 1F

04/04 00:27, , 2F
04/04 00:27, 2F

04/04 00:28, , 3F
04/04 00:28, 3F

04/04 01:19, , 4F
04/04 01:19, 4F

04/04 02:18, , 5F
希望有愛情啊!!! 最後一則好準,但我沒有期望,我一點
04/04 02:18, 5F

04/04 02:18, , 6F
04/04 02:18, 6F

04/04 19:38, , 7F
今天真的靠意志力撐過去 做了很多進度T口T
04/04 19:38, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1HN5Dja8 (Aries)