[情報] 02/25 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間10年前 (2014/02/24 19:57), 編輯推噓8(800)
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http://ppt.cc/g00f Something could happen during the day that unconsciously reminds you of something unpleasant that happened to you in the past, Aries. You might not even remember today's event, but memories of the occurrence long ago could plague you throughout the day and put you in a very black mood. Try to analyze why this memory affects you so much. Then when you know, let it go. You might feel as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 某個不知不覺讓羊兒回想起過去不愉快的事情可能會在今天發生。你甚至可能會不記得今 天發生了什麼,但卻記得過去那個不愉快的回憶,而使你陷入非常糟的心情中。試著去分 析為何這個回憶能影響你這麼深吧,然後你知道的,放下它。這樣你就會覺得肩膀少了個 重量輕鬆很多。 http://ppt.cc/VdFL It’s a great day to push for something new — your drive for success is powerful! You may find it easier to work on your own, as most of your people are neck-deep in their own issues. 這是推動新東西的好日子 - 由你來推動為了成功的助力是很強大的!你可能會發現自己 來比較簡單,因為大部分的人都埋首於自己的工作中。 http://ppt.cc/n7hz Claire: The Sun allows you to show your best qualities, and can help you to regain the confidence the last few months have sapped. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting events linking to Pisces. 克萊兒: 太陽讓你可以展現自己最棒的畫質...啊是素質(?),還可以幫助你恢復前幾個月受損的自 信心。睜大你的眼睛注意那些連結到雙魚座的精彩活動。 http://ppt.cc/-RTf Frank: Creating a positive agreeable attitude is what it’s all about today, so do your best. Making new friends counts a great deal, but enjoying home and hearth is just as appealing. Its quite a dilemma. Take advantage of professional opportunities if they arise. 法蘭克: 製造一個正向又和藹可親的態度是今天的重點,盡力而為吧~ 結交大量的新朋友很棒,但 是享受家庭和壁爐邊的悠閒也一樣棒,這是兩難的選擇。如果有出現專業的機會,利用他 們吧! 今天超早哇哈哈XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/24 20:00, , 1F
02/24 20:00, 1F

02/24 20:09, , 2F
推推 真的好早 貓貓保重身體別熬夜了喲
02/24 20:09, 2F

02/24 20:25, , 3F
02/24 20:25, 3F

02/24 20:46, , 4F
謝謝 貓!
02/24 20:46, 4F

02/24 21:17, , 5F
翻譯辛苦了 第一則這兩天發生了好準啊>< 不舒服~
02/24 21:17, 5F

02/25 00:32, , 6F
02/25 00:32, 6F

02/25 01:42, , 7F
02/25 01:42, 7F

02/25 05:30, , 8F
02/25 05:30, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1J2pEpry (Aries)