[情報] 09/02 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間10年前 (2014/09/02 00:37), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://ppt.cc/g00f It isn't exactly all lightness and harmony at home today, Aries. There's tension in the air and it manifests in silly family arguments. Try to arrange separate activities for siblings, and encourage your partner to eat out with friends. This is a day to give everyone his or her space. Tomorrow everyone will be happy to eat together again. 今天的家中沒有明亮與和諧喔,羊兒。在空氣中的緊張感,這是在無聊的家庭紛爭中表現 出來的。試著幫兄弟姊妹分開他們的活動,然後說服你的伴侶/情人出門和朋友吃個飯。 今天是讓每個人有自己的空間的日子,等到明天大家就又會很開心的一起吃飯了。 http://ppt.cc/m2Sw You take to the next new thing as if you’ve been waiting for it your whole life — and maybe you have! In any case, your terrific energy is perfect for stirring up enthusiasm in those around you. 你喜歡上下一項的新事物,就像是你等他等了一輩子一樣 - 或者是你真的等了一輩子! 在任何情況下,你那優秀的能量都很適合煽起你周圍的熱情。 http://ppt.cc/tCzU Claire: You find out what really did happen last week and it could well be that you've been blaming the wrong person. Don't be afraid to say how you feel romantically. It can only benefit you today. 克萊兒: 你發現了上週真正發生的事情,這很可能是你一直都罵錯人了(囧!?)。不要害怕去說你感 受到的浪漫,這只會讓今天的你受惠而已。 http://ppt.cc/jTj- Frank: Changes to the smooth running of your life may now seem necessary, and this gives you a chance to show just how adaptable you can be. Standing up for yourself in times of conflict isn’t hard but do you think it’s advisable? Avoid emotional outbursts. 法蘭克: 你可能會覺得讓你的生活順利跑下去的機會在現在是必要的,同時這也是展現你適應力的 機會。發生衝突時為你自己頂著並不難,但是你有想過這樣真的好嗎?避免情緒爆發吧。 今天的公司聚餐是燒肉吃到飽 不過這家的肉...一盒只有4片是怎樣 囧 所以我們拿了跟人體軀幹一樣高的肉盒回去 (爆 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1409589437.A.C3F.html

09/02 01:55, , 1F
09/02 01:55, 1F

09/02 04:59, , 2F
09/02 04:59, 2F

09/02 08:13, , 3F
09/02 08:13, 3F

09/02 08:25, , 4F
09/02 08:25, 4F

09/02 09:52, , 5F
09/02 09:52, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1K1A2zm_ (Aries)