[情報] 03/23 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間9年前 (2015/03/23 00:51), 9年前編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/UXadQX If your patience with someone who's heavy on promises but light on delivery is wearing thin, today is the day to have a little heart-to-heart with this person. It's not quite time for an ultimatum, but it is definitely time to tell this person to get real. The difficulty of your discussion will be in direct proportion to the relationship's closeness -- keep this in mind. Try not to mix business with friendships, because if you do, both tend to suffer in the long run. 如果你對於某個自食其言的人的耐性降到了邊緣,今天就是和那位人士來個坦白談話的日 子。現在還不是時候搞最後通牒,但真的該要他回歸現實了。而你討論的難度將會和關係 的親密度成正比 -- 請謹記在心。別把友誼混入到問題中,若你這樣做的話,長遠來說不 管哪方都是會吃苦的。 http://goo.gl/097Qem Claire: From today, it is relationships which come to the fore for you Aries. You were doing what others thought was right, and you now know it didn't make you happy. Announcements you make change everything. 克萊兒: 從今天起,人際關係/戀情(這個詞兩個意思都通用,請自行代換吧)如果要來找你都會是 從正面來。你之前做著別人認為是正確的事情,而現在會知道這並不會讓你快樂。由你做 出的公告將能改變任何事。 http://goo.gl/chnTjK Frank: It’s all about giving your full attention to the one you love today and this week, especially if you’ve been busy with work or other important issues and you feel you’ve left your relationship on the back burner. Time to make it up with honeyed words and passionate actions. 法蘭克: 今天,噢不、是本週,所有的一切都是有關於把全部的注意力放在你所愛的那位身上,特 別是在你已經過忙於工作/重要議題,而且你覺得你已經把戀情放在次等位置時。是時候 用甜蜜的文字和熱情的行動來彌補了。 樓下對講機壞了超久都沒人要叫修,只不過因為被郵差煩到叫修了一次(那陣子掛號莫名 超多),再來又有問題就通通來找我說要我去叫修,去你的我要寫個公告(附電話)貼樓下 !!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1427043089.A.32C.html

03/23 07:18, , 1F
03/23 07:18, 1F

03/23 08:16, , 2F
謝謝翻譯 如果是靠壓才導通的建議直接裝微動開關
03/23 08:16, 2F
應該是同業弄壞的,因為上面的電話也被刮掉了... 上次他來修的時候有聊到這個=~= ※ 編輯: cat412 (, 03/23/2015 09:02:08

03/23 09:18, , 3F
03/23 09:18, 3F

03/23 09:18, , 4F
03/23 09:18, 4F

03/23 09:40, , 5F
03/23 09:40, 5F

03/23 10:38, , 6F
嗯... 好像真的耶.
03/23 10:38, 6F

03/23 10:44, , 7F
好準 真的受夠某些不知感恩又自私的人了!
03/23 10:44, 7F

03/23 20:44, , 8F
03/23 20:44, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1L3lCHCi (Aries)