[情報] 羊兒每週運勢 05/30~06/05

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2016/05/30 17:55), 編輯推噓2(201)
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http://goo.gl/YvMHB5 Astrology.com As you near the finish line on Monday, thrust your neck forward so that you're ahead when the picture snaps. Whatever it takes. That's your motto. Spend Tuesday basking in the sweet glow of success. The risks you assume in any situation -- work, romantic, whatever -- are totally worth it in the end. People regard you as a leader and a pioneer on Wednesday, but on Thursday you find yourself crippled by frustration and doubt. It's amazing how quickly the feeling of accomplishment can disappear, but try not to let it. This weekend, strike out into the world with confidence, and good things will happen. 當你接近週一的終點線時,記得要把脖子伸長點,才能適時的被注意到喲 - 不論如何都要做到,這就是羊兒的座右銘。 週二你會沉浸在甜蜜的光輝與成功的氣息中, 之前你評估後所冒的險 - 工作上、愛情上、或什麼都是 - 一切算來都是值得的。 一直到週三,大家會視你為領導人與先鋒;可是,週四一切急轉直下, 你被挫折與自我懷疑整個打敗,你會很驚訝這些感受變化得有多快, 但還是要努力別讓這些情緒影響自己。 週末,就繼續踩踏著自信的腳步去看世界吧,好事將會發生喲! http://goo.gl/3SFLb5 Astrocenter.com You might have an unrealistic view of a person or situation, particularly early in the week when you could be tempted to put someone on a pedestal. However, as of Friday you may come to think very differently when a frustrating blend of energies brings out the worst in you or perhaps the other person. Conversation may not be enough to improve the situation between you, but you might be able to get somewhere if you use facts as bargaining chips. 你對某人或某些情況可能有些不切寶際的誤解,尤其本週剛開始的時候, 差一點就把這個人或事情直接放在最重要的位置上了。 不過,在就週五時你就會有完全不同的見解了, 這當然是因為能量混亂後帶出的挫折感,讓你或對方釋放出最糟的一面。 溝通可能還不足以能夠改善你倆之間的問題, 但是如果你拿事實(或數據)來當談判的籌碼,可能會有些許幫助。 http://goo.gl/IcMKOB Claire's Your artistic abilities come to the fore and you no longer feel the need to do what looks right, but you’ll be doing what feels right instead. Geminis link to new and improved avenues opening up in the workplace from Tuesday. Don’t cancel nights out with friends, as they are forecast to be just what the doctor ordered. Ring now to hear which sign to let down gently. 羊兒的藝術能力正在顯現,你不再想做那些看起來對的事,而是去做你感覺對的事。 週二過後雙子的朋友會幫助你在職場上開啟新的林蔭大道。 還有,別取消晚上與朋友們的活動喲!因為那些正是醫生叮嚀你要遵守去做的~ -- 星期一就被氣飽 呼! -- 企業文化是很難被動搖的 http://goo.gl/dX4czc -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1464602121.A.E59.html

05/30 23:25, , 1F
05/30 23:25, 1F

05/30 23:28, , 2F
05/30 23:28, 2F

05/30 23:40, , 3F
05/30 23:40, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1NJ0u9vP (Aries)