[情報] 08/03 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2016/08/02 22:32), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/XQit06 Astrology.com You are loaded with energy right now -- and being so high-spirited, you'll have a lot of fun juggling all the tasks that other people might find too boring to deal with. This makes you very valuable, and very popular! Expect people to toss you some easy tasks that you can use to build up your expertise and your resume. They don't have the time to deal with them, but you do. Your usefulness will be rewarded and remembered, so don't think that you're doing other people's work for no reason. 你現在充滿能量 - 而且情緒正high,你會在大家認為很無趣的事務中開心的努力著。 這讓你覺得自己很有價值,而且很搶手呢! 可以期待別人交待給你一些簡單,但是可以為你的專業增加精采度的簡單工作; 這些人沒有時間做這些事,但你有。 而你這時提供的幫助也會為你帶來獎勵且被人記住, 所以別以為你是毫無理由的為別人做他們應該做的工作喲! http://goo.gl/6lCFv5 Astrocenter.com Love and romance are coming your way today, but it's important to be practical, Aries. Don't take your relationships for granted. Realize that love doesn't necessarily mean that everything is perfect. Structure and discipline are often required in order to maintain a healthy partnership. You should be able to incorporate these elements rather well, so make the most of this energy. 今天(08/03)充滿著戀愛般的粉紅泡泡喲,不過羊兒們最好還是實際點; 別把你擁有的一切視為理所當然,也要明白愛情並非事事講究完美。 建設性與自制力是為了維持一段更健康的夥伴關係, 好好善用你手裡的這股能量,應該能夠輕而易舉的把這些元素運用得宜。 http://goo.gl/Tt6IN8 Claire's You've had a lot to get through this year, but look how far you've come. Now, start to work out what and who should be your priority, as not even you can cope with everything. 整年度下來,羊兒有許多難關要渡過,但看看你一路已經走了這麼多了! 接下來,你應該關注一下待辦清單的優先順序, 畢竟就連超強的羊兒你,都無法一次把全部的事情做完啊。 -- 最近腦子有點空。 -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1470148341.A.26D.html

08/02 22:37, , 1F
08/02 22:37, 1F

08/02 22:37, , 2F
是有點在幫同事做事 但有獲得肯定了><
08/02 22:37, 2F

08/02 22:38, , 3F
謝謝分享 每天在運勢裡得到能量吧
08/02 22:38, 3F

08/02 22:41, , 4F
08/02 22:41, 4F

08/02 22:49, , 5F
08/02 22:49, 5F

08/02 23:53, , 6F
謝謝翻譯 超多難關的呀
08/02 23:53, 6F

08/03 00:08, , 7F
08/03 00:08, 7F

08/03 03:28, , 8F
08/03 03:28, 8F

08/03 15:08, , 9F
第一則準耶 但還沒看出什麼獎勵
08/03 15:08, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1NeAxr9j (Aries)