[情報] 2017/01/13(五)Comitic每日運勢

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間7年前 (2017/01/12 21:18), 7年前編輯推噓5(5010)
留言15則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Friday Jan 13 2017 You may be avoiding a conversation about a relationship that occasionally causes you a lot of stress and anxiety. At times this bond is bearable. Sometimes it's actually quite pleasant. That may be why you are hesitant to open up a Pandora's Box of emotion and possibly end up in a fight with this person. But it really doesn't have to wind up in a conflict or even an argument, Aries. Think about the personality of the person you are dealing with, and come up with a compassionate strategy for making this an upbeat, positive conversation that can pave the way to happiness for both of you. -- 你可能會避開跟某種人際關係有關的話題,因為那會使你感到壓力與焦慮。有時它像是你 承受得起的債券,而有時它又是那麼地愉快。這可能就是讓你猶豫要不要打開情感的潘朵 拉盒子,或是和他在一場鬥爭後結束關係的原因。但羊羊,你真的不需要用衝突或是爭論 來結尾啊!想想和你來往的這個人的個性,再用同情心策略來個樂觀且正向的談話,然後 你就能走上讓你們兩個都開心的結局了。 -- 黑色星期五!! 明天最慘的是要開年度會議 + 尾牙 = 一天的工作時間都飛走了 我想趕工Q_Q -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1484227136.A.FD2.html ※ 編輯: cat412 (, 01/12/2017 21:19:21

01/12 21:21, , 1F
01/12 21:21, 1F

01/12 21:27, , 2F
01/12 21:27, 2F

01/12 21:45, , 3F
01/12 21:45, 3F

01/12 23:13, , 4F
開心的結局是放手嗎...唉 真的很想挽回
01/12 23:13, 4F

01/13 00:15, , 5F
01/13 00:15, 5F

01/13 00:39, , 6F
01/13 00:39, 6F

01/13 01:45, , 7F
這跟放手或挽回無關, 只是建議不用覺得溝通就會吵架,多
01/13 01:45, 7F

01/13 01:47, , 8F
想想對方的個性,多些同理心, 溝通就會順利~
01/13 01:47, 8F

01/13 01:49, , 9F
原因沒有談到"結束關係", 原文的意思是指因為害怕溝通
01/13 01:49, 9F

01/13 01:49, , 10F
01/13 01:49, 10F

01/13 01:51, , 11F
的結果只是爭吵, 所以羊羊會害怕溝通, 但只要多想想對方
01/13 01:51, 11F

01/13 01:51, , 12F
平常個性, 多些同理心, 正向一點就能好好溝通
01/13 01:51, 12F

01/13 01:53, , 13F
最近跟某個人相處有甚麼壓力或焦慮嗎? 試試吧!
01/13 01:53, 13F
感謝j大糾正~ 不過今天快過完了所以就...算了XD

01/13 03:37, , 14F
01/13 03:37, 14F

01/13 03:37, , 15F
01/13 03:37, 15F
※ 編輯: cat412 (, 01/13/2017 22:44:30
文章代碼(AID): #1OTu90_I (Aries)