[官網] 教授延長F16的Deadline

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作者 kevinsyc (Orange) 看板 Arsenal 標題 [官網] 教授延長F16的Deadline 時間 Sat May 3 03:21:44 2008 ─────────────────────────────────────── http://0rz.tw/c941A Wenger moves Flamini's contract deadline to Monday By Richard Clarke Mathieu Flamini's future will be sorted out by the start of next week. Arsène Wenger had set the end of April as the deadline for the out-of-contract midfielder to decide his future. However "negotiation problems" have held up the process. Now, the Arsenal manager expects a resolution by Monday. “It will be sorted out over the weekend," said Wenger. "Will he stay or not? That is down to him but the deadline is Sunday, Monday latest. "The deadline moved for negotiation problems. Only he could tell you [whether he will go or not]. For me yes he stays, but does he tell me the complete truth, I don’t know. "Ideally I want him to stay, but he’s free. That means if you get £2million here, £4 million somewhere else, you can go to the one who gives you four, or you can as well stay to the one who gives you two. “He is free to make a decision and you have to accept the market. You listen to everybody in Europe and take some time, that’s why the situation has lasted a little bit. But overall he’s free to go where he wants. You have to accept that because he’s not linked by a contract. Flamini has been superb for Arsenal this season but, although Wenger wants him to stay, the manager is confident that his side would cope if he did decide to go. “[If he goes] we will find a solution, don’t worry," said the 58-year-old. [ Friday, May 02, 2008] --- 整篇文章大綱:給你很大的面子 你F16簽不簽咱教授嚨沒在驚啦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kevinsyc 來自: (05/03 03:30)

05/03 11:48, , 1F
05/03 11:48, 1F

05/03 13:59, , 2F
05/03 13:59, 2F
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