Re: [情報] 轉會傳聞--Stephen Appiah

看板Arsenal作者 (show our quality)時間16年前 (2008/09/03 22:01), 編輯推噓9(9017)
留言26則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前Juventus Fenerbahce後腰 上個月成為自由球員 27歲 槍手最後的機會 Appiah - Prem is my dream move,19528,11670_4090526,00.html Ghana star Stephen Appiah has admitted moving to the Premier League would be a 'dream' for him. The 27-year-old former Juventus star is available on a free transfer after leaving Fenerbahce last month. Appiah is keen to secure a move to England and has held talks with a number of interested clubs, but West Ham confirmed they were in negotiations to take him to Upton Park. The 27-year-old former Juventus star is available on a free transfer after leaving Fenerbahce last month. Appiah is keen to secure a move to England and has held talks with a number of interested clubs, but West Ham confirmed they were in negotiations to take him to Upton Park. Arsenal are the latest club to be linked with Appiah as they look for midfield reinforcements, while Portsmouth are also believed to be keeping tabs on the powerful midfielder. Appiah has told that talks are ongoing with interested parties and that he is hoping to win a move to England. "There are contacts, there are talks - I can't say anything yet," he told "I am not going to put people off, my agents are talking so I have nothing else to say. "My dream is to play in the Premier League and with the help of God, I will realise that dream." 視頻 -- 帶領諾丁漢森林創造了42場不敗紀錄的老帥克拉夫說:「我還能對阿森納 說什麼?即便是我這個古怪的老頭,也被他們帶回了年輕的時刻。他們 撫愛足球的方式,如同我夢想中撫愛瑪麗蓮·夢露的方式一樣。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/03 22:04, , 1F 去年11月膝蓋受傷後最近傷癒復出
09/03 22:04, 1F

09/03 22:06, , 2F
09/03 22:06, 2F

09/03 22:09, , 3F
09/03 22:09, 3F

09/03 22:23, , 4F
09/03 22:23, 4F

09/03 22:44, , 5F
希望是能真的補進來 不希望再見到那樣捉襟見肘的場面
09/03 22:44, 5F

09/04 03:38, , 6F
捉襟見肘XD 我們確實不能再失去更多人了(嘆)
09/04 03:38, 6F

09/04 03:59, , 7F
Prem is my dream move 樣版版標 XD
09/04 03:59, 7F

09/04 08:35, , 8F
09/04 08:35, 8F

09/04 16:19, , 9F 對球員現況說的詳細可以一看
09/04 16:19, 9F

09/05 15:52, , 10F
上面說他正隨著Brescia練球 最後聽說他跟Fenerbahce是不歡而
09/05 15:52, 10F

09/05 15:53, , 11F
散 為了解他的人品去查了下原因 畢竟他是隊上主力後腰 沒理
09/05 15:53, 11F

09/05 15:58, , 12F
由說放就放 文章說Fenerbahce
09/05 15:58, 12F

09/05 15:59, , 13F
醫生亂來 錯把病情當哮喘醫 是之後換義大利醫生才發現不對
09/05 15:59, 13F

09/05 16:01, , 14F
所以他到底生了什麼病? 有人知道嗎?
09/05 16:01, 14F

09/05 16:02, , 15F
因為這樣讓傷情延後康復 也讓他錯失了以隊長身分出賽非洲盃
09/05 16:02, 15F

09/05 16:04, , 16F
的機會 Fenerbahce甚至意隱瞞事實 還怪罪他跟媒體 透露內部
09/05 16:04, 16F

09/05 16:07, , 17F
私人訊息 打算未經本人同意下 就試圖終止他的合約
09/05 16:07, 17F

09/05 16:09, , 18F
最後就因為不信任管理層所以沒續約 成為自由球員
09/05 16:09, 18F

09/05 16:11, , 19F
回綠耳 文章說他只是膝蓋受傷需要動手術 但兩個月之後發現
09/05 16:11, 19F

09/05 16:14, , 20F
膝蓋還在痛 因為隊醫一直誤診為哮喘 浪費了近半年
09/05 16:14, 20F

09/05 16:18, , 21F
記得兩季前他跟槍手曾有傳聞 最後他去了Fenerbahce
09/05 16:18, 21F

09/05 16:19, , 22F
印象中評價一直不錯 也沒傳過任何身體健康問題 身為迦納隊長
09/05 16:19, 22F

09/05 16:21, , 23F
膝蓋痛以為是哮喘 腳痛醫頭!!!???
09/05 16:21, 23F

09/05 16:25, , 24F
代表他的實力 他的健康應該還比Bischoff好才對
09/05 16:25, 24F

09/05 16:40, , 25F
謝謝部長開示! (跪拜)
09/05 16:40, 25F
※ 編輯: Nvboy 來自: (09/05 16:48)

09/05 22:30, , 26F 這篇好懂 簡單明暸
09/05 22:30, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #18lfZEts (Arsenal)