Re: [閒聊] 冰淇淋男: 我很後悔

看板Arsenal作者 (KEEP THE FAITH)時間15年前 (2009/07/21 01:57), 編輯推噓17(1705)
留言22則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1

07/21 00:45,
07/21 00:45
※ 引述《briankch (1234)》之銘言: : Alexander Hleb's Arsenal regret: I should never have left the Gunners - I'd : die for Wenger 赫萊布表示遺憾:我應該永不離開槍手的,我應該為溫格做牛做馬。 : By William Stewart : Last updated at 4:45 PM on 20th July 2009 : Alexander Hleb has confessed that his move from Arsenal to Barcelona last : year was a mistake he now regrets. 壓力山大嚇萊布承認他非常後悔去年他離開阿森納加盟巴塞隆納。 : The 28-year-old confirmed he is unhappy in Catalonia despite his team's : successes in the Spainish league and Europe last season. 這位二十八歲的中場承認他在加泰隆尼亞吃不習慣睡不好覺很不開心不幸福, 儘管他的隊友在這個賽季成功的拿下西甲冠軍跟歐冠。 : 'When you mostly sit on the bench, winning titles brings very little joy, : while getting to the last eight of the Champions League with Arsenal was : unforgettable,' said the Belarus winger. 「多半的時間坐在板凳,這樣贏來的冠軍,只能換來小小的喜悅,  跟槍手的各位打到歐冠八強失利,卻是讓人永身難忘。」白俄羅斯邊鋒這麼說。                          (你以為你在拍MasterCard嗎) : Please take me back: Alexander Hleb regrets leaving north London 「帶我回家~ 」赫萊布後悔離開北倫敦的這個決定。 : High hopes: Hleb after signing on at Barcelona : 'I regret my move from London, but unfortunately nothing can be done about : it now.' 「 我後悔離開倫敦的這個決定,但我現在做什麼也於事無補。」 : While Hleb feels he has been poorly treated by Nou Camp boss Pep Guardiola, : he showered praise on former manager Arsene Wenger. 當赫萊布在諾砍普被瓜帝歐拉無情的對待,他想起教授的如沐春風。 : 'For me, Wenger was like a father. I consider him one of the best managers : in the world. 「對我而言,溫格像是我爸爸,我覺得他是世界上最棒的教練。」 : 'For such a boss one wants to die on the pitch. Arsene managed to create a : smashing team with a wonderful atmosphere inside of it. 「對於這樣的教練任何人都願意在球場上鞠躬盡瘁 ,因為教授他試圖營造一個良好的團隊氣氛。」 : 'I have no doubts that if Arsenal had the same budget as Barcelona, the : Gunners would be among the three best clubs on the planet.' 「我從不懷疑如果阿森納擁有像巴賽的預算與荷包,那槍手將變成世上前三的俱樂部。」                  另外兩個是巴賽跟國米嗎 真會作人XDDD : Hleb is prepared to stick it out at Barca until the new year, but he has : been offered to Inter Milan as part of the swap deal that should see Sweden : striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic go in the opposite direction. 赫來布已經準備好跟巴賽一同奮戰到賽季結束, 但他已經成為跟國米伊布的交換的籌碼了。 : 科科 kerker -- 我原本要貼俄文翻譯的、、沒想到全都變框框、、、 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/21 02:01, , 1F
07/21 02:01, 1F

07/21 02:01, , 2F
07/21 02:01, 2F

07/21 02:03, , 3F
07/21 02:03, 3F

07/21 05:59, , 4F
07/21 05:59, 4F

07/21 07:40, , 5F
07/21 07:40, 5F

07/21 07:48, , 6F
'For such a boss one wants to die on the pitch'
07/21 07:48, 6F

07/21 07:54, , 7F
07/21 07:54, 7F

07/21 09:17, , 8F
為了這款教練在場上吐死我也願意 pitch百分之百是球場XD
07/21 09:17, 8F

07/21 10:32, , 9F
07/21 10:32, 9F

07/21 11:12, , 10F
07/21 11:12, 10F

07/21 12:04, , 11F
kerker XD
07/21 12:04, 11F

07/21 13:04, , 12F
kaka (誤)
07/21 13:04, 12F

07/21 13:14, , 13F
07/21 13:14, 13F
※ 編輯: kevinsyc 來自: (07/21 13:31)

07/21 21:57, , 14F
07/21 21:57, 14F

07/21 22:01, , 15F
公牛王朝功臣!! Steve KerKer!!
07/21 22:01, 15F

07/21 22:49, , 16F
07/21 22:49, 16F

07/21 23:06, , 17F
07/21 23:06, 17F

07/21 23:17, , 18F
同上..當年射爆巔峰期的小牛 :(
07/21 23:17, 18F

07/21 23:29, , 19F
07/21 23:29, 19F

07/22 14:53, , 20F
07/22 14:53, 20F

07/22 18:54, , 21F
07/22 18:54, 21F

07/22 20:10, , 22F
太強了,出張嘴Nasri腿就斷了 囧
07/22 20:10, 22F
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