[分享] Aerosim針對上的月飛行失事意外之回應

看板Aviation作者 (AEF)時間9年前 (2015/09/02 10:04), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Yes, Aerosim did experience a very difficult and tragic accident in July. 是的,Aerosim在今年七月,發生了一起讓人遺憾的意外。 The NTSB is still investigating and has not released an official report. NTSB已在調查中,目前尚未有正式的報告出爐。 For this reason, Aerosim cannot specifically comment on any details related to the accident. 為此,Aerosim無法對這個事件的細節進行任何回應。 That being said; Aerosim has one of the best safety records in the industry, while flying an average of 250 hours a day, 7 days a week, almost every day of the year. Everyone understands that there are hazards and risks associated with pilot training. But, nothing takes a higher priority at Aerosim than Safety. Not only in the air, but on the ground, during maintenance, transportation, etc. 在這個行業中,Aerosim為擁有最好的飛安記錄之一的業者,幾乎每天250hrs飛時,一 週七天,全年無休。每個人都瞭解飛行訓練是有風險的,但在Aerosim,飛安是我們的 首要考慮,不只是在天上,也包括地面及維修,運輸...等等。 It is very important to us that every student and employee goes home to their families safe and sound when their work is done. 對我們來說,每個學生與員工可以在一天的工作或訓練完成後,回到家中與家人在一起, 是非常重要的。 For these reasons, Aerosim is continually striving to improve our safety performance in every area. Be it Operations, Maintenance, and even in the classrooms; Aerosim works to identify risks, put in place safeguards and mitigation strategies to minimize these risks and work to train both students and employees on how to be the most safe and professional person that they can be. 為此,Aerosim持續努力的加強每個項目中的安全,在操作面,維修面,甚至是教室中, Aerosim定義危險,加入必要的安全保護動作,以及在策略面上宣導來降低學員與所有 員工的風險,並盡我們的全力來教育他們,使他們成為安全與專業的人員。 At Aerosim we know that we cannot change the past. However, we can learn from our experience and ensure that as we move forward we reduce any other potential incidents. We have done a very thorough internal analysis of every department, system, procedure and document as it relates to the accident. Federal authorities such as the NTSB and FAA have done the same. And, as always, our doors are open to our valued clients and customers to conduct analysis, review and audits. All of this in an effort to ensure that we learn everything we can from this incident in an effort to get better and minimize the chances of it ever happening again. 在Aerosim,我們知道我們無法改變歷史,但是我們可以從教訓中學到經驗,並在未來 確保類似的事情不會再發生,降低可能的風險。我們針對此次事件,在各部門中,做 了非常仔細的內部分析,包括相關的系統,程序及文件。NTSB及FAA也做了相同的事情, 同時,我們也開放讓我們的客戶,進行瞭解,審查與稽核,所有這些的努力,都 是為了確保我們在這個事件上,學到事情,降低我們在未來潛在的風險並讓我們變的 更好,避免類似的事情再度發生。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1441159446.A.351.html

09/02 11:33, , 1F
09/02 11:33, 1F
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