[Never Gone] 04.Forces of Nature

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※ [本文轉錄自 lyrics 看板] 作者: vkp (vkp) 看板: lyrics 標題: Backstreet Boys [Never Gone] 04.Forces of Nature 時間: Tue May 3 16:46:44 2005 Forces of Nature Opposites attract, chemicals react Like when I look at you Deserts need the rain, fire feeds the flames You can't deny what's true I can't help the way I feel (Cuz you got me, yeah) All these elements are real They come from deep within me I would move heaven and earth for this fire For this ocean I'll fight for you Let this emotion on wind takes us higher Where there's nothing we can do I love you Yes, I love you This power is greater Than the forces of nature We don't have no walls The beauty of it all Is waiting in your eyes Breathing on my skin Just let me take it in Under an open sky I can't help the way I feel (Cuz you got me, yeah) All these elements are real They come from deep within me I would move heaven and earth for this fire For this ocean I'll fight for you Let this emotion on wind takes us higher Where there's nothing we can do I love you Yes, I love you This power is greater Than the forces of nature Nothing is greater than the energy I get from loving you Sooner or later It'll take us to forever I would move heaven and earth for this fire For this ocean I'll fight for you Let this emotion on wind takes us higher Where there's nothing we can do I would move heaven and earth for this fire For this ocean I'll fight for you Let this emotion on wind takes us higher Where there's nothing we can do I love you Yes, I love you This power is greater Than the forces of nature -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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