[徵才] 台北市 中研院生醫所吳成文院士實驗室 …

看板Bio-Job作者 (呼...)時間14年前 (2010/08/11 20:42), 編輯推噓1(102)
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【職缺名稱】博士後研究員 一名 【徵才單位】中研院生醫所 吳成文院士實驗室 【工作地址】中央研究院 (台北市南港區) 【工作內容】Investigate of molecular mechanisms responsible for lung cancer oncogene addiction, metastasis, and drug resistance. 【徵才條件】具有分子, 細胞, 癌症生物學背景 【薪資待遇】比照國科會或中研院博士後研究員之標準 (第一年55000起, 但依資歷可另行商議) 【聯絡方式】cwwu@ym.edu.tw 請先寄送電子履歷表, 再通知面試 【其他備註】工作地點可能會在中研院或陽明大學, 需要和老師再討論, 但應該是在中研院. 參考網頁 Website: http://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/big5/pages/pi/index.php?id=56 Postdoctoral fellow position The National Yang-Ming University and IBMS, Academia Sinica, provide unique opportunities for translational research of lung cancer. One Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Cheng-Wen Wu for a highly motivated individual with an interest and background in cellular, molecular or cancer biology. The successful candidate will join our efforts to investigate molecular mechanisms responsible for lung cancer oncogene addiction, metastasis, and drug resistance. This is a post-graduate position in which the individual is responsible for assisting in research activities as well as conducting independent research projects under appropriate supervision. Successful candidates will have a PhD in molecular biology, cell biology or related fields, and have extensive experience, and familiar with modern techniques in these field. Dr. Cheng-Wen Wu, a distinguished chair professor of the National Yang-Ming University and member of Academia Sinica, has a good record of training graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Many of them are now scientific leaders in Taiwan and abroad. Please send CV, cover letter, and contact information for two references to Dr. Cheng-Wen Wu at cwwu@ym.edu.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: genep 來自: (08/11 20:44)

08/11 23:58, , 1F
08/11 23:58, 1F

08/12 06:33, , 2F
08/12 06:33, 2F

08/12 16:15, , 3F
明年來徵看看啊, 總是有機會的:)
08/12 16:15, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1COfgy8P (Bio-Job)