Re: [轉錄][新聞] Cyber-Detectives Deep Six Cell …

看板Biotech作者 (seize)時間18年前 (2006/12/15 05:48), 編輯推噓3(304)
留言7則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
因版權問題 僅轉錄幾段重點 News of the Week SCIENTIFIC MISCONDUCT: Online Sleuths Challenge Cell Paper Hao Xin [deleted] In an e-mail to Science, Yu-Chan Chao, dean of the College of Life Sciences at the university, calls the episode an "unfortunate case." But Chao went on to say that Chang's team had provided "repeatable data suggesting that their overall conclusions were correct and reproducible." The Cell paper, which questioned prevailing views of how transcription of a gene's DNA begins in bacteria, was challenged publicly on 16 November when an anonymous posting appeared on an electronic bulletin board run by Chinese students in the United States. The posting alleged that starting with figure 2 of the paper, "several dozen western lanes appeared to be copied and pasted." The board has been abuzz with discussions about the study since then. Another poster claimed to have used "difference blending," a feature of the image software Adobe Photoshop, to compare the upper parts of lanes in the high-resolution version of panel C of figure 2 of the Cell paper and concluded that they were almost identical. A subsequent reply on the board attributed to Chang denied any wrongdoing. And in an e-mail to Science last week, before the university investigation, Chang denied that images in the paper had been manipulated and stated that the "conclusion we made for the Cell paper is true on the basis of our data." [deleted] After Chang's online rebuttal, bulletin-board posters said they would contact Michael Rossner, managing editor of the Journal of Cell Biology and an expert on detecting image manipulation. Rossner confirmed to Science by e-mail that he was familiar with the case and "agree[s] with the students that some of the images are indeed questionable." Cell also received word of the allegations and started an investigation, confirmed Emilie Marcus, the journal's executive editor. (As Science went to press, Cell had not published a retraction, and Chang had not confirmed that he was retracting the paper.) Last Friday, Chung Hsing University convened a committee, which consisted of two university vice presidents, the dean of the College of Life Sciences, and two top scientists from outside the university, to investigate the alleged manipulation. They advised Chang to retract the paper, Chao wrote. "The university will take this as a serious lesson for ethics education at all the colleges in the future," he added. [deleted] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/15 06:11, , 1F
最機車的是SCEIENCE的作者還說可能還有lessons (見原文)
12/15 06:11, 1F

12/15 06:12, , 2F
例如在JBC的PAPER XD 張老師現在應該覺得很倒楣吧
12/15 06:12, 2F

12/15 06:20, , 3F
這大陸人全篇文章的口吻都很機車 看了讓人很不爽
12/15 06:20, 3F

12/15 06:21, , 4F
極盡諷刺之能事 為何Science會讓她寫這種文章 奇怪
12/15 06:21, 4F

12/15 07:12, , 5F
12/15 07:12, 5F

12/15 07:14, , 6F
There may be more lessons to come .......@@
12/15 07:14, 6F

12/16 13:04, , 7F
十足的唯恐天下不亂 搧風點火之作....
12/16 13:04, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #15WSQrGu (Biotech)