[規則] Mansions of Madness 官方勘誤與FAQ翻譯

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以下附上不負責任翻譯與排版的勘誤與FAQ 是的! 你沒有看錯 打開盒子以後已經有N張印錯的卡外 還有很多錯... 相當懷疑FFG是不是被神異事件嚇傻了 心智歸零這樣 就連官方勘誤裡 也可以找到錯... 有改規則 有遊戲設置時的錯誤(劇本3 5 都有 5錯超大) 作過簡單的防雷處理 想被捏請開燈 剛看了一下發現使用上似乎沒有很方便 另有word檔就站內信吧 Errata and FAQ Version 1.0 This document contains errata and answers to frequentlyasked questions for the Mansions of Madness board game.Last updated 3-09-2011. Errata勘誤 ‧ Strange Skies Mythos Card: This card should list“Front Path” instead of “ Back Door” as a requirement. 神話卡"Strange Skies":需求條件應該是"Front Path"而非"Back Door"。 ‧ Witchcraft Keeper Action Card: The second sentence onthis card should read “ Action: You may discard 1 Mythos orTrauma card to gain 1 Threat.” (The keeper may not discard as many cards as he wants to gain threat). 看守者行動卡"Witchcraft":第二段應該修正為"棄掉一張神話或創傷卡片,獲得一點威脅 值(看守者不能棄任意數量的卡來獲得威脅值)"。 ‧ Dark Ritual Keeper Action Card: This card may only beused once per turn. 看守者行動卡"Dark Ritual":這張卡一回合只能用一次。 ‧ Dynamite Starting Item Card: This card should have the“Weapon” trait instead of the “Equipment” trait. 起始物品卡"Dynamite":這張卡類型應該是"武器"而非"裝備"。 ‧ Suitcase Obstacle Card: The image on this card is wrong.It should show puzzle “6A” (matching the text). 障礙卡"Suitcase":圖片應該與文字一樣是”6A” ‧ Blood Pact Spell Card: One of these cards instructs the player to discard 1 insanity Trauma card. This should insteadsay “Discard 1 injury Trauma card꠮ 法術卡"Blood Pact":其中一張應該是棄掉一張傷害創傷卡而非如所印之"棄掉一張瘋狂 創傷卡"。 ‧ Named Monsters: Named monsters are immune to all effectsthat automatically kill a monster without dealing it wounds(such as Joe Diamond’s “Lucky Break” card). If the Objective card requires the investigators to kill a monster that was not given a specific name, it still follows all rules for named monsters (including the immunity listed above). 有名字的怪物:有名字的怪物無視所有不造成傷害直接殺死一個怪物的效果(如: Joe Diamond的 "Lucky Break")。如果目的卡要求調查員殺死某隻沒有取名的怪物,仍然按照上述處理 (包括前項的無視)。 Story 1: The Fall of House Lynch Errata(有一條防雷處理了) ‧ Keeper Action Cards: Use the "Command Minion"card (not "Command Monster"). ‧ Clue 1A: The keeper must place Walter Lynch within 2 spaces of any invtiga- -tor. 劇本一: 看守者行動卡:使用"指揮爪牙"卡(Command Minion而非Command Monster)。 線索1A:守護者必須將Walter Lynch 放置在任意調查員之兩空間之內。 Story 3: Blood Ties Errata (非常重要!) ‧ Component Setup: The “Exploration Cards” section should include 1 additional “Nothing of Interest” card (total of 9). 劇本三: 物品設置階段:"Exploration Cards"應該多加一張“Nothing of Interest”(共九張)。 Story 5: Green Eyed Boy Errata (錯一坨,擺房間看第一條,守護者請接下去看) ‧ Map: The map has a few minor mistakes. Both the Gallery and Tower Room tiles should be rotated. The Gallery’s doors should line up with the Foyer and Dining Room, while the Tower Room’s door should line up with the Attic Loft. Lastly, note that Investigators start at the entrance of the Foyer. ‧ Component Setup: “Blood Pact” should not be listed under “Exploration cards”. Instead this should list “De Vermis Mysteriis” and “Crucifix”. ‧ Seed Cards: This incorrectly references a few rooms as follows: “Bathroom” should say “Bathroom 1” and “Coat Storage” should say “Coat Room”. In addition, the Freezer’s section should read: ‧ 1B: Nothing of Interest, Opening the Gate ‧ 2A and 1A/1C: Whatley’s Diary, Dreadful Passage ‧ 2B and 1A/1C: Ceremonial Skull, Dreadful Passage 劇本五: 地圖:地圖出了一些錯誤。Gallery和Tower Room的圖板應該轉置,所以Gallery的門會對著 Foyer 和Dining Room,Tower Room的門會對著Attic Loft。 最後,調查員的起始位置是Foyer的入口。 物品設置階段:"Blood Pact"不應該被列在"Exploration cards"之中, 而應該是"De Vermis Mysteriis"和"Crucifix"。 線索卡: 以下出了一些錯: 1.“Bathroom”應該是“Bathroom 1” 2.“Coat Storage”應該是“Coat Room”. 3. Freezer內容物應為: ‧ 1B: Nothing of Interest, Opening the Gate ‧ 2A and 1A/1C: Whatley’s Diary, Dreadful Passage ‧ 2B and 1A/1C: Ceremonial Skull, Dreadful Passage Frequently Asked Questions常見問答 Q: Can the keeper use Uncontrollable urges to make an investigator attack another Investigator with a weapon? What about spells? A: No. This only allows him to use a spell, equipment, artifact or tome card. If he forces an investigator to cast a spell, he must choose a legal target. To clarify, if a spell says “choose a Monster”, it may not be used against an investigator (even if playing Story 5). As another example, the Keeper may not force an investigatorto use the “Sedative” equipment on an investigator who does not have a Trauma card. 問:看守者可以用Uncontrollable urges讓調查員用武器嗎?法術呢? 答:不行!這只能用法術、裝備、神器、或是書。如果是讓調查員施法則他必須選擇合法的 目標,更清楚地說,如果法術上說”選擇一個怪物”則就不能對調查員施法(就算是故事五) 。再來一個例子,看守者不可以強迫調查員用Sedative在一個沒有創傷卡的調查員身上。 Q: When is the bold text on Keeper Action cards resolved? A: Any bold text on these cards is always active, regardless of whether or not he has used the Action card during his turn. 問:看守者行動卡上的粗體字什麼時候處理? 答:此類卡片的粗體字永遠都作用,不論該回合看守者有沒有用那張卡。 Q: Can investigators and monsters move up the side of the Foyer stairs (essentially climbing the banister)? A: Yes. 問:調查員或怪物可以翻越Foyer的樓梯把手嗎? 答:可。 Q: Can investigators escape the map before the Objective card is revealed? A: No. They can only escape if the Objective card is revealed and only if it specifically allows them to escape the map. 問:調查員們可以在目的卡翻出來前逃出地圖嗎? 答:不行。一定要目的卡允許且翻開才能離開地圖。 Q: What happens if the Objective card requires all investigators to escape, but one of them was killed before the finale? A: In order to win the game, only 1 investigator per player is required to escape. If an investigator was killed before the finale, the player will receive a new investigator. However, if an investigator is killed during the finale, the investigators will not be able to win the game (since he does not receive a new investigator). 問:如果有目的卡要求所有調查員逃出地圖,但是有人先死了怎麼辦? 答:按照順序來看,一個玩家只需要逃出一個調查員,如果調查員在最終幕前陣亡,該玩家 獲得一個新調查員。但是如果在最終幕間調查員身亡,則調查員們無法獲得勝利(因為不會 有新調查員了)。 Q: Are the investigators required to setup the map? A: Although the map must be setup before the game, some keepers will prefer to do this before the game. This rule exists so that other players have something to do while the keeper is setting up. Any players can help with any part of setup (besides “Story Choices”, “Seed Cards”, and “Investigator Setup”). 問:調查員必須要設置地圖嗎? 答:為了不讓看守者太忙而你太無聊,你爽就好。 但是強烈不建議介入“Story Choices”、“Seed Cards”和“Investigator Setup”這 些部分。 Story Specific FAQ 劇本特殊問答 Q: In Story 1, how does the flaming zombie work? A: The fire token has no effect while on the zombie. When the zombie is killed, the fire token is placed in the room. 問:劇本一中,flaming zombie是怎麼個搞法? 答:火焰指示物在殭屍身上的時候沒有效果。當殭屍被殺之後,把火焰指示物放在那間房間 裡。 Q: In Story 2, where does the Ladder in the Monastery lead to? A: It does not lead anywhere until another Ladder token is placed on the map. 問:劇本二中,Monastery裡的那個梯子接哪啊? 答:玩下去就知道了啦…Q: In Story 2, where does the Ladder in the Monastery lead to? Q: In Story 2, what happens when the final event card is resolved when playing and using Objective 1A or 1C? A: All players lose the game (since it is impossible for them to have clue 1B). 問:劇本二中,如果是玩1A或1C怎麼辦? 答:全部人一起輸(因為你一輩子都不會在那找到線索1B)。 Q: In Story 2, how does Objective 1B work? A: Once per game, if the keeper is fulfilling the requirements on the Objective card during his turn, he may summon a Cthonian. This does not kill any cultists, and can even be done if the Objective card is already revealed. 問:劇本二中,線索1B是幹什麼吃的? 答:一場遊戲一次,如果守護者在他的回合完成目的卡上的要求,則他可以招換一隻 Cthonian。這不會害死任何教徒,而且就算目的卡已經翻開了也能發動。 Q: In Story 5 if an investigator kills an investigator who has the “Loss of Will” Mythos Card, is he considered to have killed an investigator character? A: No. 問:劇本五中,如果有調查員A殺了有Loss of Will這張神話卡的調查員,A算是殺了調查員嗎 答:不算。 Status Effects FAQ狀態效果問答 Q: Can both fire and darkness exist in the same room? A: Yes. Thematically this darkness is actually thick black smoke. 問:火焰指示物和黑暗指示物可以在同一間房間裡面嗎? 答:可。情境上,黑暗來自於厚重的黑煙。 Q: Does darkness effect horror or evasion checks? A: No. 問:黑暗會影響驚嚇或是閃避檢定嗎? 答:不會。 Q: Can stunned Investigators perform actions? A: Yes. A stunned investigator receives 1 movement step and 1 action step on his turn. 問:被震懾的調查員可以執行行動嗎? 答:可以。被震懾的調查員在他的回合會獲得一點移動和一個行動。 Q: If the keeper forces an investigator to drop a Torch in a room that is in darkness, can the investigator still ignore darkness? A: No. Exploration card abilities may only be used if an investigator is carrying the item. 問:如果看守者強迫一個調查員在一間黑暗的房間丟下他的火把,那個調查員還能無視黑暗 嗎? 答:不行。物品功能只有在被調查員拿著的時候才會有效。 Q: Do stunned monsters cause evade checks? What about horror checks? Can they take samples? A: Investigators can freely evade stunned monsters (because they cannot attack). Stunned monsters still cause Horror checks and can still take samples (although they are not moved after taking the sample). 問:對被震懾的怪物需要做閃避檢定嗎?驚嚇檢定呢?他們可以奪取樣本嗎? 答:不用閃避(因為牠們不能攻擊),仍然需要驚嚇檢定,並且可以奪取樣本(雖然拿完之後不 能動)。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ETOHs 來自: (03/23 04:34)

03/23 04:54, , 1F
官方勘誤裡 也可以找到錯... -囧-
03/23 04:54, 1F

03/23 06:04, , 2F
03/23 06:04, 2F

03/23 07:48, , 3F
03/23 07:48, 3F

03/23 19:02, , 4F
請問如果沒有玩過這類型的遊戲的話 比較推山中小屋還是
03/23 19:02, 4F

03/23 19:02, , 5F
mansions of madness?
03/23 19:02, 5F

03/23 22:21, , 6F
03/23 22:21, 6F

03/23 22:23, , 7F
03/23 22:23, 7F

03/23 22:23, , 8F
03/23 22:23, 8F

03/23 22:24, , 9F
03/23 22:24, 9F

03/23 22:26, , 10F
03/23 22:26, 10F

03/23 22:27, , 11F
03/23 22:27, 11F

03/23 22:27, , 12F
03/23 22:27, 12F

03/23 22:28, , 13F
03/23 22:28, 13F

03/23 22:29, , 14F
03/23 22:29, 14F

03/23 22:29, , 15F
03/23 22:29, 15F

03/23 22:30, , 16F
所以到底要選哪一個? 你爽就好XD
03/23 22:30, 16F
※ 編輯: ETOHs 來自: (04/05 00:37)

04/05 00:38, , 17F
04/05 00:38, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1DYGBrTl (BoardGame)