[規則] 漢薩同盟新版雙人規則(基本及各擴充皆適用)

看板BoardGame作者 ( .)時間9年前 (2015/02/27 14:09), 編輯推噓7(700)
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因為最近要玩雙人規則,所以順便翻譯了一下 此雙人規則也可以套用在基本地圖或東方擴充上 多了一個中立玩家,還沒實際玩過,但感覺比初版的雙人規則有趣 兩人遊戲規則: 設置遊戲時,拿一個沒被使用的顏色米寶作為中立玩家。靠著每個有特殊功能的城市旁邊 的貿易路線上,放置一個trader(方塊),(不列顛擴充中為黃底字的城市: Newcastle, Chester, York, Norwich, London, also Plymouth and Cardiff)。放置一個中立方塊到 每個有獎勵標記的路徑(不列顛擴充Richmond-Lancaster, Coventry-Nottingham, Salisbury-Southampton)。另外放一個中立方塊在計分條上,中立玩家無法贏得遊戲,但 是當中立玩家到達20分時,一樣call game。 當一個中立方塊被踢時,另一個玩家按照一般被踢的規則,從銀行拿額外一個中立方塊, 將兩個中立方塊放在相鄰的交易路線。(不列顛擴充中,還是要照擴充規則,在England、 Wales、Scotland中,就只能在那個區域中移動) 如果一條貿易路線被中立方塊占滿,立刻完成此路線(在當前玩家的行動回合中)。控制此 路線兩端城市的玩家(不管是玩家或中立)立刻照一般規則計分。當前玩家將一個中立方塊 放在兩旁城市的其中一個公會中,忽略公會形狀跟顏色的限制(圓或方)。如果此路線連結 到解鎖特殊能力的城市,那麼保留一個中立方塊在此路線上。 中立玩家不使用Merchants(圓形token),但是仍然可以放置方塊在海路上。如果中立玩家 獲得獎賞標記,直接棄掉不使用。在當前玩家回合結束時,當前玩家幫自己及中立玩家放 置新抽出的獎賞標記(按照一般規則放置)。在每一個新放置獎賞標記的貿易路線上,放置 一個中立方塊。 如果沒有空的貿易路線可以放置獎賞標記,可以將獎賞標記放在只有一個中立方塊的貿易 路線作為替代。此時不用在多放置一個中立方塊上去。 如果中立方塊用完時,拿其他未使用的顏色的方塊做代替。 遊戲結束結算分數時,照一般規則決定城市由誰控制,中立玩家也可以控制城市,(亦即 沒有人可以得到控制此城市的2分)。中立玩家也可以在Scotland跟Wales,獲得控制最多 城市的分數。以及完成Arnheim跟Stendal連線的分數。但是中立玩家不會贏得遊戲勝利。 此雙人遊戲規則也可以套用在基本地圖及東方擴充上。 附上原來英文規則做對照,如有翻譯錯誤或意思不清的地方,歡迎指正。 Two Player Rules When setting up the game, place a non-player trader (neutral color) on all routes adjacent to cities providing special actions beyond building Kontors (yellow marked cities Newcastle, Chester, York, Norwich, London, also Plymouth and Cardiff). Place a neutral trader on all routes with a bonus marker (Richmond-Lancaster, Coventry-Nottingham, Salisbury-Southampton. Also, place a neutral trader on the prestige point track – the neutral player may not win the game, but terminate it with 20 prestige points. Whenever a neutral trader is displaced, the other player moves it and an additional neutral trader to an adjacent trade route (regular displacement rules – neutral traders are not one‘s own traders and may not be placed in England when displaced in Wales). If a trade route is entirely occupied with neutral traders, it will be established immediately (within the active player‘s turn). The active player places a neutral Kontor in an adjacent city, and prestige points are payed. Neutral traders occupy the next available house in a city irrespective from it ‘s colour(Privilegium) or shape (Merchant). The remaining traders are removed from the game board – if the trade route doesn‘t lead to city with special capabilities: In this case, one trader remains on the trade route again. The neutral player doesn‘t use Merchants, but may place traders on sea routes. If he gains a bonus marker, it will be discarded without being activated. At the end of his turn the active player inserts new bonus markers both for himself and the neutral player (regular rules apply). A neutral trader is placed on all routes newly occupied with bonus markers. If no empty trade route is left to place a trader, routes with only one neutral trader may be used instead (Kontor in an adjacent city available remains unchanged, see basic rules). No additional neutral trader is placed on such trade routes. If the neutral player runs out of traders, cubes from an additional neutral color are used. Evaluating prestige points at the end of the game, the neutral player may control cities - which means that a “real” player possessing a “lesser” Kontor in this city does not gain two prestige points. The neutral player also gets prestige points for Wales and (during the game) for the Kontor network between Arnheim and Stendal. But the prestige points for the neutral player are not counted(the neutral player cannot win the game). This variant may be played with the basic Hansa Teutonica map, the East Extension and the Britannia extension map.Two Player Rules When setting up the game, place a non-player trader (neutral color) on all routes adjacent to cities providing special actions beyond building Kontors (yellow marked cities Newcastle, Chester, York, Norwich, London, also Plymouth and Cardiff). Place a neutral trader on all routes with a bonus marker (Richmond-Lancaster, Coventry-Nottingham, Salisbury-Southampton. Also, place a neutral trader on the prestige point track – the neutral player may not win the game, but terminate it with 20 prestige points. Whenever a neutral trader is displaced, the other player moves it and an additional neutral trader to an adjacent trade route (regular displacement rules – neutral traders are not one‘s own traders and may not be placed in England when displaced in Wales). If a trade route is entirely occupied with neutral traders, it will be established immediately (within the active player‘s turn). The active player places a neutral Kontor in an adjacent city, and prestige points are payed. Neutral traders occupy the next available house in a city irrespective from it ‘s colour(Privilegium) or shape (Merchant). The remaining traders are removed from the game board – if the trade route doesn‘t lead to city with special capabilities: In this case, one trader remains on the trade route again. The neutral player doesn‘t use Merchants, but may place traders on sea routes. If he gains a bonus marker, it will be discarded without being activated. At the end of his turn the active player inserts new bonus markers both for himself and the neutral player (regular rules apply). A neutral trader is placed on all routes newly occupied with bonus markers. If no empty trade route is left to place a trader, routes with only one neutral trader may be used instead (Kontor in an adjacent city available remains unchanged, see basic rules). No additional neutral trader is placed on such trade routes. If the neutral player runs out of traders, cubes from an additional neutral color are used. Evaluating prestige points at the end of the game, the neutral player may control cities - which means that a “real” player possessing a “lesser” Kontor in this city does not gain two prestige points. The neutral player also gets prestige points for Wales and (during the game) for the Kontor network between Arnheim and Stendal. But the prestige points for the neutral player are not counted(the neutral player cannot win the game). This variant may be played with the basic Hansa Teutonica map, the East Extension and the Britannia extension map. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BoardGame/M.1425017343.A.881.html

02/27 14:12, , 1F
02/27 14:12, 1F

02/27 15:08, , 2F
好遊戲 推!
02/27 15:08, 2F

02/27 15:25, , 3F
02/27 15:25, 3F

02/27 20:47, , 4F
02/27 20:47, 4F

02/27 22:05, , 5F
02/27 22:05, 5F

02/28 01:09, , 6F
02/28 01:09, 6F

03/01 11:48, , 7F
03/01 11:48, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ky0d_Y1 (BoardGame)