[翻譯] Mailbag: Will Braves keep up in East?

看板Braves作者 (心躁則音亂)時間16年前 (2008/01/16 03:17), 編輯推噓8(801)
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What National League East team do you think will pose the biggest threat for the Braves this year? Matthew S., Elko, Nev. 國聯哪支球隊會對勇士隊造成最大的威脅呢? (答:勇士隊) This once again appears to be a three-horse race, with the Mets only currently being listed to satisfy those looking to bet a trifecta. Of course, if New York general manager Omar Minaya is able to bring Johan Santana to Queens, prognosticators will have a much tougher time projecting the clear-cut kings of the NL East. 國聯東區又是一個三強鼎立的狀態Braves,Philly,Mets 大都會是否能帶回 上帝的左手Santana 將影響整個國聯東區最後排名的預測 As the Braves have shown with their acquisition of center fielder Mark Kotsay, roster reconstruction is far from complete for every Major League team. Some still believe the Twins want to deal Santana out of the American League, and because of this, the Mets still have reason to believe they could land the lefty and immediately turn a shaky rotation into a solid one. 交易來Kotsay意味著勇士在陣容上已經準備好迎接下一個球季 雙城隊一直想把 Santana 交易到國聯(以免放出去的狗反咬主人一口) Mets超想得到Santana (費城 勇士都有 top 1 2 sopt in rotation 大都會想搞來上帝左手 這樣一來 以為擁有上帝左右手就可以拿冠軍了 ) Assuming Kotsay proves to be healthy and regains the form he had before his back started giving him problems, there is definitely reason to believe Atlanta could be hoisting another division crown. Their starting staff possesses the desirable combination of both depth and talent and their lineup will certainly remain strong as long as both Jeff Francoeur and Brian McCann continue to develop into stellar Major Leaguers. 2008年的Kotsay如果能像2004 J.D. Drew 一樣整季健康 並發揮超人般實力 咱們 勇士隊就可以在季末享受拿香檳來洗頭的的快感(囤積兩年沒用的香檳 再不用就 要過期啦!!)我們的家鄉英雄Jeff Francoeur and Brian McCann會持續進步 As the rosters currently stand, I'd say the Phillies appear to be Atlanta's greatest threat. They have the talent to repeat as division champs this year even if they don't get another assist from the Mets, whose concerns center around their rotation and not how they'll rebound from last year's September collapse. 勇士2008球季最大的敵人是Phillies,Mets似乎一直關心於他的投手陣容的強弱 大都會陣容已經夠強大 他們該重視的是如何記取去年九月被費城逆轉的教訓 (上帝的左手不能帶你們去季後賽) The Phillies might regret the acquisition of Brad Lidge during some ninth innings in the band box that they call home. But even if a change of scenery isn't enough to end the mental woes the once-dominant closer battled in Houston, his arrival in Philadelphia has at least allowed Brett Myers to return to the rotation, and that should be considered a good thing in the City of Brotherly Love. 費城在新球季或許會對新來的Closer Brad Lidge感到些許失望 但Brad Lidge的 到來帶給費城的好處是Brett Myers可以回到先發陣容 這費城迷所樂見的 With Myers and ace Cole Hamels, arguably the NL's best young left-hander, the front of the Philadelphia rotation is solid. But it's certainly not better than the one-two punch Atlanta has with John Smoltz and Tim Hudson. And it definitely would again have to take a back seat if Santana is paired with Pedro Martinez, who will remain at least effective as long as his once-prized right arm stays attached to his surgically-repaired shoulder. 儘管費城有很棒的one-two punch 但仍無法勝過勇士隊John Smoltz and Tim Hudson 的組合 即使有山大王加入及保持健康的上帝右手的的大都會front rotation 仍無法 與勇士隊媲美 Still as the Braves were reminded last year, a rotation's success goes beyond front-line starters. They feel they've deepened their rotation with the return of Tom Glavine, whose exit from Queens certainly could have a damaging effect on the Mets, who can only hope that Oliver Perez did indeed turn the corner last year. 對勇士隊來說 整個先發投手整體的成功比前幾號投手成功來的重要 老葛的到來 會對大都會造成一些傷害 大都會唯一希望的是去年的Oliver Perez不是只是曇花一現 While the Mets will cross their fingers regarding Perez, the Phillies will do the same with Kyle Kendrick, who went 10-4 with a 3.87 ERA in the 20 starts he made after getting his first call to the Majors on June 13. He did so while allowing opponents a .280 batting average and a history that included just 14 wins in 91 Minor League starts. Truth be told, the 23-year-old right-hander has been solid since beginning his third consecutive season at the Class A level in 2006. 費城對Kyle Kendrick也有相同的希望 Kyle Kendrick希望在2008球季能持續上一季 火熱的表現 Each of these teams have solid offenses and the race should be determined by rotation depth. With Hudson and Smoltz, the Braves appear to have the best thoroughbred duo and thus I'll peg them as the favorites. But when it comes to the NL East this year, the only sure lock is that the Marlins will finish last. 這三支球隊有著堅強的進攻陣容 投手輪值的深度將決定國聯東區的排名 有 Hudson and Smoltz 的勇士隊似乎有最好的雙王牌搭檔 說到今年國聯東區排名 唯一確信的是馬林魚將得到爐主的頭銜 Where do you see Kotsay batting in the lineup in 2008? -- Matt I., Waverly, Va. Kotsay在2008將會以哪個順序出現在先發打線上呢? Kotsay has spent a majority of his career hitting in either of the top two spots of the batting order, and this year should be no different. My early guess is that he'll man one of those two spots with Yunel Escobar and that Kelly Johnson will bat seventh or eighth. Kotsay在過去都是以打第一棒第二棒居多 儘管他來到亞特蘭大也是如此 他將與Yunel Escobar組成堅強的一二棒組合 如此一來Kelly(小Chipper) 將會被擠到第七或第八棒(如果Kotsay打第二棒 後面有老大保護 成績多少會有 被灌水的可能 說不定能在季後撈個type A 的選秀補償) Some believe Escobar would be a solid run producer in the middle of the lineup. You can't argue that. But at the same time, you can't dispute the value he brought while hitting .351 with a .400 on-base percentage in 34 games as the leadoff hitter last year. 雖然有些人認為Escobar會是個方常棒的打點製造機 但不要忘了去年Escobar打 第一棒的34場比賽裡 他有著0.351的打擊率 及四成的上壘率 The Braves don't have the speed demon that teams like to put at the top of their lineup. But with Escobar and Kotsay, who owns a .337 career on-base percentage, they have two guys who can provide regular run-producing opportunities for Chipper Jones and Mark Teixeira. 勇士隊沒有一個速度快到可以排再第一棒的打者 但有著Escobar and Kotsay在 我們的前兩棒 將可為Chipper Jones and Mark Teixeira製造許多打點機會 (別忘了我們還有McCann and Franchy埋伏再五六棒) Johnson produced a .372 on-base percentage in 76 games as the leadoff hitter last year and might have at least shared that role with Escobar if Kotsay hadn't arrived. But my guess is that the Braves will put him in the eighth spot with the hope that he'll get on base consistently and give pitchers numerous sacrifice opportunities. Johnson去年在76場打第一棒時的球賽中有著0.372的上壘率 今年Johnson將排再 打序上第八的位置 給投手製造許多犧牲短打的機會 As long as his back remains healthy, I think Kotsay will bat second and Escobar will once again be given the chance to be the consistent catalyst that he was down the stretch last year 只要Kotsay背傷無恙 他將打第二棒的位置 而Escobar繼續扮演去年他在勇士隊的 角色 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/16 03:54, , 1F
那個...照原意翻會比較好唷 不然可能會誤導只看中文的人 :)
01/16 03:54, 1F

01/16 04:03, , 2F
撈選秀補償應該是不用想了吧...offer arbitration to
01/16 04:03, 2F

01/16 04:04, , 3F
Kotsay?? 可能性相當相當低....
01/16 04:04, 3F

01/16 10:19, , 4F
我想ATL接下來不會有任何交易吧 等開季摟
01/16 10:19, 4F

01/16 10:58, , 5F
突然發現Cameron比較便宜 也只用一年 不用新秀也可以換
01/16 10:58, 5F
※ 編輯: addshung 來自: (01/16 13:16)

01/16 14:31, , 6F
綠帽吃了不少薪水 Cameron沒有比較便宜開季還禁賽
01/16 14:31, 6F

01/16 14:35, , 7F
Cameron開季先來個25場禁賽 形象整個差掉了 :Q
01/16 14:35, 7F

01/16 14:40, , 8F
01/16 14:40, 8F

01/16 18:01, , 9F
只是同樣花2m 總希望Kotsay能健健康康
01/16 18:01, 9F
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