Fulfilling a fantasy

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Sutton enjoys Brewers Fantasy Camp, posts fan e-mails MILWAUKEE -- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word fantasy as the power or process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable mental images in response to psychological need; also a mental image or a series of mental images (as a daydream) so created. How many times did I daydream about having a uniform with my name on the back hanging in a Major League locker? Have you ever had that improbable mental image? Last week, the improbable became probable as, for the second straight year, I was able to join more than 80 dreamers at Milwaukee Brewers Fantasy Camp. It was a reunion of the 1982 team, which meant we were able to learn about hitting from Cecil Cooper and Ben Oglivie, pitching from Jim Slaton and Moose Haas, defense from Don Money and ragging from Gorman Thomas. (I enjoyed being the primary target of the verbal darts, along with our favorite motor-mouth camper Bill "Rat Boy" Lindeman.) Let it be known that Gorman not only dished out the humble pie, but he had to take a large bite himself. He was brought up in "kangaroo court" on many charges, and the worst was riding to the diamonds on a golf cart, while 82-year-old camp legend Doc Palese walked! GUILTY! It was a first-class experience. Bob Skube would meet you early in the cages if you wanted to work on your swing, although his instructions couldn't help my horrid stroke. Roger Caplinger, Dan Wright, Paul Anderson and the rest of the Brewers training staff treated all of us as if we were preparing for a June battle at Wrigley Field, when they could have been noting that there were more spare tires in their training room than a Goodyear superstore. Tony Miggliacio and Phil Rozewicz and the rest of the Brewers clubhouse staff made sure our uniforms were cleaned every morning upon arrival and there was never a shortage of Miller products at the day's end. Great people made it a true Major League experience. When those Miller products flowed and the laughs took the place of the soreness, it was always in the company of our legendary '82 coaches. It was easy to tell why that Brewers team fared so well. Aside from the talent, they all really seemed to like and trust one another and they loved talking baseball. It definitely heightened everyone's experience that our big leaguers didn't hit the road at the day's end; they stayed and shared a bit of 1982 with all of us. The brushes with the big boys were not limited to former players. On two different occasions, Ben Sheets came to the complex to work out and throw. Both times, he came into the locker room with the campers and ate lunch, took pictures while honoring every autograph request that came his way. As you spend this week reading about Jose Canseco and steroid abuse, remember that there are still athletes like Ben that you and your future ballplayers can always look up to. On the field, I experienced an historic drop in batting average and a meteoric rise in ERA but still loved every minute of it. There were great teammates like the Quinones brothers from Iowa and Madison's Matt Varney. There were tough and memorable opponents like Greg Beaubien from Anaheim. Or is it "Los Angeles Greg of Anaheim?" The aches are already gone, but the memories have been permanently tattooed in that special part of my mind. That part reserved for improbable mental images in response to psychological need. Until next year, there are always daydreams. Here are a few of your recent thoughts (it would appear you are excited about the return of a familiar face): Although I also really enjoy watching Russell Branyan swing the bat, I think Jeff Cirillo will give us an all-around solid defensive and offensive player at third base, which we have been sorely missing the last few years. -- Paul F., Oconomowoc, Wis. I am a huge Cirillo fan and hope he will be able to win the starting job. -- Kevin S., Mishicot, Wis. Nice to have Jeff Cirillo back. I think he is at home in Milwaukee so he should do better than ever. -- Stuart R., Baraboo, Wis. Your latest column on the Winter Tour rings true. The baseball fans around the state are excited. We are ready for a ride back to the top. We are ready to see some of the talent from our minor league crop blossom in the Majors. -- Ted W., Ogdensburg, Wis. Thanks for the e-mails. Keep them coming, I read them all. This week let me know if you want to return to the ball/glove logo or not. If you are against a return, step up and tell me why. Stay tuned this week. We have some big surprises to announce concerning Spring Training. See you next week. -- ★opengoodbook 你什麼時候設我為好友啦?!XD To opengoodbook: 第一次丟你水球之後阿XD ★opengoodbook 我會害羞(跑) To opengoodbook: :P ★opengoodbook 這麼主動...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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