[閒聊] NME最新企劃~電子聖誕卡!迎接佳節來臨

看板Brit-pop作者 (evon)時間12年前 (2011/12/16 10:55), 編輯推噓2(200)
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We're giving souls here at NME, so in honour of the festive season, we asked the most artistically err... talented musicians we know to draw us some Christmas cards for you to download and send to your nearest and dearest. Gaze lovingly at the previews above, and download hi-res PDFs of the cards below.http://www.nme.com/extra/exclusive/article/255375 NME 雜誌最新企劃~電子聖誕卡!迎接佳節的來臨 NME提供的這一系列賀卡!請到幾位很有藝術天份的音樂人親自設計幾款 的聖誕卡片,讓你在今年聖誕可以多個選擇,送張卡想送給你的親朋好友們。 There's The Horrors' Faris Badwan dressed up as a Christmas elf on the cover of theirs 英國後龐克樂團 THE HORRORS 樂團主唱 Faris Badwan 精心打扮成聖誕小精靈 的模樣站在雪地上的祝賀大家,以他196公分的過人身高他應該是我見過腿最長的 小精靈吧!?老實說這張卡片還蠻有喜感的 Download The Horrors' Christmas Cardhttp://ppt.cc/8oph ... Ruban from Unknown Mortal Orchestra's psychedelic season's greetings; 走60年代復古迷幻風格 Unknown Mortal Orchestra 樂團主唱 Ruban 的聖誕卡主題是 psychedelic season's"迷幻季節的問候", 跟他們樂團的曲風 有互相呼應說?! Unknown Mortal Orchestra's Christmas cardhttp://ppt.cc/;Uu9 .... Graham Coxon has drawn us a grotesque dude who's just learned that he's eating turkey from now til Easter (probably) 多才多藝的 blu r吉他手 Graham Coxon 我們都知道他很會畫畫~歷年來個人專輯封面設 計都出自他本人之手, 在這次NME聖誕卡的企劃,他畫了一個"張大口的人",NME 猜 測這張的意境是聖誕節可以大吃大喝,享用火雞大餐直到復活節?! Download Graham Coxon's Christmas cardhttp://ppt.cc/j7_h .... Iceage's Elias has sketched a typically cheery scene 來自丹麥,龐克\後龐克樂團 Iceage's Elias 勾勒出一個典型龐克式的聖誕場景 Download Iceage's Christmas cardhttp://ppt.cc/QCSh .... Max from Yuck's effort would definitely make his ma proud 英國 YUCK 吉他手 Max 的童趣畫作還蠻可愛的~這張適合送給媽媽?! NME 打趣的說 Max可能想是讓媽媽替他感到驕傲.... Download Yuck's Christmas cardhttp://ppt.cc/ELpx .... and Reni from The Stone Roses has made us an intriguing portrait of the recently reunited bandand you can win Reni's original, totally one-of-a-kind artwork with NME 今年年底宣布大復合,90年代搖滾樂團 The Stone Roses 的鼓手Reni 的聖誕卡內容跟 The Stone Roses 重組有關的畫像,除了電子下載, NME 還另外舉辦贏得原稿畫作的活動,NME形容原畫真的是一件值得收藏的藝術品 有興趣的可以研究一下活動內容。 http://www.nme.com/extra/win/comp/stoneroses(clicking here.) Download Reni's Christmas cardhttp://ppt.cc/rbzH .... (圖文版) http://www.indievox.com/evonndog/post/75028 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/16 16:06, , 1F
12/16 16:06, 1F
※ 編輯: evonndog 來自: (12/17 00:41)

12/18 13:02, , 2F
12/18 13:02, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1EwhCBIa (Brit-pop)