[整理]小王2006季賽摘要--『托瑞說』九月份 PA …

看板CMWang作者 (就是要看棒球)時間17年前 (2006/10/16 23:05), 編輯推噓22(2201)
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[本文非經原著同意,禁止全文或部份轉載至商業媒體。] ☆☆有缺的部分,有沒有誰可以幫忙補一下,謝謝全體鄉民的資料!!☆☆ GAME 30 (16勝5負1救援) DATE GAME W L ERA IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO SEP 04 @KC 0 0 3.69 5.2 7 3 3 0 1 2 96-58 11-3 本場摘要:挑戰四連勝失敗,首度發生守備失誤。皇家 Hudson 先發七局10 k 只失一分 ,完全壓制洋基,但牛棚接手後單局狂掉十分,翻盤,小王敗投解套。 "He left a couple of pitches up in the inning they scored the two runs," Torre said of Wang. "Overall, I thought he pitched well enough to win. We just didn't give him a lot to work with." "他這局的兩球失投讓他們得了兩分"Torre談論到了小王"總而言之,我覺得他的表現 已經足夠贏球,我們只是沒有給他太多支援" 編按:主審再度被罵到臭頭!小王零失誤的守備率,今天破功了。 GAME 31 (17勝5負1救援) DATE GAME W L ERA IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO SEP 09 @BAL 1 0 3.60 7.1 8 1 1 0 0 1 85-56 16-5 本場摘要:本季投滿七又三分之一局,球數最精簡的一場比賽。取得十七勝,並列勝投王 ,突破野茂紀錄。洋基比賽中少了 A-ROD、Giambi,守護神 Rivera ,以一分 之差險勝。 "Today was just a case of getting outpitched," Loewen said. "We played a very good game defensively, and we swung the bats well. But we went up against a Cy Young candidate today." "今天輸球的理由很簡單, 完全就是因為對方的投手表現得出色," Loewen說:"我們打得不錯, 守得也不錯, 但誰叫我們今天要遇上賽揚獎的候選人呢?" "I don't know how you can't consider this guy as a Cy Young," Kevin Millar said of Wang. "I know that he doesn't have the strikeouts and all that baloney, but he has the wins, he's got the ERA and he throws bowling balls at the plate." Millar說:「怎能不把這傢伙當成一個賽揚級投手呢?我知道他不具三振能力,可是他 還是贏了,他擁有這樣的責失並投著保齡球。」 "We look for strikeouts, we look for dominating pitchers, we look for dominating strikeout pitchers," Millar said. "He consistently throws strikes, he consistently pounds the strike zone and he consistently gets ground balls. And he's got wins; what is he, 17-5? You can't overlook that. This guy is as dominating as there is going right now on the mound." "(對塞揚獎投手)我們看三振數,我們看他是不是一個可以宰制比賽的投手,我們看他 是不是一個宰制比賽的三振型投手" Millar說道。 "他(王)不斷的投好球,他不停的攻擊著好球帶,他不停的讓打者打出滾地球。 他贏了不少場,他戰績是啥?17勝5敗?你不能小看這個數字。這傢伙是現在投手丘上最有 宰制力的投手之一" “He doesn’t have that strikeout pitch, but he doesn’t need it,” Millar said of Wang. “He throws ground ball after ground ball. He’s tough to elevate, and it’s tough to get a string of hits together. There’s nothing you can do. He’s one of the tougher ones. He’s been underrated for a long time.” 「他並沒有那樣優異的三振能力,說實在的,他其實不需要,他令你不斷打出滾地球, 一顆接著一顆,滾來滾去!他有非常強壯的信心,在他的投球下,你很難連續擊出安打 ,打者對此無能為力,他是全聯盟最好的投手之一,他已經被低估了好長一段時間。」 Millar說道。 “He throws the split enough, as a left-hander facing him, to keep you off balance,” said David Newhan, who went 0 for 3 against Wang. “He’s not afraid to bring it in, right on the corner, inside. He attacks the zone.” 「當左打者面對小王時,小王投出許多指叉球,擾亂了你的節奏。他一點也不害怕投內 角球,邊邊角角的球,他就是能touch到好球帶的邊緣。」David Newhan說道,他在今天 的比賽對小王一籌莫展。 "He's stepped up to the forefront," said Johnny Damon, who was 2-for-4 with an RBI and a run scored. "Hopefully he'll get some Cy Young consideration." Damon在這場比賽有4打數2安打一打點一得分的表現, 他說 : 王建民的表現越來越突出, 希望他會被列入賽揚獎的考慮當中. "I thought he was all right, but this good?" Johnny Damon said. "You expect him to go out and win 13 or 14 games in a good year, but he's stepped up to the forefront. Hopefully, he'll get some Cy Young considerations. He should finish up top." Damon說:「我想他一切ok,沒想這麼好!我們會預期他一年獲得13或14勝,但他 居然躍升為領先的一群。就如同大家所期望的,他會被考慮得到賽揚獎的。他終將成為 頂尖的。 Damon said: “That’s good when other teams are saying that. When your fastball moves by a foot, that’s pretty sexy.” Damon說道:「當其他隊伍稱讚你的主力投手有一顆會移動一尺的快速球,那實在非常 性感。」 Wang's improvement from last year and claimed Wang's sinker was dropping a foot. "That's pretty good when your fastball moves a foot," Damon said. "It's pretty sexy." Damon聊到王今年的進步, 並且說他的sinker 的變化就好像會往下沉一呎一樣. Damon說 : 當別人稱讚一個投手的快速球移動起來有一呎的變化, 那真的是相當酷. "He threw well enough to win," Damon said, "but fortunately we had Chien-Ming Wang, and he's been special for us all year." Damon說 : 其實Loewen的表現已經足以拿下勝投, 只是他不幸的遇到整季表現都 很搶眼的王建民. "He's been as good as anyone in the league this year," Jeter said of Wang. "And he's pitched well when we've needed it." 『他今年投得不比聯盟裡的任何人差。』隊長談到小王時表示。『還有他在我們 需要的時候表現相當出色。』 “We didn’t have much success against him today, really,” said Derek Jeter, who singled in the third run against reliever Rodrigo Lopez. “We just had Wang pitching.” 「在今天的比賽中,說真的我們沒有從Loewen手上佔到太多便宜,我們有的只是王建民 的好投。」Jeter說道,Jeter今天從Lopez手中擊出攻下第三分的安打。 “He doesn’t get rattled out there,” catcher Jorge Posada said. “He just keeps coming.” 「他在投手丘上並不會驚慌失措,他就這樣不斷地投下去」Posada說道。 "We didn't have much success [against Loewen]," Derek Jeter said. "But we had Wang pitching." Damon echoed the praise for Wang. "He threw well enough to win," Damon said of Loewen. "But fortunately for us, we had Chien-Ming Wang. He has been special." Jeter說:"我們其實打Loewen打得不怎麼樣,不過我們有小王。" Demon也一樣讚美小王:"Loewen投得夠好了,不過我們好狗運有小王。他真是特別。" Just as important to the Yankees is that he's 8-2 following a New York defeat. "It's not fair to keep counting on him the way we do, but it's hard not to, as consistent as he's been for us," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "It doesn't seem to bother him what the situation is. We really haven't given him a great deal of run support, which makes every single pitch precious, but he's been something." 對洋基而言很重要的是, 洋基輸球後 輪到王上場投的話 成績是8勝二負 "我們這樣依賴他是很不公平的事情, 但很難不這麼做, 因為他這麼穩定." TORRE說: "他似乎不受情況影響. 我們的確沒有給他太多的火力支援, 這使得他投出的每一球 都更形重要, 但他一直都能做得很好." "To win 17 games, aside from being good, you still have to benefit from the team scoring some runs, and we really haven't given him a lot of run support," Torre said. "So I think it's been pretty impressive what he's done." "要得到17勝, 除了投得好, 你仍然要靠隊友幫忙多得到一些分數, 而我們的確沒有給他太多支援," Toree說:"所以, 我認為他作的實在太棒了." "I've said that it's not fair to keep counting on him the way we do," manager Joe Torre said. "But it's hard not to, as consistent as he's been for us." Torre說:「我說過我們持續麼依賴他是不公平的,可是這很難做到。他帶給我們的表 現總是始終如一。」 "When they score off him, he goes right back and makes better pitches," Torre said. "He's a very special youngster with a great deal of poise." Torre說:「當對手得分時,他回過神來並投的更好。這孩子真是有自信又特別。」 “We haven’t really given him a great deal of run support, which makes every single pitch precious,” Yankees Manager Joe Torre said. “But he has been something, and he does the whole thing, too. He plays defense. He’s a complete player for us, and he’s got a great personality to fit right in this clubhouse.” 「我們並沒有給小王足夠的火力支援,這使得小王的每一場好投都讓我們覺得彌足珍貴 ,而且他已經為隊上貢獻了部分,或者說,他已經盡全力做到最好了,他也是個優異的 防守者,對我們而言,他是全方位的球員,他也有極佳的人格特質來融入我們這個球隊。 」總教練Torre說道。 "It's not fair to keep counting on him the way we do, but it's hard not to, as consistent as he's been for us," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "It doesn't seem to bother him what the situation is. We really haven't given him a great deal of run support, which makes every single pitch precious, but he's been something." 『我們一直以來對小王的依賴對他而言並不太公平,但我們實在不得不依靠他, 誰叫他要那麼可靠。』洋基托總說。『他看起來對這個狀況也不覺得困擾;雖然我們 並沒有給他多大的幫助,這讓他投出的每球對勝負都舉足輕重;小王真了不起!』 But that was the extent of the Orioles' production against Wang. "To win 17 games, aside from being good, you still have to benefit from the team scoring some runs, and we really haven't given him a lot of run support," Torre said. "So I think it's been pretty impressive what he's done." 但這已經是金鶯打線面對小王的極限了。『要拿十七場勝投,除了自己要強以外, 隊友在進攻上情義相挺也很重要,但今天小王並沒有從隊友那裡得到大量的支持。』托 總說。『所以我想他的表現實在令人印象深刻。』 "I know I said earlier it's not fair to keep counting on him the way we do, but it's hard not to with how consistent he's been for us, and how nothing seems to bother him," Joe Torre said. Joe Torre 說 : 讓他承擔如此的重任實在不公平, 但是他的表現實在太好太穩定, 我們不得不靠他, 而且似乎沒有什麼事情能讓他困擾. After the game, Wang said he never expected to win 17 games this season, let alone with four starts remaining in September. When asked if he thinks he should be included in the Cy Young race, Wang modestly said, "No," but one of his opponents on Saturday believes otherwise. 在比賽後,王表示他從未想過要在本季得到17勝,更別說九月還有四場先發了。當被 問到是否想過應該爭奪賽揚獎時,王謙虛的表示:「不」,不過他週六的對手可不 這麼相信。」 Asked about that possibility, the quiet Wang smirked and said, "No." Could he win 20 games? "I'll try." Wang said, "I feel pretty good" about having 17 wins, but asked if he could have expected such a strong sophomore season, he said his only goal was to "just pitch." 當被問到賽揚獎的可能性, 沉靜的王建民笑笑的說應該不行吧, 那麼拿到20勝呢? 他說 : I'll try. 他表示能夠拿到17勝感覺相當好, 但是當之前問他是否曾預料 到自己會有這麼優秀的2年級成績, 他表示他的唯一目標就是好好投球, 而他也作到了. "Hitters had only seen the sinker and inside fastball," Wang said. "The slider is another pitch." 王說:「打者都只注意伸卡及快速球,但其實還有滑球喔。」 "In the bullpen, Gator [Ron Guidry] told me to change speeds," Wang said. 小王說"在牛棚裡Ron Guidry老大要我製造速差" 編按:性感的伸卡球!! ☆特別記事☆ 2006年 9月9日 台灣棒球日 閃亮亮24小時!! ***ˋ(  ̄▽ ̄)ˊ*** 王建民 -- MLB並列領先17勝 郭泓志 -- MLB生涯首先發勝 姜建銘 -- NPB生涯先發三連勝 林威助 -- NPB代打HR GAME 32 (17勝6負1救援) DATE GAME W L ERA IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO SEP 16 BOS 0 1 3.64 5.0 9 3 3 0 1 3 87-54 7-5 本場摘要:原訂先發日遇雨順延,改為面對紅襪。後再度延賽成為單日雙重賽。 Cano 兩分全壘打攻下洋基全場唯一分數。 "He threw just too many pitches early," said catcher Sal Fasano. "I think he was just a little bit scattered. He wasn't as sharp as I've seen." Fasano說:「他只不過是一開始投太多球,我想他有點亂了步調,不像我之前看到的 犀利。」 In the opener, Wang (17-6) allowed three runs on nine hits (five of them doubles) in five-plus innings. "He's still on course," said Sal Fasano, who caught Wang. 在第一戰,小王在五局多的投球中,被擊出九支安打,包括五支二壘安打,失去三分。 跟小王搭配的法沙諾說「他仍維持水準。」 "Sometimes you're too strong," Fasano said. 法沙諾說:「有時你會過於用力」。 "I didn't think he had his good command, which could have been because he was a couple of days overdue," Torre said of Wang, who was originally set to start on Thursday before weather issues pushed him back two days. "He battled through, didn't give them a whole lot and kept us in the game." Torre說:「我不認為他今天狀況好,或許是因為接連延期比賽的關係吧。他一直在 奮戰,並且沒造成大量失分而使得我們還有機會。」Torre本來把王建民排在週 四先發,後來因天氣因素才延後了兩天。 "That's a really good sign," Torre said. "For someone we've come to count on so often, yet when it's hard for him and he has to work at what he's doing, he still manages to keep you in the game. It's hard to believe he's had the limited experience he's had." Torre說:「這是個好現象,當我們指望某人如此頻繁,而當他遇到困難時他仍然可以 控制並保持住比分。很難相信這是在他有限的經驗下做到的。」 "Let's put it this way; he, Moose and Randy, I trust them all," Torre said. "Emotionally, I trust them and stuff-wise, I trust them. If we get to the point where we have to make that decision, we'll look at some things to help us make that decision. It's tough to choose one that isn't qualified." Torre說:「我們這樣看吧,王,Moose跟Randy我都信賴。感性的說,我相信他們以及 整個隊伍。如果到了該做決定的時候,我們將看看一些東西來做決定。要從他們之中 挑出不適合的是很麻煩的。」 Wang, who remains second to Minnesota's Johan Santana with 17 victories, said he was not bothered by the fact that he won't get to 20 wins. "Not really," Wang said. "Not at all." 王建民仍然以17勝保持在Santana之後,對於無法20勝的事實他並不感到困擾。 王說:「不會,一點也不會。」 Wang (17-6) lost for the first time since Aug. 13, allowing nine hits and a walk in five innings. “Today, I didn’t find the strike zone,” he said. 這是8月13以來小王(17-6) 的第一場敗戰,被敲了8支安打,送出1個保送 他說:「今天就是..就是找不太到好球帶。」 In fact, Wang said his sinker was sinking more than usual. "The ball was moving too much," he said, "going too low." The extra rest, he said, "was not a problem, but today I couldn't find the strike zone." 事實上,小王說他的沈球比正常狀況掉的還多。小王說:「球跑太多,跑得太低了。」 「多休息並不是個問題,但我今天找不到好球帶。」,小王說。 "Everything was down," Wang said. "I couldn't find the strike zone." 王建民說:「真是太糟嚕,找不到好球帶。」 編按:休息太多天,反而太猛了! GAME 33 (18勝6負1救援) DATE GAME W L ERA IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO SEP 22 @TB 1 0 3.57 7.0 6 1 1 1 0 4 82-53 9-8 本場摘要:本季投滿七局,用球數最精簡的一場比賽,取得十八勝,追平朴贊浩 勝投記錄。有了 Sheffield和Mo的歸隊,洋基增添戰力。 "He's as tough as there is," Orioles first baseman Kevin Millar told reporters after Wang stifled Baltimore in a recent start. "He's tough to elevate, tough to put a string of hits together against." 「他相當的有能耐。」金鶯隊的一壘手凱文.米拉這樣告訴記者, 在王建民最近一次對上金鶯的時候,他讓金鶯的打者們像是窒息了一樣。 「他的球很難被打高,打擊群很難能從他手中擊出連續的安打。」 "He's got great action on a heavy ball," Angels manager Mike Scioscia says. "He trusts his stuff, so he's going to make you step up and beat him." 「他的表現在於沈重的球」天使隊的總教練Mike Scioscia這樣說, 「他相信他的素質,也因此他準備好讓你來打他的球。」 "He just stays so focused," Yankees catcher Jorge Posada says. "He doesn't let things affect him. His throws his sinker about 85 percent of the time, and it's 95 miles per hour, heavy and has so much movement. He goes out there and keeps coming at you." 「他總是專心的在球場上投球」捕手波沙達這樣說「他不讓任何雜物影響他,配球以 85%的伸卡球為主,95miles的速度和沈重的球質及尾勁,他總是 能夠表現優良而且投到你所想要的位置。」 "He really doesn't push the envelope pitch count-wise," Torre said. "I think that is a big reason why he's been able to maintain his stuff." "他並沒有用掉太多的投球數"Torre說 "我認為這就是他為什麼可以維持他的威力的最大原因。" "He was a little wild warming up today," Torre said, "but he settled in. He could've pitched the eighth and the ninth for us, but we didn't see any need." Torre說:「他今天有點慢熱,不過很快穩下來。他今天第八、九局可以繼續投不過 並沒有這個需要。 Chien-Ming Wang is 9-2 in 13 starts after the Yankees have lost. The demanding Taiwanese media asked Joe Torre last night why the Wanger gave up a run in the first inning. "Well, it was only one," a bemused Torre said. 王建民在洋基輸球後的出賽成績是13場先發9勝2敗.苛求的台灣媒體問Joe Torre 為何小王昨晚在第一局就丟了1分.困惑的Torre:"啊..就只有那一分啊" "I am having a lot of fun," says Wang, who speaks limited English. 「我很愉快。」小王這麼說的,用他還不是很流利的英文。 True enough. Far from being a strikeout pitcher (among starters, he's last in strikeouts per nine innings at 2.99), Wang dares hitters to make contact. "I'm not worried about strikeouts," he says. "I'm happy with lots of ground balls."And to help the team win." 確實,他跟三振型的投手有一大段的距離。(在先發投手中, 他每九局能夠製造2.99次的三振是最少的。) 王建民不怕他的球被打者碰到,「我一點都不擔心三振的問題啊。」 他說「我很高興能夠被打一個又一個的滾地球。」 「而且,還能幫助球隊獲勝。」 編按:穩定的表現成為洋基季後賽首場先發的機率大增!水果日報全版小王造成搶購。 GAME 34 (19勝6負1救援) DATE GAME W L ERA IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO SEP 27 BAL 1 0 3.63 6.0 10 4 4 0 1 4 90-58 11-3 本場摘要:小王十九勝創亞洲投手單季最高勝投紀錄。洋基鑽石打線上陣,狂轟猛炸五支 全壘打,以十六比五大勝金鶯。 賽前訪問 You try to put all of those ideas into one question, and when you finally finish, Chien-Ming Wang just flashes his goofy smile. "No," he said. "Not really." 你試著去把上面所有的問題濃縮成一個問題,當你最後完成後,王建民只是露出他的招牌 傻笑。「不。」 他說。 「不會。」 Will your role be different in this postseason, with Johnson nursing a sore back and Mussina an injured thumb? "No. I have to do the same thing." 你在這個球季中的腳色在Johnson正在照顧他疼痛的背以及Mussina的拇指受傷後 有任何的改變嗎? 「沒有。我就是做一樣的事阿。」 Is there more pressure on you, since Joe Torre will almost certainly name you the No. 1 starter? "No." (Giggles.) 當Joe Torre將幾乎指定你為NO.1先發時,你有感受到任何壓力嗎? 「沒有。」(又露出招牌傻笑) Is this an exciting time, knowing your second postseason is just a few days from beginning? "Yes. Very exciting."(Nods twice.) 你會對幾天後即將到來的第二次季後賽感到興奮嗎? 「是阿,我很期待呢!」 (點了兩次頭) "There's a great responsibility that comes any time when you go out there on the mound with the Yankees, and when the postseason comes, things heat up a little bit, but I haven't seen any evidence of (him feeling the pressure)," Torre said. "I don't see much anxiety in what he does." Of course, Torre also added, "I don't know. I can't get that out of him. I hope not." "在任何時候你身為一個洋基隊員站上投手丘時, 總是有沉重的責任在你身上, 而季後賽來臨時, 事情總是會那麼點火上加油. 不過我倒是沒從他身上看到有任何 跡象 (指感受到壓力這件事)," Torre說, "他目前的表現我看不出有任何焦慮" 當然, Torre也補充說了, "我不知道耶, 我無法從他身上看出有什麼問題, 我希望他真的沒問題" What can you get out of Wang? For starters, he is unfailingly polite and accommodating. He lives in a small apartment in Fort Lee. He loves the fact he can go anywhere he wants in the city without anyone recognizing him, which certainly is not the case in his home country. "I like it," he said. "I can walk in the streets with no problem." Has he ever been recognized? "Never." Not even his neighbors? "Not even them." How about his doorman? "Don't have a doorman." 那你能從小王身上看出什麼呢? 對於先發投手來說, 他總是持續著他的謙虛與親切 的態度. 他住在一間在Fort Lee的小公寓裡. 他很喜歡現在可以在這個城市裡到處 趴趴走, 也不會有人認得他, 不過在他的家鄉情況可完全不是這樣. "我喜歡這樣", 他(Wang)說, "我可以毫無顧慮的走在街上" 曾經被認出來過嗎? "從沒有" 甚至連鄰居也沒有? "他們從沒認出來" 那看門的? "沒有看門的人" Will people start to recognize him if he delivers next month, if he proves himself as a dominant postseason pitcher who can lead this team deep into October, maybe even to a Subway Series? He thinks it over. "No," he said. "It will stay the same." 如果他下個月出場的話, 人們就會開始認識他喔? 而且如果他可以証明自 己是個可以在季後賽壓制全場的投手, 帶領他的隊伍挺進10月份的比賽, 甚至是個 地鐵大戰? 他仔細想了一下 "不", 他說. "就還是會像現在一樣阿" 賽後報導 "We're real excited for him," Johnny Damon said. "He's pitched well all season to deserve this honor." "我們都替他覺得高興," Damon說: "小王投了一整年的好球, 拿賽揚實在不為過." "We've leaned on him all year, and he's come up big for us," Derek Jeter said. "We just want him to continue what he's been doing, not try to change anything. If he can do that, I like our chances with him on the mound." Jeter說:我們認識他一整年了,而他將為我們擔負重任,我們只要他繼續保持他的作 風,不要改變任何事,假如他可以辦到,我們樂見他上場。 "We always thought he had great stuff -- it was just a matter of having a little better command of the strike zone and not putting himself in tough counts," Mussina said. "He's been able to do that. He does what he needs to do to win ballgames." Moose說:我們總覺得他有很好的球質,能夠不斷的攻擊好球帶,且不會讓他自己在球數 上落後。他可以做到這點,並且贏得比賽。 "The hype of the first game is what you have to get through, and I don't think it's going to bother him," Mussina said. "I assume he's just going to go out and pitch like he has all year." Moose說:首戰的重任是你要去完成的,但我不認為這會影響他。我想他一定可以跟本 季的投球一樣。 "He's had such a good year and been so consistent doing what he does," Mussina said. "He deserves to pitch the first game whether he's in his second year or his 10th year." Moose說:他有很好的一季,而且表現如此穩定。他值得在第一戰先發,而不管他是不 是二年級生或是十年的老將。 "He's been our savior," said catcher Jorge Posada. "He's stayed consistent, he's stayed healthy, and for me, he's the Cy Young Award winner." Posada說:他是我們的救世主,他穩定表現、保持健康,對我來說,他是賽揚獎得主。 "The way he goes about his business, he knows what he's got to do to be successful," Posada said. "He doesn't get caught up in anything. Every time he goes out there, he's prepared for the job at hand." Posada說:他知道他要做什麼才能成功,他就只要投他的球而已。他不受任何事困擾, 每次他上場,他就準備好他的工作。 "He's our No. 1," Posada said. "He's the guy we want to follow." Posada說:他是我們的王牌,他是一個我們想去追隨的人。 "Not when you have Randy and Moose here and especially with taking care of Wang the way we did right from spring training and what had happened to him in the second half last season," Torre said. "However, we saw how he handled what he had to handle last year. But no, I don't think you could ever dream of that being the case." "RJ和Moose的存在, 小王今年春訓期間的訓練, 或是他去年下半季的表現, 不論從哪個方 面來看我都很難想像他今年能在隊上取得如此地位," Torre說道: "然而我們親眼見證了 小王絕佳的一個球季, 儘管這幾乎是連作夢都難以想像的好成績. " "Probably not, especially with taking care of Wang the way we did right from Spring Training on through and what had happened to him in the second half last year," said Torre, referring to Wang missing two months of his rookie season with an inflamed right shoulder. "However, we saw how he handled what he had to handle last year, which was pretty impressive. But I don't think you could ever dream of that [Wang pitching Game 1] being the case." 「也許這不應該會發生的,特別是考量到小王在春訓的表現和他去年發生的事。」 老托指的是去年小王在菜鳥球季因肩傷而休息兩個月的事,「然而,我們看到了小王 如何去面對了他去年應該要應付的狀況,這相當令人印象深刻。不過我還是不認為 你會想過把[小王投第一場]放在你的選項中。」 "I don't think we could have ever dreamed that would be the case," Torre said. "The big part of it is his personality and confidence in himself." "我想我們從不會想過這樣的情況"Torre說。"主要是因為他的投球性格和自信"。 "Gator told him, and he sort of shrugged his shoulders," Torre said. "I'm sure there will be some butterflies on Tuesday when they start introducing people, but this kid really doesn't let you know how he's feeling. He's certainly behaved well on the field." Torre說:Gator告訴他,他就只是聳聳肩而已(按: Gator:你要在第一場投球喔 王:喔) 我確定當星期二介紹球員時,現場會是多麼熱鬧,但你看不出這孩子的心情如何,他必 定表現出很好的樣子來。 The news wasn't a surprise, as Wang has been the Yankees' best pitcher this season. But it's a measure of how far the 26-year-old righthander from Tainan, Taiwan, has come in his second big-league season. Asked if was excited, Wang said, "Maybe a little." Asked if he thought he would be starting Game 1 when the season began, he said. "No, I never thought that." 這件消息並不令人意外, 因為小王無庸置疑是本季洋基陣中表現最為出色的投手. 然而, 我們也可以藉此來衡量一下這位來自台南的26歲年輕投手, 僅僅在其大聯盟生涯第二年的 成就有多麼可觀. 被問到是否感到興奮時, 小王只答道: "有點吧." 而再被問到自己在季 初時是否曾經想過會在季後賽首戰先發, 小王則是回答: "沒有, 從來沒想過." But when the first pitch is thrown at Yankee Stadium on Tuesday night, it will come out of the hand of Chien-Ming Wang, New York's unlikeliest of aces. "I would never think that," Wang said. "I was surprised." 但星期二晚在洋基球場的比賽,第一球將由阿民投出。 "我從來都沒想過"阿民說。"我感到很驚訝"。 "I might get a little bit nervous," Wang said. "Last year will help me this year. I'm very excited." 阿民說:也許我會有一點點的緊張,但去年的經驗可以幫我,我很興奮。 編按:這場比賽球隊勝利已不是重點,而是小王季後賽先發的訊息。 九月份統計 GAME W L ERA IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO 5 3 1 3.48 31.0 40 12 12 1 3 14 440-279 54-24 編按:球季完美的結束,季後賽成為新的挑戰舞台! 托瑞總結:季後賽的頭號先發! ---- 獨眼龍到底是誰? 快告訴我...囧rz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/16 23:36, , 1F
10/16 23:36, 1F

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10/16 23:37, 2F

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10/17 00:25, , 7F
10/17 00:25, 7F

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10/17 01:21, , 9F
10/17 01:21, 9F

10/17 01:29, , 10F
10/17 01:29, 10F

10/17 01:29, , 11F
推一個 好回憶!
10/17 01:29, 11F

10/17 01:36, , 12F
10/17 01:36, 12F

10/17 03:01, , 13F
有看有推! 整理的很讚
10/17 03:01, 13F

10/17 05:21, , 14F
Game 33 Millar說tough to elevate是不是球很難打高啊?
10/17 05:21, 14F

10/17 09:08, , 15F
10/17 09:08, 15F

10/17 09:44, , 16F
辛苦了 感謝!
10/17 09:44, 16F

10/17 10:03, , 17F
感謝大大的整理 再度看還是很感動呢 ^^
10/17 10:03, 17F

10/17 11:34, , 18F
10/17 11:34, 18F

10/17 12:37, , 19F
10/17 12:37, 19F

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10/17 13:41, 20F

10/17 14:44, , 21F
10/17 14:44, 21F

10/18 11:03, , 22F
推推推 感謝整理!
10/18 11:03, 22F
※ 編輯: logicmana 來自: (10/18 19:09)

10/19 03:43, , 23F
10/19 03:43, 23F
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