[外電] Offseason has challenges for Cashman

看板CMWang作者 (現代鍊金術...)時間17年前 (2007/10/10 14:53), 編輯推噓1(103)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
NEW YORK -- Having multiple big names and contributors primed for possible departures from the Bronx is not a new circumstance, as Brian Cashman can attest. But as their American League Division Series loss sends New York toward a third consecutive premature winter, the Yankees general manager admits that the 2007-08 offseason presents "probably" one of his biggest challenges ever. "There's no guarantees how things play out on any of this, so it'll certainly make for an interesting winter," Cashman said. "They always are, regardless." On Tuesday, as several Yankees filtered back to the scene of the crime, taping up boxes and preparing for long drives or flights home, the most questionable faces among them kept their distance. The final two games of the AL Division Series were possibly Joe Torre's final days of a 12-year managerial run, but 2007 may also have represented last hurrahs for a virtual cavalcade of Yankees stars including: Alex Rodriguez, Andy Pettitte, Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera, Roger Clemens, Bobby Abreu and more. 對於現金人,一個Bronx出生,有許多卓越貢獻的人,現在是他證明這並不是一個新 情況的時候。但是輸掉美聯分區賽之後,將紐約送進連續第三個不成熟的冬天,洋基 GM承認,2007-08比賽結束後,對他來說將是一個最大的挑戰。現金人說:沒有任何 事是有保證的,所以這會是一個很有趣的冬天。因為他們(球員)總是不顧一切的。 星期二,幾個洋基球員在打包準備開車,或是搭飛機回家,可能的問題就是距離。 美聯分區賽最後兩場比賽可能是Joe Torre,12年來最後的兩場比賽。但是2007可能 是某些球員身為洋基球星最後接受歡呼的時候,包含了 A-rod,帥派,厚黑,Rivera ,火箭人,Abreu等等... ...................... 怎沒有小王???? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #1737RDx5 (CMWang)