[劇情] CSI: LV 1122 大雷~~

看板CSI作者時間13年前 (2011/05/14 01:46), 編輯推噓29(29030)
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Nate Haskell, ㄙㄨㄚˋ 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 死吧你, Nate Haskell, 喔不對, 是Warner Throupe. 片頭回顧前幾集發生的事, 然後回到上集結束的點. Haskell: Welcome home, Ray. Glad you can make the family reunion. You seem to meet my dad. 烤魚: He knew you're here all the time. He's protecting you. Haskell: He's protecting me all my life, Ray! Never knew me. Never knew my genious. No idea of my extraordinary accomplishments. Now I came home, give him a show and tell. Now I'm wearing the pats. 烤魚: Now you become a real man because you take the first willing death. Haskell: You know me so well, Ray. Expect there is many swings, many death, many, many... (Gloria害怕一縮, 烤魚想移動) Ray! Be careful, I'm getting very, very well with this. (拍拍槍) 烤魚: I don't think you really want to shoot me or her. You're giving me too much. Haskell: Last few kills the thrill is gone, and I blame you. 烤魚: You never forget your first, right? Tell me, who is her? Haskell: You're digging, Ray. You keep digging and you'll keep digging for a long time. Because ghosts in this house never stop talking. Right, Dad? (轉頭朝老爸的屍體開槍) 烤魚趁此機會把Haskell打到牆上, 在壓到地上. Haskell: Come'on, Ray. (笑) 烤魚發了狠的一拳又一拳, Haskell臉上迸出鮮血. Haskell: Come'on, Ray. We're just getting started. 烤魚: No, we're done. (再一拳, 把Haskell雙手綁起來, 回頭找Gloria) All right, Gloria. You're going to be fine. Haskell: (手被綁著走到烤魚身後) I'm disappointed in you, Ray. I told you something... very special. 烤魚: I told you we're nothing alike. Haskell: Aren't you curious, Ray. Aren't you wonder why she's still alive? Ask her what I did to her. 烤魚轉頭看著倒在地上發抖的Gloria, 再回頭看Haskell, 亮出手上的小刀, 烤魚一把掐住Haskell的喉嚨把他拉近, Haskell非常開心, 但是烤魚卻切斷了綁住Haskell的塑膠圈... 警方抵達現場, 布拔帶著人破門而入, 看到倒在樓梯間的Haskell屍體. 布拔掃視了Haskell的手腕, 發現手腕上被綁過的痕跡. 員警: Captain? 布拔: Cover the back! (繼續上樓) 布拔跨過Haskell老爸的屍體, 走入房內, 看到烤魚握著Gloria的手, Gloria雙目緊閉, 布拔愣住了... 更多的警車抵達現場... 員警A: You guys check the first floor, I'm going up for Brass. 剛抵達的員警們: Got it. 樓上的房間裡 烤魚: Gloria. It's over. I'm not going to leave you. Just get you to the hospital right now. Everything is going to be fine. (烤魚扶起Gloria往外走) 布拔: Wait a second. You don't say anything to anyone, get it? Left. No one! 烤魚帶著Gloria離開, Gloria看到倒在樓梯間的Haskell時停住了, 烤魚小心翼翼的牽著她離開. 布拔: (對在樓梯間的員警說) Put him to the car. No body touch her. It's an order. 員警: Got it, Captain. 烤魚跟著Gloria上車, 此時莎拉跟小葛趕到現場. 莎拉: Ray! (小葛擔心的跟莎拉互看了一眼) (莎拉跟小葛檢視樓梯上Haskell的屍體) We chased Haskell from Vegas to LA and then found him here. They always go home. 布拔: Home? This house is owned by Arvin Throupe, the farmer who across the street. 小葛: Langston discovered that Haskell's real name is Warner Throupe. 布拔: That makes Haskell the farmer's son? 小葛: The farmer must lie to us. 布拔: Well, he's still lying. Upstairs in the bullet. 莎拉: (接近屍體) Face up. Came from the benaster landed here. Backwards, took beat from full hands. Forced blood trauma. Nose is broken. Thank God Ray is okay. 小葛: They two take it out? Play one? 布拔: This's a classic case of self-defense. We all know the history of this. Attorney will be all over Ray. We need to give Ray all the helps we can. I'll be outside. (離開) 莎拉: (撿起地上的票卷) You never forget your first. Haskell left the same message to Langston in Tina Vincent's room in LA. 小葛: (檢查票卷的路線) Travel to the upstairs. You think it's where they took the fight? 莎拉: Ray was lured here. 小葛: Haskell's house. He has more advantage. I guess Ray have more to flat for. 烤魚在醫院中跟著Gloria的擔架跑. 烤魚: You'll be okay, Gloria. You'll be fine. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? You'll be fine. (在Trauma Unit門前被擋下) 女醫生: Dr. Langston, you have to let her. I promise. We will take good care of her. 凱姐跟囧尼在此刻趕到了醫院. 凱姐: Ray, thank God you're all right. 囧尼: I would love to give you a hug, but unfortunately you're the evidence now. You know what I mean? 烤魚: I understand. I understand. I need to be here for Gloria. 凱姐: Ray, we got to do this by the book. I'll process Gloria. Nick will take your clothes. 囧尼在另外的隔間中幫烤魚採證, 照了烤魚手指關節上的傷. 囧尼: You saved her life, Ray. That's all what matter. (發現烤魚手掌側手指下方處的白色粉末痕跡) What is this? 烤魚: (看了自己另外一手, 有相同痕跡) I don't know. 囧尼: All right. I'll need your clothes, too, buddy. 烤魚脫下外側的黑色衣服, 裡面的白色內衣上有血跡... 局裡, 艾禿也到了. 艾禿: Jim, I was already here. Now, in your office? You still have the oral pass? No, no, no. I'll handle it. It works for me. Made in boss should be good for something. Yap. (掛電話, 走進辦公室) Detective Shaw. Brass is still out in the scene. Figured we can start without him, probably finish, too. This all gonna be pretty straightforward. Shaw: Oh that is a tricky estimate, isn't it? Simply officer-involved cases look, more surprising things pop out. I have seen self- defense claims came out to be cold-blooded murder nearly. (艾禿無言) When do I talk to CSI Langston? 艾禿: Well, let's give the guy a couple days. He's been running between two cities. Shaw: You seem to want a delay? 艾禿: We all want to put out best, detective. Langston included. Shaw: Who wouldn't in his situation? 艾禿: You'll get your interview. Thanks for coming in. 在老屋現場, 莎拉小葛跟大衛蒐證中. 大衛: (在樓下握著捲尺) I got it. 莎拉: So Haskell falls approximately a hundred and thirty-two inches. Let it, Dave. (大衛放手) This wood is thick. Took a lot of force. 小葛: Single GSU trace on Dad's head. Multiple razerations scattered over. Dad is in bleeding at least an hour before he died... (掀開Arvin的衣服) Stabbs in the abandom. (手電筒照向牆壁) A lot of these blood could be explained by Dad's injuries. Contributions could be from Gloria and Langston, too. So these gotta be from Haskell. 莎拉: More than some given the condition of his face. (兩人一一採證) 莎拉進入Gloria被綁著的那間房間, 看到牆上的各種殘酷道具. 凱姐正在醫院採證Gloria. 小葛跟莎拉對著房間拍照採證, 包括魚鉤/床墊上的血跡/汽車模型等. 凱姐在調查板寫上sexual assault, penetration等字樣. 小葛發現魚鉤上有著人體組織. 凱姐照下Gloria手前臂上被魚鉤穿刺過的傷痕. 凱姐翻開Gloria的手, 有一層排排的粉末. 莎拉打開衣櫃空間, 發現地上一層白色粉末, 牆上的掛勾顯然被用來連接過Gloria的手上的那些魚鉤過, 拉開的張力... 凱姐: You gonna make through of this, Gloria. You survived. He's dead, and you're not. You beat him. (Gloria沉默不語) 小葛在床下發現槍一把. 小葛: Nine mill. Gun Haskell used to shoot Dad? 莎拉: And Tina Vincent in LA I bet. 小葛: It's empty. Only one used for Dad. Others shut to Langston and Gloria? 莎拉: We can't talk to them until they talked to IA, but we can let walls talk. Looking for bullet holes, portriat casing... (兩人開始查看牆壁) Thia wall paper is covering something. (莎拉私下外層的黃花壁紙) All blood. (後面的壁紙是公牛圖樣) 小葛: This is kid's wall paper. I think this is Haskell's boyhood room. Yeah there is a lot blood. 莎拉: Medium flausity. Having a draw of case off. Nate Haskell might died in this house, but I think a serial killer was born in this room. 囧尼也來到老屋了. 囧尼: So this is where the SOB grew up. 莎拉: First sample is not human. 囧尼: He did say his first kill was a cat. 莎拉: Serial killer love to start with animals before human victims. You know, kids don't put wall papers to their own rooms. The very least, Dad knew what his son doing here. 囧尼: Maybe he was up to will it. He never called the cops. Maybe they shared obvious. Langston might face more than one killer. 莎拉: Before Greg checked it up, we don't know. 小葛在另一個地方查探血跡, 囧尼走進來. 囧尼: There is no wall paper in this room. 小葛: They don't even repaint it. They just sort of wash it away. (一個插座掩蓋了部分血跡) You saw the all. 囧尼: What the hell was happening in this house? 小葛: What ever it was, Arvin Throupe does not want anyone to poke around here. (蹲下身去撬開插座殼) He bought this house in 1958. Its primary residents was until 76. When he bought the house cross the road, he moved in there. 囧尼: Then left here as the last line, didn't they? 小葛: Yeah. But he never rented this place out. Never sold it. 囧尼: Now looks like Arvin's house is keeping secrets. All those blood. The father and son killers. The more bodies we found here, the better for Ray. (走到窗邊查看) We're all working for this current case now. That's why Catherine sent me over for help. Floor, walls, basement, yard? I bet all there hold a part. 女醫生: Gloria is clearly suffering from accute trauma stress. Alert but not making eye contact, no communicating, not... (一名女子闖入) 女子: No, no, you do not talk to him. He is not her husband. You do not talk to him about my daughther. What did he tell you that he's a doctor, too? Well, he is not. He is nothing to my daughther but the one who is responsible for all of this. 女醫生: Mrs. Parks, why don't we...(被打斷) Gloria媽媽: So call the security and get him out of here! He's the one who did this to her. He's the one who brought this monster into her life! You did this all! 烤魚: Whoa... Gloria媽媽: Go! Get out of my side. (烤魚嘆氣離開) I'm taking my daughther back to Baltimore with me. I already arranged a transportation. 女醫生: Ler's talk about the best time... Gloria媽媽: I'm taking my daughther home! 老屋裡. 小葛: Got the DNA reports from the all blood we sampled in the hallway. We color-code for blood donors. Blue is for Langston, green for Gloria, orange for Arvin Throupe. 莎拉: And Haskell is yellow, perfect. 兩人開始標記血跡, 在斷掉的圍欄前全是黃色的三角錐. 莎拉: These almost are all Haskell's blood. You collected a chunk of Haskell's skull with a hair from right here. 小葛: Plus a bladder of Haskell's from the wall. 莎拉: Langstom had Haskell from the front, bounced him to the floor. 小葛: So Ray got good pounching. Just because Langston had Haskell on the floor doesn't mean he's out of control. 莎拉: Langston's shoe prints and Haskell's blood headed to the bars when Haskell fell out of the benaster? 小葛: Stumbbing blood that's already on the floor. 莎拉: There's only Langston's shoe print. If it's Haskell struggling backward to the benaster, Haskell will step in the same blood. Langstan had all his feet toward to the benaster. 小葛: Maybe Haskell still had the gun and jumped Langston. Langston did what he had to do. He was fighting for his life. 莎拉: Greg, if, if we're talking two anonymous people... 小葛: (打斷) I'll still say it was a fight. Flights are unpredictable, everything can happen.  莎拉: Yeah, but one people can overly dominate the other, having thoughly control of them and throw them out of the benaster? I- I'm not saying it was what happened and we both know that Haskell is a monster, but we're looking for the truth here, right? 囧尼在挖院子, 艾禿出現了. 艾禿: Any bodies yet? 囧尼: Hey. So far it's just family pets. Two cats, one dog, no tags, no way to identify them. These graves inside have hays, and I got a feeling there's more than that. 小哈: I got something. The rest isn't revealed yet. (小哈掃開土) 囧尼: It's human. 艾禿: You guys are going to need a hand here. Still get my kit in my car, let me grab it. 囧尼: (亨利對著囧尼點個頭) That is an expert. 凱姐前往法醫室途中, Shaw從裡面走了出來. Shaw: CSI Willows. 凱姐: Detective. What are you doing here? Shaw: Paying my respects. Surprise I'm the first one. 凱姐: Is it a way to get reports from my team's work? Shaw: Not a negative official. 凱姐: You'll get it when my team done our processes. Shaw: I've down this road before. Worked with Brown, Langstan. I talked to LAPD, your guy has a gun. For all I know, he slapped around Tina Vincent. I don't think he hesitated to kill Nate Huskell. 凱姐: I think you're getting ahead than evidence. Shaw: Well, if I ahead in, see it yourself. 凱姐走進法醫室 羅賓爺爺: Your friend Shaw is just here. 凱姐: Yeah, I had the pressure. So what did we have? 羅賓爺爺: Down here, well, maybe one of Haskell's most vial murder. Haskell had long healed old traumas, ribs, tibia... indicate child abuse. 凱姐: But Haskell's father did put him to this table. Langston did. 羅賓爺爺: Catherine, if it's my wife tied up in that room... 凱姐: Doctor, I got it. But does it mean we have to look short of this? Ray killed someone, I need to know the only way, the right way. Tell me that something on this body that is going to make this case. 羅賓爺爺: Okay. Nate Huskell died as the result of lantle disorbital certiculation consistant with his position of impact on the stairs. Prior to his death, he endured multiple blunt force traumas to his face and body. And as you see, there is a series fist fight. 凱姐: But if Haskell fall on his back with Ray laded on his back, how could he injure his knee? 羅賓爺爺: Could be the fall, could be the fight. 凱姐: And the kidney is really damaged. Is that from the fall, too? Or the fight? 羅賓爺爺: If I would, I would call it karma, wouldn't you? 凱姐: Doc, my opinion is not what we should be worried about right now. 羅賓爺爺: I found a couple of marks on his wrist I can't explain. 凱姐: Isn't is hand-caffs? 羅賓爺爺: Not consistant. Brasses is too rail metal cuff when it's cuffed the body seals. 凱姐: Okay, so Haskell was bounded by something else, by someone else. Did Shaw see this? 羅賓爺爺: I tell you what I told Shaw. His marks, the knee, the kidney damage, none of them affects the conclusion of my COD. I'll go get out of here. 烤魚走到凱姐辦公室. 烤魚: Gloria's report is coming in? 凱姐: It's on the table, but... you don't want to look at it, right? 烤魚: I need to, Catherine. 烤魚翻開了報告, 最後還是稱不住握拳掩面在桌上. 院子裡的挖掘繼續進行著~~ 艾禿: ... small, adult, female. Color around matches the soil. She's been here at least a decade. 囧尼: Skull crushed in, this isn't really Haskell's style. 艾禿: Killer style adapts, this is probably a early desire thrill.    (跟囧尼和小葛前往查看小哈的進度) What you got, David? 小哈: Adult, male. 小葛: How old is him? 小哈: 70's maybe? Pockets are empty. 囧尼: (看到外套上的字樣) Supra Lux. 小葛: What's that? 亨利: My grandma has a pink lowen with that logo on it. 小葛: Wait a second. 小葛帶著囧尼往屋裡衝. 小葛: Right before clips of shops or even before the XXX on late night TV, sales was a ground work. Soldiors as traveling sales. Sometimes they just show you how cool their product was, sometimes sales will come knock on your door with their samples. A little sample model of their product. (找出一個滿室灰塵的小冰箱模型)    Supra Lux. I noticed it when we're here earlier. 囧尼: So you think sometimes in 70s, a salesman knock on this door and Nate Haskell or Arvin Throupe kills him and took this model ice box as his first souvernille? 小葛: (查看小冰箱) Yeah, only he didn't just take his model.    (翻到冰箱底部給囧尼看) He took his name. (名條: Douglas Nathan Haskell) 屍骸全部送回局裡交給羅賓爺爺處理 囧尼: Hey, Doc. 羅賓爺爺: Hey. 囧尼: So this is Douglas Nathan Haskell who was reported missing in 1976 by his wife Len. He was a Supra Lux sale in Nevada. DNA was matched with some of the old blood we found in Nate's childhood bedroom. We're also able to recover the DNA from our female skull and as you can see there... 烤魚: (走進來) Hey. 囧尼: Hey. (握烤魚手) 烤魚: So all these are from the backyard. All right, who are they? 羅賓爺爺: This one gave him his name. This one give him life. 烤魚: Mother. 囧尼: Yeah. That's Lowerts Throupe. She was working in an elementary school, one day in 1968, she just didn't show up for work. So the principle called the police, found her report, Arvin says that she ran off. 羅賓爺爺: Multiple fracks to the skull. Healed dernal structures. Misterial rib fractions. 烤魚: Beated to death after a long purative abuse. 囧尼: And she's a match to the DNA we found in the bedroom. Now she died in 1968 and Nate would be 8 years old? 烤魚: And incapable to beat his mother to death. So, father killed mother. 囧尼: The wall of blood is on the other side of boy's bedroom, so he must have heared the beatings over and over again. 羅賓爺爺: These animal skulls showed a mix of violent forces. Some of them are completely unharmed, possibly sufication death. The others, their bonds are crushed to tiny pieces. 烤魚: Standard serial killer evolution. 囧尼: In 1976 he graduated to humans. A 26 year old man named Douglas Nathan Huskell were traveling as a salesman, soon after Warner Throupe just stopped showing in school. 烤魚: And Nate Haskell is on his road. 凱姐跟莎拉在局裡走著. 凱姐: IA is on ask. They want the report. Do we know what happedn between Langston and Haskell? 莎拉: Well, um, (關門) the blood evidence says Langston dominated in the fight. He had Haskell on the back. He carried him to the benaster. 凱姐: So reasonably, Langston should be able to subdue him, to restrain him, to cuff him. There were marks on Haskell's wrists, I compare the vibration to the department recently issued plastic cuffs. 莎拉: Are you suggesting Langston cuffed Haskell, shoved him to the raily and cut the strings out? Greg and I didn't find any from the scene. 凱姐: The vibration continues across Haskell's back, so his arms were behind his back. There is nothing between that benaster and his back when he hit it suggested he wasn't cuffed. 莎拉: Well, there is still one possibility. Langston could have cuffed Haskell before throwing him to the raily. 凱姐: There is no cuffs found in the scene. And I believe without the evidence they would tell us: no cuffs present, no cuffs used. 凱姐來到Gloria病房 凱姐: Mrs. Parks, I'm Catherine Willows worked in the crime lab. Gloria媽媽: You worked with Ray. 凱姐: Yes. Gloria媽媽: What are you doing here? 凱姐: I'm the one who processed your daughther when she arrived here. I just want to check how she's doing. Gloria媽媽: You are here to ask questions she wouldn't reveal to. That is what you people do. She's not talking. So, please, just go. 凱姐: Mrs. Parks. My job is not to make everyone reveal their nightmares. But sometimes I left a few questions, I just need a minute with Gloria. Gloria: 8 years old, she made a list of all big places she was gonna to play music. And she made all come true. She would done everything she wanted. (起身) You know why their marriage ended? Because Ray was afraid of being with her. He was just nervous. Feared that something bad inside him would be passed on. That man just always scare me, doesn't he scare you? (離開床邊) 凱姐: Gloria? I just wanted to ask if you are doing okay? Gloria: I'm tired. 凱姐: I understand. I'll let you rest. Gloria媽媽: Thank you. 莎拉到儲物櫃拿下烤魚的kit. 小葛: What are you doing? Isn't is Langston's kit? 莎拉: There were marks on Haskell's wrist. They look like plastic cuffs. 小葛: So now you're checking to see if his kit is still stocked with those department cuffs. 莎拉: Yap. 小葛: (走近) My kit. 莎拉: I opened it. We all have the moment that we have to fight the darkness in us, and it is the team to shine our darkness and prove it. That's our job. I just need to know what I'm dealing with, and then I'll deal with that. 小葛: Three cuffs, satisfied? 凱姐去找布拔 布拔: You have the report? Faster than I thought. 凱姐: We have a problem whether Langston is using those plastic cuffs on Huskell. 布拔: And? 凱姐: Greg and Sara didn't find any in the scene, but you were the first responder. 布拔: Is that a question? 凱姐: I didn't see any mention of plastic cuffs in your report. 布拔: No you didn't. I assumed Ray have all three pairs in his kit. 凱姐: Oh yeah, all of three. You got quite a good memory about the stocks in the kit. 布拔: (看到Shaw走來) If you have a problem, you have about 5 seconds to speed it up. I looked out for my team, how about you? Are you gonna sign that one. 凱姐: I already did. We all did. (轉身面對Shaw) I made you a copy to save your time. The evidence suggested CSI Langston acting self-defence. (凱姐回眸看布拔一眼後離開) 烤魚在Gloria病房外... Gloria媽媽: If you care about her, don't go in there. The doctor says Gloria is okay to fly back to Baltimore with me and we're leaving in the morning. She don't want to talk about this. She wants to forget this and the side of you... 烤魚: (打斷) I do understand, Nora. No one is possible to live this around. I would try to find a way to talk with her if I can. Gloria媽媽: I know we never like each other. I never understood what Gloria saw in you. But what I said you earlier... It's not up to me to judge you. 烤魚: It's okay. She'll say that. Gloria媽媽: Well, she can't speak for herself yet. So let's see the answer you're looking for. You're gonna have to wait. She needs go home to heal. I hope you find peace, Ray. 烤魚的手機響了, 是凱姐傳來的簡訊. IA interview. Tomorrow 9 a.m. 烤魚回到那間老屋... 布拔: (走進來) What are you doing here? I just got a phone with police office from Black and White across the street looking for trace passes. He's right with crime labs spending a night in the house of Nate Haskell, but that wouldn't be you, would it? You killed the murder on self-defense, you get that, right? 烤魚: I get that... I did everything for Gloria. Look, Jim, I know what I was walking into. 回想畫面 Haskell: Nice to see you being into this, Ray. 烤魚: Feel your pulse, Nate, feel your beaing. (一拳) That one just cause an inner bleeding which will not cause an instant death yet. (再一拳) This is for making Gloria suffer. (一拳) This is for all the people you killed (一拳). This is for taking one of my kidney out of my life. (一拳) Haskell: Let go. Let go. Whoa... (慘叫加噴血) There is more in you, Ray. There is still more. There is a little bit of me in her, too. Ray. 烤魚: I think I know where you want to take me to, Nate. But you know something? I am already there. 烤魚把Haskell撞出去牆上, 狠狠弄碎他的膝蓋骨, Haskell慘叫. 烤魚: I'm sorry, Nate. It's all right, Nate. You won't leave with it the rest of your life. (烤魚把Haskell撞下樓) 布拔: Look, we're the only two people in the world who know what really happened here, and this stays between you and me. Because if I get all of it, internal attournay will put this as a crime case. They'll trail you of murder, Ray. They'll lock you up. And it won't be just you, you'll be crusifing. 回想畫面, 布拔一進到房間內就收走了在地上的手銬... 烤魚: (看到衣櫃空間裡的白粉) I have white chunks on my hands, transfering from Gloria. (烤魚撥開白粉) Music notes. (Gloria留下的) 回想畫面, 烤魚聽著Gloria的演奏. Gloria: This one, by XXX, is really not a story for first date. But, huh, that piece of music saved my life. 烤魚: Saved her life. 布拔: She knew you'll come back to her. You did the right thing, brother. 烤魚回到停屍間, 拉出Haskell的屍體. 羅賓爺爺: Everything happenes between you... It's natural if you need a reflection. 烤魚: Reflection. That's what he saw when he looked at me. 羅賓爺爺: That's what he wants you to believe. He wanted to bring you into that house with him. He wanted to make you a helpless child just like him. But against that bedroom wall, nothing but terror on the other side. 烤魚: But that was on the other side of the wall of my house. The difference between Nate Haskell and me is that I decided to train myself to be good for other people. Be good, right? Even if Dad crushed my nose in the middle, be good. Feel good. 羅賓爺爺: You are good. 凱姐走到interview會場, 小葛點了點頭. Shaw: This is the formal interview of Raymond Langston with regarding the death of one of the thrope, aka Nate Haskell. CSI Langston has been informed the official rights and understand the nature of this investigation. 烤魚被偵訊的房間外, 囧尼跟莎拉也都來了. Shaw: We will comments CSI Langston's accounts of this case, and... 烤魚: (打斷) The fact is that I killed the man. Shaw: That's why you're here. Question is how did you kill. Was it a self-defense? Or a murder? 烤魚張口, 答案並未落下. 本集心得: 1) 布拔很義氣, 艾禿你形象差好多, 羅賓爺爺我愛你!超溫馨的! 2) 基本上我是覺得這個Cliff-hanger還好啦...不算太叫人怨念的那種~~ 只是烤魚如果說實話, 布拔跟凱姐都會有麻煩吧?(偏頭) 3) 於是說DJK終於掛了(慢走不送), 必須說烤魚拳腳交加那邊好可怕(抖). 有種Haskell那個變態會在地底下因為得逞笑很爽的感覺...唉... 4) 關於Haskell的童年, 只能說可恨之人必有可憐之處. 不過我還是相信人是有選擇的, 環境有影響, 但是不是拍板論定的總結論, 人要對自己的選擇負責~~ (所以我還是要說Nate Haskell=Warner Throupe=DJK死好!!!) 以上~~本店全季終~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (05/14 01:55)

05/14 02:15, , 1F
05/14 02:15, 1F

05/14 02:26, , 2F
05/14 02:26, 2F

05/14 05:53, , 3F
真的把Haskell抓起來才發現Lawrence Fishburne好大一隻
05/14 05:53, 3F

05/14 05:54, , 4F
這集雖然編的還不錯 但最後有點小失望的就是
05/14 05:54, 4F

05/14 05:54, , 5F
Haskell 的死因就是大家想的那樣...
05/14 05:54, 5F

05/14 08:53, , 6F
總算...我們可以在下一季期待 Spiderman嗎 /__\
05/14 08:53, 6F

05/14 11:43, , 7F
05/14 11:43, 7F

05/14 11:49, , 8F
老葛走後,本店的spirit of evidence就弱得多了,在這集完全
05/14 11:49, 8F

05/14 11:51, , 9F
05/14 11:51, 9F

05/14 11:52, , 10F
說出 murder 這個字,應該會氣死吧。
05/14 11:52, 10F

05/14 11:53, , 11F
05/14 11:53, 11F

05/14 11:54, , 12F
05/14 11:54, 12F

05/14 11:58, , 13F
05/14 11:58, 13F

05/14 21:57, , 14F
05/14 21:57, 14F

05/15 00:22, , 15F
這樣袒護真的好嗎... 我也覺得老葛不會認同
05/15 00:22, 15F

05/15 01:50, , 16F
05/15 01:50, 16F

05/15 01:51, , 17F
低都鄰 這季只出現一次>< 我會等你的...
05/15 01:51, 17F

05/15 01:52, , 18F
05/15 01:52, 18F

05/15 11:29, , 19F
05/15 11:29, 19F

05/15 12:22, , 20F
同上 一堆罪犯都會被放出來...
05/15 12:22, 20F

05/15 17:50, , 21F
這集... 看的有點... 所以製作人是想說義氣很重要嗎?
05/15 17:50, 21F

05/15 17:50, , 22F
這個結尾讓我無所適從欸... 到底什麼是對的?
05/15 17:50, 22F

05/15 17:51, , 23F
把他打死也絕對是Nate最想要的結果, 就像TDK裡頭Joker想把
05/15 17:51, 23F

05/15 17:52, , 24F
Batman推入瘋狂一樣, 但Batman沒殺, 烤魚卻做了, 所以...
05/15 17:52, 24F

05/15 17:53, , 25F
完全不知道到底是怎樣.... 好怪= =
05/15 17:53, 25F

05/15 17:54, , 26F
05/15 17:54, 26F

05/15 19:54, , 27F
這集確實讓人不太痛快 可是烤魚下手也讓人能理解
05/15 19:54, 27F

05/15 19:54, , 28F
要是他能忍才真的是有鬼 現實遇到這種是誰不想把那小丑爆頭
05/15 19:54, 28F

05/15 23:59, , 29F
凌晨看完了這集~好讚! 感覺Sara是正義魔人?
05/15 23:59, 29F

05/16 00:13, , 30F
05/16 00:13, 30F

05/16 00:14, , 31F
05/16 00:14, 31F

05/16 01:25, , 32F
05/16 01:25, 32F

05/16 01:25, , 33F
05/16 01:25, 33F

05/16 10:24, , 34F
05/16 10:24, 34F

05/16 14:26, , 35F
05/16 14:26, 35F

05/16 14:43, , 36F
Sara 辦案一向很有自己的堅持,所以不意外。
05/16 14:43, 36F

05/16 17:10, , 37F
05/16 17:10, 37F

05/16 22:02, , 38F
05/16 22:02, 38F

05/17 14:47, , 39F
05/17 14:47, 39F

05/17 14:55, , 40F
05/17 14:55, 40F

05/17 15:04, , 41F
05/17 15:04, 41F

05/18 00:24, , 42F
05/18 00:24, 42F

05/18 00:26, , 43F
看完這集我決定放棄CSI了= =
05/18 00:26, 43F

05/18 02:09, , 44F
是說BAU的Hotch也是把殺妻兇手活活打死 不過我會原諒
05/18 02:09, 44F

05/18 02:10, , 45F
帥哥Hotch...烤魚的話 就想跟他說 你還是辭職比較好噢
05/18 02:10, 45F

05/18 13:56, , 46F
05/18 13:56, 46F

05/27 19:33, , 47F
他連替老何提鞋都不配 老何好歹證據上就是奸詐的站得住腳
05/27 19:33, 47F

05/27 19:34, , 48F
烤魚老是要整個TEAM幫他擦屁股 超看不下去的
05/27 19:34, 48F

05/28 08:02, , 49F
05/28 08:02, 49F

05/28 08:04, , 50F
05/28 08:04, 50F

05/28 08:26, , 51F
05/28 08:26, 51F

05/30 03:43, , 52F
或許是因為我不喜歡烤魚 所以這集很氣大家都坦護他
05/30 03:43, 52F

05/30 03:44, , 53F
我支持Sara的做法 要是老葛在 老葛也不會這樣不問是非
05/30 03:44, 53F

05/30 03:44, , 54F
自從烤魚加入 本店真的變調了 這季結局讓我更失望了
05/30 03:44, 54F

06/03 18:11, , 55F
越來越討厭烤魚 尤其殺人後面對其他csi的眼神表情
06/03 18:11, 55F

06/03 18:12, , 56F
這個lab有這麼缺他這個新手 居然一堆人坦護他 越看越氣
06/03 18:12, 56F

06/03 18:14, , 57F
06/03 18:14, 57F

06/03 18:17, , 58F
06/03 18:17, 58F

10/17 02:21, , 59F
本店自從企鵝離開 加上不討喜的烤魚 一整個鳥掉了
10/17 02:21, 59F
文章代碼(AID): #1DpMvafC (CSI)