[分享] 很棒的教育方法──積極學習法

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哈囉~大家好~我來分享一個很棒的教育方法 「積極學習法」 ── Marva Collins 最近有感而發覺得教育需要更好的方法,於是又把幸福課再看了一遍。 此生無法念哈佛,也想上哈佛的課 XD 哈佛大學的幸福課已經popular很久了, 但現在分享好像也不算太遲 v( ̄︶ ̄)y 以下是幸福課系列之第二集! 從 56 分 48 秒開始,這個教授說了他之所以成為老師的原因, 有些觀點我覺得很棒、很受用! ------------------------------------------------------- 真得是要用正面思考+正面的言語來教育孩子啊!不論是老師或是家長! 大推 Marva Collins 的「積極學習法」! <以下是影片 56 分 48 秒左右開始的演講> I want to share with you now my role model. In fact, the person who is the reason why I decided to become a teacher. Her name is Marva Collins. Marva Collins was born in Alabama in the 1930s. Her father was African American; her mother, Native American. She was born at a time in a place where there was a great deal of discrimination. Fortunately, for Marva, her father really believed in her and said to her from a very young age, "Marva, you can make something of your life. You can become a secretary." Now the reason why he said secretary is because that was where the glass ceiling, or rather concrete ceiling exists for a person of her ethnic background, a person of her gender. Marva Collins worked hard. She was smart. She succeeded. She made it. And she became a secretary. After a few years of working as a secretary, doing well, she decided this was not for her and what her calling in life. Her real passion was in teaching. She wanted to be a school teacher. She went to night school. A few years later, she got her teaching certificate, got married and with her husband moved to Chicago. There she joined public school system in inner city, Chicago. The reality that she found, that she encountered there was a reality of much crime, much drugs and more than anything, hopelessness. The hope of the teachers was to keep the students in school for as long as possible. Why? ─So that they don't join the street gangs at the age of 12; so that they are protected from the drugs, from crime. "How can we keep the students in school for as long as possible?"asked the teachers. Marva Collins walks into this reality and says, "Things are going to be different." On the first day of class, ─she teaches first graders to fourth graders─ on the first day of class, she says to her students, "We are going to do a lot of believing in ourselves." And she repeats this message over and over and over again, like a broken record throughout the semester and the year and years. "I believe in you. You can do well. You can succeed. Take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming. Stop blaming the government. Stop blaming your teachers. Stop blaming your parents. It is up to you to succeed." And she continues with this message over and over and over again. Having really high expectations of her students, looking at what they are good at, their strength and cultivating those. Miracles begin to happen. These students, considered by many of the teachers to be "unteachable"─ these "unteachable" ones by the time that they are in fourth grade are reading Euripides, Emerson and Shakespeare. These "unteachable" ones at the age of 10 are doing high school mathematics. Now rumor begins to spread about Marva Collins, because how can she keep these students in class for so long, when all the other are just trying to get out of school? She must be using force. And Marva Collins has enough of these rumors, leave the public school system, opens up her own school in her own kitchen with 4 students and initially, two of them her own kids. Gradually, more and more students join the Marva Collins school, Westside Preparatory she calls it. All the students that initially joined the school are public school dropouts. Marva Collins is the last resort before the street. And the miracles continue. Gradually more and more students come in. She has to move out of her home. They wretchedly rent a small shack in Chicago place, freezing in winter, scorching hot in summer. And yet the students are driven by their passion. And they continue. Miracles continue to happen to them. Every one of Marva Collins' students graduates from elementary school. Every goes to high school and graduates from high school. Every one of her students ends up in college and graduates from college. Yes, those "unteachable" ones. Marva Collins lives in a dire poverty for decades, somehow making ends meet. After all, most of her students can't pay. But somehow, months to months, she makes it. 1979 it changes overnight. A producer, from the television CBS program "60 Minutes" finds out about Marva Collins and creates a 15 minutes segment on her. Overnight she becomes famous. November, 1980, new President elect Ronald Reagan calls up Marva Collins offers her to be his Secretary of Education. So I guess her father was right. Marva Collins turns his offers down and says,"I love to teach too much. My place is in the classroom." 8 years later almost to the day, new President elect George Bush Sr. calls Marva Collins once again, offering her to be his Secretary of Education. Once again, "I love to teach too much. My place is in the classroom." In 1995, a wealthy philanthropist donates tens of millions of dollars to Marva Collins. Now there are Marva Collins schools all over the country where thousands of students learn, where hundreds of teachers from all over the world come and see the miracle of Marva Collins. Today there are Marva Collins graduates who are politicians, business people, lawyers, doctors, and more than anything, teachers. Because they know what their teacher has done for them. I want to show you a brief excerpt of this extraordinary woman.  Marva Collins "Positive Learning"─ I think I did pretty wonderful. I think I'm bright. I think I am unique. And I'll teach every child of me to think that. When they misbehave, their punishment is they have to write 100 reasons why they are too wonderful to do what they are doing. And they have to be alpha order. I am adorable. I am beautiful. I am courageous. I give them the first ones until they get the hang out of it. I am delightful. I am effervescent. I am fabulous. I am heavenly. I am idolized. I am just wonderful. I am kindred spirit. I am lovable. I am momentous. I am never, never under line. And it goes on to z. And if they do it again, then they have to use another synonym. Thay can't use adorable any more. Now the children will say to a new student, "I know why you don't behave. Coz I'm tired of telling Ms. Collins how wonderful I am." ---------------------------------------------- P.S. 前面提到的 secretary 和後面的 Secretary 是雙關語, 所以當教授說出"So I guess her father was right."的時候, 台下的學生就頓時哄堂大笑,美國人的笑點XD ------------------------------------------------------ <以下是中文翻譯> 現在我要和你們分享我的榜樣,事實上,正是因為她,我才決定成為一名教師, 她叫做 Marva Collins,Marva Collins 1930年代出生於阿拉巴馬州, 她父親是非裔美國人、母親是印地安人,她出生的時候,種族歧視非常盛行, 幸運地是,Marva 的父親對她非常有信心,從小就對她說 「Marva,你將來會有所作為,妳可以成為一名秘書」, 他之所以說秘書是因為那就是無形的障礙,或者說是有形的障礙, 鑒於她的種族背景、鑒於她的性別。Marva Collins 努力工作,她很聰明、她成功了、 她成為一名秘書。做了幾年祕書之後,雖然做得不錯,但她覺得這不適合她, 這不是她的使命,她真正的熱情在於教書。她想成為學校裡的一名教師, 於是她上夜校,幾年之後,她取得了教師證書,她結了婚並和丈夫搬到芝加哥, 她在那加入了芝加哥的公立學校,她在那裡看到的現實是大量犯罪、毒品氾濫、 最重要的是沒有希望!老師們的希望是讓孩子們在學校裡盡可能待久一點, 為什麼呢?因為這樣他們就不會在 12 歲就加入街頭幫派, 這樣他們就不會接觸毒品、不會犯罪,「我們怎樣讓學生待在學校裡?」老師們問。 Marva Collins 面對這種現實說:「這現象是可以改變的!」 在上課的第一天......──她教一年級到四年級── 在上課的第一天,她對學生們說: 「我們要練習對自己有信心、相信自己。」 她不斷地重複散播這樣的訊息,整個學期就猶如不斷重播的唱片, 最後堅持了好幾年,「我相信你、你能做好、你能成功、承擔人生的責任、 停止抱怨、停止抱怨政府、停止抱怨老師、停止抱怨父母、成功與否全在你自己。」 她繼續不斷地重複著這樣的訊息,她對學生們充滿期望,把眼光放在他們的長處和 優點上,並進而加以培養。 奇蹟開始發生了...... 這些被老師認為是「不可教」的學生,到了四年級竟然能夠讀幼里匹蒂斯(Euripides)、 愛默生、和莎翁的作品,這些「不可教」的學生在十歲時,竟然可以做高中的數學題目。 關於 Marva Collins 的謠言於是開始散佈...... 她怎能讓這些學生在教室裡待這麼長時間,而其他學生卻想著離開學校? 她一定是在強迫他們!Marva Collins 受夠了謠言的中傷, 她離開公立學校成立了自己的學校,就在她的廚房裡,一開始只有四個學生, 其中兩個是她的孩子。逐漸地,越來越多的學生進入了 Marva Collins 學校, 她稱之為「西岸小學」。一開始進入這間學校的學生,都是從公立學校被退學的, Marva Collins 是他們成為街頭混混前最後的希望。 奇蹟繼續發生......逐漸地,越來越多的學生進入這所學校就讀, 她不得不搬出去,他們在芝加哥租了一間小教室,冬天寒冷無比、夏天酷熱難耐, 然而學生們被他們的熱情所驅動,他們繼續學習,奇蹟也就繼續發生在他們身上。 Marva Collins 所有的學生,都從小學畢業了,之後都上了高中 最後也都上了大學,並且順利畢業。 沒錯!那些「不可教」的學生! Marva Collins 數十年生活困苦,然而,她努力平衡收支。 畢竟,她的學生都無法付學費。但是,隨著時間的推移,她終究是熬了過去。 1979年,情況在一夕之間扭轉了,CBS《60分鐘》的製片人得知了 Marva Collins 的故事,並製作了 15 分鐘的節目,她便一夕成名。 1980 年 11 月新當選的總統雷根打電話給 Marva Collins 請她擔任教育部長。 我想她父親是對的!Marva Collins 拒絕了邀請, 她說:「我太喜歡教書了,我屬於教室。」 恰好八年過去了,新當選總統老布希再次打電話給 Marva Collins , 請她擔任教育部長,再一次,她說:「我太喜歡教書了,我屬於教室。」 1995 年,有一位富裕的慈善家捐贈了數千萬美元給 Marva Collins, 現在全國都有 Marva Collins 學校,數千名學生在裡面學習, 來自世界各地的數百名教師,前來目睹 Marva Collins 的奇蹟。 今天 Marva Collins 的學生有政治家、商人、律師、醫生,而最多的就是老師了。 因為這些老師們知道他們老師的功勞。現在,我要展示這位傑出女性的一個片段。 Marva Collins「積極學習法」─ 我想我做得很好,我想我很聰明、我很特別, 我會教每個孩子這樣想,當他們不守規矩的時候, 他們的懲罰就是要寫 100 個原因,說明他們為什麼「棒」到要做那樣的事, 而且還要按照字母順序寫。我很可敬(adorable)、 我很漂亮(beautiful)、 我很勇敢(courageous),我給他們例子直到他們明白, 我令人快樂(delightful)、 我很歡樂(effervescent)、 我超棒(fabulous)、我超讚(heavenly)、 我是榜樣(idolized)、 我無與倫比(just wonderful)、 我很熱情(kindred spirit)、 我很可愛(lovable)、 我很重要(momentous)、 我從不調皮(never, never under line), 一直寫到最後一個字母,如果他們再犯, 他們必須要用另一個同義詞,他們不能再用可敬(adorable)了, 現在孩子們會對新同學說:「我知道你為什麼不守規矩了, 因為我已經厭倦告訴 Collins 老師我有多棒了!」 影片:http://www.facebook.com/aballoffire/posts/193995074044019 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/24 04:01, , 1F
推 很正面的文章
03/24 04:01, 1F

03/29 21:17, , 2F
03/29 21:17, 2F

03/31 05:26, , 3F
03/31 05:26, 3F

03/31 05:29, , 4F
03/31 05:29, 4F

04/04 23:14, , 5F
這篇真的是太積極正面的positive thinking了!^^
04/04 23:14, 5F

04/05 22:47, , 6F
Marva Collins 之所以會成功一定有她的道理!
04/05 22:47, 6F
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