[新聞] 二法國主教譴責巴西開除教籍一事為缺乏 …

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http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/mar/09031308.html Friday March 13, 2009 Two French Bishops Condemn Excommunications in Brazil as Lacking "Compassion" By Hilary White March 13, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Two French bishops have condemned the excommunications of a Brazilian mother and doctors who procured an abortion for her nine year-old daughter. The bishops of the dioceses of Gap in southeastern France and Nanterre, near Paris, have blasted Archbishop Jose' Cardoso Sobrinho of the archdiocese of Olinda and Recife for "adding to the pain" of the "tragedy." 兩位法國主教譴責巴西開除教籍一事。他們強烈譴責巴西樞機主教, 認為這是「在悲劇上增加痛苦」。 In an open letter, published on the Nanterre diocese website, Bishop Ge'rard Antoine Daucourt wrote that although he is "strongly opposed" to abortion, in his announcement of the excommunication Archbishop Cardoso had "caused suffering and scandal among many people throughout the world." 其中一位主教 Dancourt 在其教區網站上發表的開頭信上說,雖 然他強烈反對墮胎,但巴西樞機公佈開除教籍一事已「在許多人 中造成痛苦及反感」。 Bishop Daucort wrote, "The mother of the girl may have thought it was better to save a life than to risk losing three." 他寫道:「女童的母親可能認為,失去一人,好過冒失去三人的 危險」。 "Perhaps the physicians said the uterus of a child of nine could not expand indefinitely ... I do not know." 「或許醫生認為九歲小孩的子宮並不能無限制地擴大……我不知 道。」 Daucourt added that although many Protestant evangelicals in his diocese are also "opposed" to abortion, they do not "proclaim public condemnations." 他附加提到雖然許多在他主教轄區的新教福音派信徒也「反對」墮 胎,但他們並不會「公開譴責」。 "Perhaps this is one reason," he said, "why evangelical communities attract so many Catholics today, especially in Brazil." 「或許這是一個原因,」他說道,「說明了為何福音派團體今日吸 引了這麼多的天主教徒,尤其是在巴西。」 Jean-Michel di Falco, the bishop of the diocese of Gap, argued in a letter published on the front page of the diocese's website, that the abortion might not incur an automatic excommunication because of possible mitigating circumstances and said that Archbishop Cardoso had given "a lesson in the logic of repression" by declaring the excommunication. 另一位法國 Gap 教區的主教 di Falco 在一封寫給其教區的公開 信認為,墮胎或許並不會必然導致開除教籍,因為可能使罪責減輕 的情況。他也說道巴西樞機已藉由宣布開除教籍,「示範了什麼叫 壓抑。」(最後一句不太會翻 XD) The Brazilian girl, whose name has not been released to the public, was found to be pregnant with twins after being molested by her stepfather. Under Brazilian law, abortion is legal if it can be shown the pregnancy is the result of rape or the mother's life is threatened by continuing the pregnancy. 這位巴西女孩被其繼父性侵後,被發現已懷孕。在巴西的法律下, 只要能證明懷孕是由於被性侵,或者母親生命已受到懷孕的威脅, 墮胎就是合法的。 Archbishop Cardoso, of the Brazilian archdiocese of Olinda and Recife, said that although the child could not be accountable, her adult family members and the doctors who committed the act are under an automatic sentence of excommunication, according to the Church's canon law. 那位巴西樞機 Cardoso 說,根據教會的法律,只要犯下墮胎之罪, 就必然會被開除教籍。 According to Catholic law, abortion, the willful killing of a child in the womb, is an act that carries an automatic, "latae sententiae," sentence of excommunication. This means that the penalty is levied "by the act itself" and does not require any type of decree or confirmation by a bishop to be valid. 根據教會法律,墮胎這有意識殺害子宮中孩子的行為,會必然導致 開除教籍之刑罰。這表示這處罰是基於「行動本身」而自發,並不 需要任何主教的認可。 It was reported that although doctors at the first hospital where the girl was initially admitted refused to commit the abortion, saying that her life was not in danger, her mother, determined to procure an abortion, simply transferred her daughter to another hospital, Cisam, that was willing go ahead. 報導說道,雖然第一家女孩被送到的醫院的醫生起初拒絕墮胎,認 為女童的生命沒有危險,但其母親決意要墮胎,遂直接將其女孩轉 至另一間可做墮胎手術的醫院。 Bishop di Falco, nonetheless, suggested in his letter that the mother might have been acting out of "grave fear," in which case, he said, that, according to a Canon Law expert he consulted, the penalty of automatic excommunication does not apply. 然而,di Falco 主教在其信中提到,該位母親可能是在「極大的 恐懼」之下如此行事;在這種情況下,根據他諮詢的教會法專家的 看法,必然開除教籍之罰並不適用。 "No doubt the mother of this little girl," he wrote, "is doubly burdened by the tragic family situation that she long suffered, and the stigma associated with the publicity surrounding the excommunication." 他寫道:「無須懷疑這女孩的母親其重擔加倍了,不但受苦於這個 家庭悲劇,還得面對她被公開宣佈開除教籍的恥辱。」 Accusing Archbishop Cardoso of a "lack of compassion," the bishop of Gap wrote, "Who are we to condemn without trial and without qualification?" 他也指責 Cardoso 樞機主教「缺乏憐憫之心」,「若無經過審訊 及判定,我們是要譴責誰?」 Bishop Daucourt noted at the end of his letter that he was forwarding a copy to Giovanni Cardinal Battista Re, of the Prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for Bishops, who recently told Italian media that the excommunication was justified in the case. Dancourt 主教在其信末提到,已將該信轉寄給梵蒂岡主教部官員 Re。他最近告訴義大利媒體這個開除教籍的處罰是有正當理由的。 "It's a sad case," Cardinal Re told La Stampa newspaper, "but the real problem is that the twins conceived were two innocent persons, who had the right to live and could not be eliminated." Re 樞機說:「這事件令人悲傷,但真正的問題是所懷的雙胞胎 是無辜的,他們有權力活著,而不是被殺。」 The National Conference of Brazilian Bishops also issued a statement of support for Cardoso Sobrinho, saying, "The Church, in fidelity to the Gospel, positions itself always in favor of life, in an unequivocal condemnation of all violence done against the dignity of the human person." 巴西主教團也發表聲明支持 Cardoso,說:「忠於福音的教會, 其立場一直是傾向生命的,對於所有反對位格人尊嚴的暴行,它 予以明確譴責。」 "Furthermore, we do not agree with the final outcome of eliminating the life of defenseless human beings." 「而且,我們不贊同這殺害無法自衛之人的最後結果。」 Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage: Vatican Backs Bishop Who Excommunicated Doctor and Family Involved in Abortion http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/mar/09030903.html Archbishop Announces Excommunication of Doctor and Family Members for Abortion on Nine-Year-Old Girl http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/mar/09030601.html -- 上主,請發言,禰的僕人在此靜聽。 -- 1 Samuel 3:10 http://ivangelion.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ivangelion 來自: (03/15 02:58) ※ 編輯: Ivangelion 來自: (03/15 03:09)

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