[外電] Ferry對選秀的回應

看板Cavaliers作者 (Mr.Vengeance)時間17年前 (2007/06/29 18:37), 編輯推噓7(702)
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http://0rz.tw/ab2K4 The Cavaliers came close to pulling the trigger on two deals late in the first round, including the Phoenix Suns' pick at No. 24. 騎士一度接近完成兩筆交易,包括太陽的第二十四順位. But ultimately, they came up short. "We explored every opportunity," Cavs general manager Danny Ferry sa id. "We have two pretty good opportunities - one being Phoenix - and one later than that (which might have been Philadelphia at No. 30)." Ferry道"我們試過每一個機會,一個是鳳凰城,還有一個是後面費城的三十順位. The Cavaliers weren't able to make the deal with the Suns because Po rtland had a bigger trade exception, which it used to acquire Spanish gu ard Rudy Fernandez. 騎士-太陽破局的原因是拓荒者可以出的trade exception比騎士的(210萬)還大 ,拓隊這樣換來了西班牙後衛費南德茲. "We did our work and research," Ferry said. "I'm happy we didn't mak e any bad decisions. We were close in the first round. I thought we had one at one point toward the end of the first round. I think we made a go od decision." "我們下了功夫去研究" Ferry道 "很高興沒做出不智的決斷,我們離第一輪很接 近了,我以為該能弄到首輪末段的一個位置. 我想我們最終決定是正確的." Ferry said the Cavs were trying to buy into the draft. The most they could spend was $3 million. 騎士也想過要用買的方法拿來選秀權. "It's frustrating for our scouts because they worked so hard," he sa id. Ferry said the Cavs identified 15 players in the draft whom they targ eted. He said none of those players were available. Ferry said he was a bit shocked more trades didn't go down. He said t he Cavs were well aware of the Ray Allen deal to Boston and the Zach Rand olph trade to New York. However, the Cavs were caught off-guard by the Ja son Richardson deal to Charlotte. "We were trying to get the temperature on everything going on," Ferry said. "The Richardson deal was not on our radar at all." =========================================================================== 我的看法:trade exception沒比人家大筆是沒辦法的,太陽也要省錢嘛. 但是你說 1.騎士鎖定了十五個可能對象 2.根據Windhorst的情報這些人分佈在22-40順位之間 然後騎士會 "none of those players were available" 這甘有可能?難道這十五 人當中有些順位突然前移到1-21名,然後落在22-40區間的目標,剛好選到他們的球隊都 不願交易要拿來栽培...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/29 20:12, , 1F
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06/29 21:04, , 2F
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06/29 21:04, , 3F
東區許多球隊 都補強了很多~~連活塞都選到不錯的球員
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06/29 22:11, , 4F
總覺得如果就這樣 未來的競爭力會相對變小...
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06/29 23:14, , 5F
我怎麼覺得..我們總管都在喇叭了= =..
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這次選秀丁丁哪麼多 一個也沒撈到 有點虛...
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