[外電] Cavs' O'Neal to have surgery

看板Cavaliers作者 (victor)時間14年前 (2010/03/01 19:48), 編輯推噓18(18028)
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Cavs' O'Neal to have surgery By George M. Thomas Beacon Journal staff writer POSTED: 09:32 p.m. EST, Feb 28, 2010 INDEPENDENCE: The Cavaliers' abundance of big men has turned into a blessing for the team. Coach Mike Brown has gone from not having enough minutes for every big man on his roster to seeing the opposite, as center Shaquille O'Neal's injured thumb will keep him out for six to nine weeks, according to sources with knowledge of the situation. 騎士隊有充足的大個子可以幫助球隊。Oneal因大拇指受傷要休息六周到九周,空出來的 位子讓教練Mike Brwon可以讓大個子有足夠的時間發揮。 An MRI revealed surgery was needed on what was initially diagnosed as a significant right thumb sprain. The 7-foot-3 center traveled with the Cavs' head team physician to the National Hand Center in Baltimore, where he will undergo surgery today performed by specialist Dr. Thomas Graham. Head team physician Dr. Richard Parker of the Cleveland Clinic will assist. MRI初步診斷為嚴重的右指扭傷。7尺3吋的中鋒和騎士隊的醫師到巴爾摩市的手方面的權 威醫院,今天專家Dr. Thomas Graham和會在那裏手術而騎士的隊醫Dr. Richard Parker 則擔任助手。 That leaves the Cavs trying to pick up the slack for the player that most of the team refers to as the ''big fella,'' something they feel comfortable they can accomplish. 這次的受傷讓騎士隊有機會好好的訓練隊裡的淺力股~~! ''We have enough bodies to spare. Shaq is one of those guys who takes up so much attention,'' forward Antawn Jamison said. ''He makes the game easy, so hopefully it isn't anything serious, but I think the rest of the big guys can come in help.'' Jamison說: 我們有足夠的替補。 Shaq是那種會吸引對方注意力的球員,這樣能夠讓比 賽變的比較好打。希望病情不要太嚴重,我認為這個休息一下能帶給他幫助。 In Brown's offense, the power forward and center are designed to be interchangeable and forwards are required to know both, the coach said. One thing is certain: The Cavs' style of play is different without O'Neal than with him. When O'Neal was injured in the Boston Celtics game Thursday, the Cavs became quicker and more athletic. Coach Mike Brown went to the bench and found J.J. Hickson in relief and suddenly found minutes for Leon Powe, who had just returned from an injury to his left knee that he suffered during last year's postseason with the Celtics. 在Brown的進攻中pf和c被設計要不斷的交換,而pf必須兩個位子都要會打 有一件事情很重要,騎士隊的打法有無Oneal是有很大的不同的。當Oneal受傷後從和普賽 的比賽可以看出來騎士隊變的更加的快速和靈活。板凳中有JJ和因為去年和超賽比賽受傷 回歸的Leon Powe讓Mike Brown可以鬆口氣~~~ Guard Mo Williams said the team will continue to rely more on driving the ball to the basket and kicking it out to an open man, using LeBron James and Jamison in the low post. 後衛Mo Williams 說: 球隊將會距續進球 傳出空檔 使james 和 Jamison 打低位 ''Attack the rim and do it that way,'' he said. 就是從外線攻擊! There have been some who have written that the Cavs are better without O'Neal for that very reason. Brown doesn't buy it. ''We look good with him and we look good without him at times,'' Brown said of O'Neal. ''It depends on who you're playing. There have been plenty of games that he's played for us that, without him, we probably wouldn't have won.'' 有些人寫很多理由去證明騎士沒有Oneal打的更好了,但Mike Brown不買帳~~ 有他在我們打的很好~他不在我們偶爾打的很好~這跟對手有關 他已經幫我們打了很多場球~沒有他我們可能根本不會勝利 The reality is that O'Neal was brought here to get the Cavs past the Orlando Magic, then, if necessary, the Los Angeles Lakers — teams that both have dominating big men. 事實上Oneal幫助給球隊打敗魔術,而且如果必要湖人也不放過。這兩隊的共通點是都有 一個主宰的中鋒 ''Of course you need a guy like Shaq in the playoffs, going deeper and so forth,'' Jamison said. Jamison說:在季後賽打到最後你絕對需要像Oneal一樣的傢伙! Brown agreed. ''He's had an impact against the Lakers. He's had an impact against Orlando,'' he said. ''When we won 13 in a row, he was a big part of it. I'd rather have him than not have him.'' Brown同意~ : 他能夠對湖人和魔術有一定的衝擊,他是我們13連勝時重要的一環,我認 為有他是比較好的。 O'Neal's injury brings about the inevitable question of the team reacquiring Zydrunas Ilgauskas as soon he's available to re-sign with them, which is March 22. Brown was in a joking mood when asked about that. ''I don't know the process of how that goes,'' he said. ''But I know once we are able to recruit him, talk to him, I'm going to send him whatever I need or whatever I think he needs — that's legal.'' Oneal的受傷讓騎士隊不得不盡快簽回大z。 Brown開玩笑的說就是3/22!!! 他又接著講: 我不知道其中過程,但是我知道一旦我們可以簽回他,我就會給他他要求的 ~ 這是合法的!! 出處 http://www.ohio.com/sports/cavs/85787107.html 心得: Mo Parker 大v 大z oneal west jj jamison James.....季後賽看你們的了 ps 中間一段mo講的 我怎麼翻看起來都怪怪的 希望強者幫補 謝啦 ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: victor21835 來自: (03/01 19:49)

03/01 19:49, , 1F
JJ季後賽應該沒有什麼時間才對 XD
03/01 19:49, 1F
※ 編輯: victor21835 來自: (03/01 19:54)

03/01 19:57, , 2F
03/01 19:57, 2F

03/01 19:57, , 3F
看成長吧 也許他的瘋狂轟籃 能對某些隊發揮作用
03/01 19:57, 3F

03/01 19:58, , 4F
最近板上越來越多外電 CLE板越來越熱鬧了^.^b
03/01 19:58, 4F

03/01 20:11, , 5F
03/01 20:11, 5F

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03/01 20:13, , 8F
03/01 20:13, 8F

03/01 20:19, , 9F
推翻譯! 第六段是不是要改成"繼續"
03/01 20:19, 9F

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03/01 22:28, , 19F
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03/01 22:29, , 20F
03/01 22:29, 20F

03/01 22:45, , 21F
JJ機會真的很多 也有進步 我想持續表現季後賽會有機會
03/01 22:45, 21F

03/01 22:46, , 22F
對魔術還蠻後面的 希望大歐那時候就回來了
03/01 22:46, 22F

03/01 22:50, , 23F
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03/01 22:52, , 24F
03/01 22:52, 24F

03/01 22:52, , 25F
03/01 22:52, 25F

03/01 22:53, , 26F
我剛剛說季賽 希望會恢復快一點 先打個幾場季賽這樣
03/01 22:53, 26F

03/01 22:54, , 27F
對山貓很頭痛 希望不要遇到...
03/01 22:54, 27F

03/01 23:02, , 28F
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03/01 23:04, , 29F
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03/01 23:06, , 30F
03/01 23:06, 30F

03/01 23:10, , 31F
我還沒看過對山貓的比賽 僅記得船長跟LBJ一樣 很會大範
03/01 23:10, 31F

03/01 23:11, , 32F
圍傳球 對騎士又爆氣進攻打很好 看的時候都是大比分落後
03/01 23:11, 32F

03/01 23:12, , 33F
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03/01 23:14, , 36F
03/01 23:14, 36F

03/01 23:15, , 37F
不過能參考的比賽說不能參考也算 因為那天是Jamison的
03/01 23:15, 37F

03/01 23:15, , 38F
第一場 到季後賽整體磨合好 而不太會輸
03/01 23:15, 38F

03/01 23:17, , 39F
用大Z這種不硬幹籃下的中鋒 對山貓可能比較有用
03/01 23:17, 39F

03/01 23:19, , 40F
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03/01 23:22, , 43F
03/01 23:22, 43F

03/02 02:21, , 44F
03/02 02:21, 44F

12/10 00:31, 5年前 , 45F
都不行了,第一輪如果遇 https://muxiv.com
12/10 00:31, 45F

04/18 19:10, 5年前 , 46F
山喵若磨合好憑實力不該 https://muxiv.com
04/18 19:10, 46F
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