[外絮] 騎士向聯盟申請延長交易特例期限

看板Cavaliers作者 (父親,願你安息)時間13年前 (2011/05/30 23:21), 編輯推噓1(101)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DuxJz5d ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (父親,願你安息) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 騎士向聯盟申請延長交易特例期限 時間: Mon May 30 23:17:14 2011 Cavaliers Appeal For Extension On $14.5 Million Trade Exception http://tinyurl.com/3gvvzsn Via Jason Lloyd/Beacon Journal May 29, 2011 3:05 PM EDT With the collective bargaining agreement set to expire in about a month and no real signs of progress, a likely lockout has left the Cavs in a predicament with their trade exception. 隨著勞資協議(CBA)將在6月底到期,而且現在還沒有緩和的跡象 這可能讓騎士尚未使用的交易特例(TE),處於相當尷尬的狀態 The Cavs have until July 9 to use the $14.5 million trade exception they obtained in the LeBron James deal with the Miami Heat. But the lockout is set to begin July 1, rendering the final nine days of the trade exception worthless. 騎士在去年LeBron James宣布加盟熱火後,跟熱火要到了1450萬TE款項, 其使用期限,剛好就是那"The Decision"事件的滿週年 然而,7月1日非常有可能發生的封館 卻有可能讓這特例在那最後九天"毫無用武之地" The Cavs have petitioned the league to have the final nine days tacked on to the new season. If granted, it would give the Cavs nine days after the lockout was lifted to use whatever part of the exception they had remaining. But the Cavs have no idea whether or not the league will grant the request, and they don't expect to hear an answer from the league until after the lockout is lifted. 也因此,騎士球團已經寄給聯盟一封陳情信 希望聯盟可以把那"最後九天"的計算期限,延期到2011-12球季正式運作 假如騎士獲得聯盟許可,他們就可以在封館危機 解除後的九天內,使用他們TE尚未用到的部份 然而,騎士也不知道聯盟是否會答應他們的請求 他們本身也比較希望聯盟在封館結束後,再給予答覆 以下是Ohio.com的更完整報導 http://www.ohio.com/sports/cavs/122780399.html If the Cavs don't use the exception between now and the draft, they're likely not going to use it the final week of June. That gives them a little less than four weeks now to weigh any offers for the trade exception and decide whether or not to use it or chance trying to roll it over until after the lockout. 假如騎士沒有在選秀之前就使用TE,球團很有可能 在六月的最後一週,也不會用到 因此球團從現在起,只剩下不到4周的時間評估 是否要接受其他球隊的提議 If the Cavs elect to hold onto most or all of the exception through the lockout and the league grants the request, it would suddenly become a very powerful tool — particularly if there is a hard cap and other teams around the league are forced to shed salary. 假如騎士在封館之後,TE的額度尚未全數用完 而聯盟也很幸運地答應了他們的申請,TE就會變成實用的工具 因為有不少球隊有可能在"硬薪資上限"的陰影籠罩下 被迫縮減團隊薪資 But if the league doesn't grant the request, the exception will have expired and they'll get nothing for it. 但倘若聯盟沒有答應騎士的請求,TE就會自動失效 換句話說,他們什麼都換不到 As a result, the Cavs will operate from now until the draft as if the exception expires July 1. If they agree on a deal they like, they'll use the exception now. If not, they'll plan on it expiring. Then if the league grants the request, it will be an added bonus. 也因此,騎士必須在選秀前的這段期間,把7月1日看做是TE的期限 假如球團在此時同意進行交易,他們就可以使用TE 如果還沒用完,他們就會看做自動到期。 但聯盟答應了他們的延長請求,那又是"天上掉下來的禮物"了 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 小評:好TE,快用吧! -- 給一個願意為我付出一切且不求回報,並幫助我健康成長的朋友,願你安息(1932-2011) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- 給一個願意為我付出一切且不求回報,並幫助我健康成長的朋友,願你安息(1932-2011) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/31 14:51, , 1F
05/31 14:51, 1F

05/31 23:09, , 2F
05/31 23:09, 2F
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