[外電] J.J. Redick?

看板Celtics作者 (Knicks)時間15年前 (2009/01/11 14:17), 編輯推噓16(16011)
留言27則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
What GM Danny Ainge wants is a shooter off the bench, but he’s struggling to find one. League sources say he made a bid for the Orlando Magic’s J.J. Redick recently, a guard he’s long coveted, but an offer of J.R. Giddens and Gabe Pruitt couldn’t come close to prying Redick. What’s more, Orlando isn’ t motivated to fortify the Celtics. Suddenly, the Magic believe they can beat Boston. League executives say Ainge has become more persistent this week in searching out deals, but as a Western Conference executive said, “He just doesn’t have any players that anyone wants.” 塞爾提克向魔術報價,用J.R. Gidden 和Gabe Pruitt 換J.J. Redick ,但是慘遭拒絕. 魔術不想破壞現在的化學效應.塞爾提克4連敗後,現在正積極尋求交易. 有消息說Danny Ainge 開出的籌碼,都沒有引起任何球隊感興趣. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/11 14:21, , 1F
01/11 14:21, 1F

01/11 14:21, , 2F
01/11 14:21, 2F

01/11 14:22, , 3F
01/11 14:22, 3F

01/11 14:23, , 4F
01/11 14:23, 4F

01/11 14:27, , 5F
Suddenly, the Magic believe they can beat Boston,
01/11 14:27, 5F

01/11 14:27, , 6F
they doesn’t have any players that anyone wants.
01/11 14:27, 6F

01/11 14:28, , 7F
九把刀季賽沒上過場 Pruitt一直是板凳中的板凳
01/11 14:28, 7F

01/11 14:28, , 8F
換了以後根本不確定能不能用 這種籌碼真的很不吸引人
01/11 14:28, 8F

01/11 14:30, , 9F
01/11 14:30, 9F

01/11 14:31, , 10F
寫了稱讚C's的報導 現在馬上變成人人喊打的對象...
01/11 14:31, 10F

01/11 14:33, , 11F
01/11 14:33, 11F

01/11 14:36, , 12F
01/11 14:36, 12F

01/11 14:38, , 13F
01/11 14:38, 13F

01/11 14:48, , 14F
01/11 14:48, 14F

01/11 15:21, , 15F
交易只是其次吧 教練問題大 菜這麼好也要看廚師怎炒
01/11 15:21, 15F

01/11 15:35, , 16F
01/11 15:35, 16F

01/11 15:36, , 17F
JJ不是定點射手 只是被當定點射手用
01/11 15:36, 17F

01/11 15:37, , 18F
換J.J.來感覺不會解決什麼問題= =
01/11 15:37, 18F

01/11 15:38, , 19F
要JJ 不然明年選McAlarney好了 瘋狂射手喔
01/11 15:38, 19F

01/11 16:08, , 20F
給Pruiit多上一點比在實在 他真的可以用
01/11 16:08, 20F

01/11 16:38, , 21F
魔術收Gidden Pruitt這兩隻要幹嘛?= =
01/11 16:38, 21F

01/11 17:53, , 22F
01/11 17:53, 22F

01/11 18:15, , 23F
拿自己不用的人去換 真有一套...
01/11 18:15, 23F

01/11 19:05, , 24F
Ainge:"一句話, 換不換?"
01/11 19:05, 24F

01/11 19:05, , 25F
魔術:"你們那兩個好用嗎?" Ainge:"我也不知道!"
01/11 19:05, 25F

01/11 19:06, , 26F
魔術:"那還換屁!" Ainge:"過年嘛! 就當買福袋呀!"
01/11 19:06, 26F

01/11 20:49, , 27F
為何賽隊都不用Bill Walker?
01/11 20:49, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #19QOxzLV (Celtics)