[轉錄]Re: [問題] NBA裡面有沒有常常打板投籃ꨠ…

看板Celtics作者 (春風少年兄)時間15年前 (2009/03/01 12:03), 編輯推噓3(303)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: bri (.....................) 看板: NBA 標題: Re: [問題] NBA裡面有沒有常常打板投籃的人阿 時間: Sun Mar 1 10:48:01 2009 ※ 引述《waterfall (waterfall)》之銘言: : 以前TD打板的球很大機會 : 6X%進 3X%彈另一邊 : 假設馬刺除了TD,有另一人可以強勢搶籃板 : 那TD可以一直投,另一個就卡另一邊的籃板 : 可惜馬刺目前除了TD,其他人的籃板都很慘 : 沒有籃板的優勢,TD出手只有兩個情況 : 投罰球線的距離把對方中鋒引出來 : 另一個就是想辦法擠的更禁區 Boston Celtics 的傳奇球星Sam Jones的招牌也是打板, 不過大概因為年代久遠,現在人大概都沒看過了,以下是 CELTIC-NATION對他專訪中的一段,提到打板投籃: CELTIC-NATION The bank shot was your calling card, as deadly a weapon as Kareem’s sky hook, but you don’t see players shooting it as much today? What has happened to the bank shot? CELTIC-NATION 打板投籃是你的招牌,就像Kareem的天勾一樣致命,但是 現在球員使用的頻率不像過去那麼多了?打板投籃怎麼了? SAM JONES It hasn’t really gone anywhere, I just don’t think that it’s being taught like it used to be taught. I think the three-point shot has something to do with that, because it really has hurt the intermediate jumper. Coaches today are stressing the three pointer, kids see it on television, and as a result the midrange jumper has been lost. I think that’s a mistake. SAM JONES 它並沒有跑去哪裡,我認為只是現在被教導的打板投籃不 像過去。我認為三分球跟這也有點關係,因為它真正傷害 了中距離投籃。現在的教練強調三分球。孩子在電視上看 到,結果就是中距離跳投消失了。我認為這是個錯誤。 One of the greatest teachers of the bank shot was John Wooden at UCLA. Most of his kids had that shot. Tim Duncan is still shooting the bank shot, and he’s going to go down as one of the greatest players in the history of the NBA. He shoots it with pretty good accuracy, and I think he prefers that midrange bank shot over a flashy slam dunk. In that respect he’s a throwback of sorts. Scottie Pippen used that shot quite a bit as well. But those guys are the exceptions to the rule. I just think the bank shot is one of the most effective shots you could use on the court, within a certain range. 打板投籃最偉大的教練之一是UCLA的 John Wooden。大部 分他的學生都會這招。Tim Duncan仍然會用打板,而他終 會成為 NBA歷史上最偉大的球員之一。他的投籃相當準確 ,而且我認為他偏好打板投籃,勝過勁爆的灌籃。在這方 面他是挺復古的。Scottie Pippen也會來點這招。但是這 些傢伙都是例外。我認為打板投籃是你在場上最有效率的 投籃方式之一,在一定的範圍之內。 -- Walter Brown "Red" Auerbach Dennis Johnson Bill Russell Jo Jo White Bob Cousy Tom Heinsohn "Satch" Sanders John Havlicek Dave Cowens Don Nelson Bill Sharman '57 '59 '60 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 Boston Celtics '66 '68 '69 '74 '76 '81 '84 '86 Ed Macauley Frank Ramsey Sam Jones K.C. Jones Cedric Maxwell Kevin McHale Larry Bird Reggie Lewis Robert Parish "Loscy" Danny Ainge Len Bias Johnny Most Garden '08 Ray Allen Kevin Garnett Paul Pierce http://blog.pixnet.net/CelticsPride -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/01 10:50,
某教練:阿鼎阿鼎 搶到籃板給信安 信安信安 拿到球投三分
03/01 10:50

03/01 10:54,
應該轉去basketballTW 不過那些小朋友也不會認同吧
03/01 10:54

03/01 11:33,
03/01 11:33

03/01 12:02,
03/01 12:02
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/01 12:03, , 1F
you2be要找sam jones的影片都好少了..
03/01 12:03, 1F

03/01 15:15, , 2F
http://0rz.tw/wer3v 今日NBA高光
03/01 15:15, 2F

03/01 15:50, , 3F
03/01 15:50, 3F

03/01 15:50, , 4F
三不五時就巡迴NBA各球隊板推文 沒比賽也在推高光...
03/01 15:50, 4F

03/01 15:54, , 5F
有比賽就算了 沒比賽也來 分個時間場合吧 = =..
03/01 15:54, 5F

03/01 15:54, , 6F
而且每次都只有那句今日NBA高光 有點誠意吧...
03/01 15:54, 6F
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