[外電] I Clearly Underestimated KG's Knee I …

看板Celtics作者 (其實我很帥)時間15年前 (2009/09/14 20:55), 編輯推噓12(1204)
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I Clearly Underestimated KG's Knee Injury 我真的低估了KG的膝傷 http://rubyurl.com/EhZg September 11, 2009 以下是簡單的翻譯,若有錯誤煩請指證! ---------------------------- Earlier this week when Paul Pierce revealed that KG still wasn't scrimmaging, I shot a "say what?" expression back at my computer. 當我聽到PP說「KG還不能進行正式的對抗」時,我的反應是:這是怎麼一回事呀...... Now we're learning the team is being uber-cautious with the knee (courtesy Marc Spears of Yahoo! Sports): Garnett began working out at the Celtics’ practice facility on Monday. For now, he is limited to participating in court drills that include shooting and running. He could be cleared for contact as early as the week before camp. KG目前的現況是:他在塞爾提克的體育館裡進行一些訓練,但是包括投籃、跑步都是 被禁止的,這些限制最快在季前訓練開始前一個禮拜解除。 Celtics general manager Danny Ainge said the team continues to be cautious with Garnett, who missed the playoffs with a right knee injury that eventually required surgery on May 26. 球隊對KG的傷勢相當謹慎,KG在上季錯過了整個季後賽,最終在5/26動了骨刺手術。 “We’re looking for him to be there at the end of the season, not just the start of the season,” Ainge said. “We’re getting him ready for training camp and looking forward to him being healthy in the playoffs. He looks good. Really good.” 「我們要讓KG堅持到球季末,並非只出現在球季外。」安吉說道:「我們期待KG可以參加 季前訓練,並且保持健康直到季後賽。說真的,他現在看上去很好!真的很好!」 15 weeks after bone spur surgery and he still isn't allowed to scrimmage? My 4-month old son doesn't get that type of cuddly care. 然而,KG手術過後已經整整15週,但是他卻仍然遲遲不能進行正式的對抗訓練? I get it. Why play him now during a meaningless workout, but the fact there's still some level of risk scares me. And here I thought all the writers who were questioning KG's healthy return were overreacting. You can officially put me in that camp. 難道──質疑KG的健康真的是我們反應過度嗎......T^T Spears asked Danny Ainge about Rajon Rondo's contract extension: 以下是安吉關於RONDO的續約問題的回覆: Ainge said he is unsure whether the Celtics will offer point guard Rajon Rondo a contract extension before the start of the season. If Rondo does not receive an extension, he will become a restricted free agent next summer. Nothing new to report there. Gary Tanguay and Jackie MacMullen speculate about a sign-and-trade scenario in which the Heat get Rondo and the Celtics get D-Wade next year. Not as far fetched as you might think... # ----------------------------------------- 關於KG目前的訓練情況,6513有影片可以看 該則影片應該就是其他外電說的四個老人的自發訓練營(?) (看起來應該是KG+PP+RAY+SHEED+其他追隨者) 影片有看到KG可以自由跑動和橫移 但是沒有看到他投籃,也沒有看到他進行所謂的「跑步」....... 嗯...... KG加油~ GO GO CELTICS ~ GO GO THREE AMIGOS ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SexyCassell 來自: (09/14 21:01)

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要是KG很抖 今夏補強 為了奪冠可能很拼
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nogoodlaugh:轉錄至看板 KevinGarnett 09/14 21:28

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Rondo for D-Wade...? 也太歡樂了吧
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09/14 23:06, , 13F
KG的膝傷已經累積好幾年了 真的是謹慎一點好
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