[外電] Brian Scalabrine Is Whatever You Wan …

看板Celtics作者 (還是到分離的結果)時間14年前 (2009/09/17 21:00), 編輯推噓5(500)
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新聞出處(必填):http://0rz.tw/RuaQs 作者:Jeff Clark Brian Scalabrine has been loved and hated; valued and vilified; counted on and counted out. Scal被同時喜愛跟討厭;具備價值跟詆毀;當成球隊一份子以及戰力外。 He was brought in to be a veteran role playing leader. He became a punchline and a scapegoat. He was named on lists of "worst contracts." At one point fans started to give him the old Bronx cheer (cheering in jest). 他被帶給球隊一個在角色球員中精神領袖。他成了球隊的吉祥物跟戰犯,被冠上"最糟糕 的合約"。當垃圾時間的時候,球迷會拿他出場做玩笑式的歡呼。 Then somewhere along the line he became useful again. The cheers became genuine. People actually started counting on him. Now he's back to being a veteran role playing leader. His contract is actually an asset now because it is expiring this year. 然後在某些地方他的存在便成有用的慣例。玩笑的歡呼變成真正的喜愛。他現在成為球隊 角色球員中"真正"的領袖。他明年到期的合約,今年變成了有價值的資產。 The funny thing is, I don't think Brian Scalabrine has changed all that much. He's been poorly fit into an ever changing landscape during his tenure as a Celtic. 有趣的是,我不認為Scal改變了這一切。他在Celtics的期間,他還是困難地融入球隊比賽 之中,即使是為了三巨頭交易而做出的重大變化中。 In the early years the starting lineup consisted of Paul Pierce, Ricky Davis, Marcus Banks, Raef LaFrentz, and Mark Blount. That lineup plus Gary Payton and Antoine Walker won 45 games and made the playoffs the year before Scal arrived. But Pierce had just pulled his jersey waving, head wrapped in bandages routine and the team was in serious need of some maturity. Scal was a key role player on some successful Nets teams. He was never supposed to be a go to guy, but he was supposed to fill in and be that steady hand off the bench. 早些年之前,由PP、RD、銀行、LaFrentz跟騙人布所組成的球隊,之後增加了手套跟妞妞 華克,在Scal加入的那年拿下了45勝並且進入季後賽。但是PP才剛剛嶄露頭角,還不夠成 熟足以帶領球隊贏得這個冠軍。Scal在Nets期間有好的表現,他從來不被認為是個關鍵型 球員,但是卻是一個可以從板凳中提供穩定能量的角色。 Unfortunately that didn't work out. Whatever maturity he brought to the locker room was far outweighed by the strong personalities on that team. The squad quickly imploded and was rightly torn apart by Ainge as he shifted focus to a youth movement. On a team of early-twentysomethings, Scalabrine was once again a bad fit. 不幸的是,這種期望並沒有實現。即使Scal的個人特質為休息室跟球隊帶來了成熟氣氛。 由於Ainge決定將精神放在球隊年輕化的目標,這個陣容還是迅速被瓦解。在一個平均年紀 只有20出頭的球隊中,Scal的存在顯得格格不入。 I'm not trying to make excuses for Scal, mind you. There were times when he played like he was trying to force it. Like he was trying to justify his contract. The losing and the fan reaction had to weigh on him and I think his play suffered from it. But every single person that's been around the team will tell you what a class guy he is. He never took it out on anyone, he just did his job. 請注意,我並不是要替Scal找藉口。當他上場的時候,他試圖專注在比賽,努力使得表現 符合身價。失敗的表現跟球迷的反應,我認為並不能作為他表現的評價。但是每一個跟 Scal同一球隊的同伴都會告訴你他是個一流的球員。他從不抱怨,只是專注自己分內的工 作。 So when the team got good again, he was able to step in and provide some valuable backup minutes at both of the forward positions. He even started for a few games in KG's absence 2 years ago (which allowed Doc to maintain most of his rotations). When the team added PJ Brown, Scal didn't complain when he was put on the inactive list. In fact, he delivered one of the funniest Finals post game interviews I can remember (pushing Kobe back a few minutes). 所以當球隊狀況再次步上正軌,他能夠提供在兩個前鋒位置提供一些貢獻。他甚至在兩年 前KG缺席的場次中先發(因為河流對他有愛)。當球隊新加入了PJ Brown,Scal也沒有抱怨 被放在傷兵名單中。事實上,他在季後賽後的訪問中,表現了幽默的態度讓我印象深刻。 He was just getting rolling last year when multiple concussions derailed his season. It is a shame too, because a fully healthy Scal could have played the role of a poor man's Posey. In fact, I think that is one of the elements that Ainge was counting on last summer (along with Tony Allen's progression) that didn't play out as he had hoped. 當去年諸多不順的球季,他只是努力讓自己不斷有所貢獻。比較可惜的是,一個健康的 Scal只能扮演窮人版的Posey。事實上,我認為這也是Ainge上個賽季不在續簽Posey的因素 之一(伴隨TO Allen的成長),只是事情總不盡人意。 So where does that leave us today? That depends. What do you want from Brian Scalabrine? 那麼今天跟以前有什麼不同?這端視,我們想要從Scal身上獲得什麼? Do you want him to be a valuable backup forward? He can backup Pierce and also give us added depth at power forward. Do you want him to step aside and give more time to Bill Walker? Scal will happily tutor the young lad and wave a towel on the bench. Do you want to use his expiring contract to pick up a player at the trade deadline? Pair him with Tony Allen and you can swipe a $7M player away from a team hemorrhaging money (call it the Redhead Bailout Plan). Want him to play some point guard? Well, everyone has their limits. 你想要他是一個具備戰力的替補前鋒?他可以當PP的替補,也可以加深PF的板凳。你希望 他閃到一邊,並且給Bill Walker更多上場時間?Scal會開心在板凳上揮舞著毛巾,並且當 著小伙子的導師。你想要用他即將到期合約,在交易日之前換來個球員?他跟TO Allen的 離隊可以替球隊換來一個七百萬左右的球員(請叫它"衛斯里是我們的王"計畫)。要他分擔 PG的工作,恩......每個人都有他的極限。 I think Scal will help this team in a number of ways this year. He's also the kind of guy I'd like to see get into coaching when his career is over (like Sam Cassell). Here's hoping that he gets one more shot at that podium after the Finals. 我想Scal在許多方面都可以對球隊有所幫助,他也是那種我所喜歡,在球員生涯結束之後 進入教練團的球員(就像外星人一樣)。在此希望,在總冠軍賽的時候,Scal可以做出更多 貢獻。 -- 呼,翻譯的不好或有錯的地方,麻煩指正!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/17 21:17, , 1F
09/17 21:17, 1F

09/17 21:23, , 2F
明知上去會暴 還是認份 是我最喜歡SCAL的地方^^
09/17 21:23, 2F

09/17 23:59, , 3F
09/17 23:59, 3F

09/18 11:36, , 4F
09/18 11:36, 4F
謝謝喔,你沒講我還沒注意到,應該是兩年前PJ還沒來的時候!!!有一陣子KG受傷,Scal 先發頂上去。 ※ 編輯: feelike 來自: (09/18 14:35) ※ feelike:轉錄至看板 NBA 09/18 14:36

09/18 15:13, , 5F
不會 能夠翻譯我都好羨慕..破英文只能看看哪裡怪怪的
09/18 15:13, 5F
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