Re: [外電] Harangody拿下了Double-Double

看板Celtics作者 (simon)時間13年前 (2011/01/09 02:19), 編輯推噓15(1508)
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不好意思恕小弟班門弄斧一下 覺得原文應該是這樣翻: ※ 引述《hope452162 (You Ought To Know)》之銘言: BOSTON — The shot clock had barely got started in the first quarter before Boston Celtics forward Luke Harangody launched the first of his game-high 11 shots. (引自波士頓) 第一節才開始沒多久,超賽前鋒狗弟就投出這場比賽他出手十一球中的第一球。 "The whole bench started laughing, because that's who he is," said Celtics coach Doc Rivers. "We want him to stay that way." 「整個板凳都嗨了起來,因為這就是狗弟。」河流說: 「我們希望Harangody能夠持續這種今晚這種表現。」 Huh? It's unusual for any rookie to be given that kind of freedom to shoot the ball, let alone a second-round pick on a team that's littered with all-stars and future Hall of Famers. 啥? 第二輪菜鳥居然有這種開火權?這可不常見。 更遑論這可是一支充滿明星球員的球隊。 But Harangody delivered the kind of performance on Friday that validated the C's confidence in him, as he scored a career-high 17 points in Boston's 122-102 win over Toronto. 但是狗弟星期五拿出的表現,讓超(級)賽(亞)人們更對他有信心, 對暴龍隊的比賽他拿下職業生涯的最高的17分,而賽爾提克以122-102 擊敗了暴龍隊。 The 6-foot-8 rookie also grabbed a game-high 11 rebounds for his first career double-double. 這位身高6呎8吋的新秀還搶下全場最高的11個籃板,他職業生涯 首次的double-double。 "He just plays hard," Rivers said. "He's going to make shots. The one thing he's not, is shy (about shooting)." 「他打得很認真,隨時準備好要投籃。」河流這樣說狗弟: 「若要說狗弟他絕不會怎樣,我說狗弟絕不會對於出手感到畏縮。」 Rivers later added, "Every time he makes a shot, you know the legend of Luke grows, in a lot of ways." 河流隨後補充道: 「每一次他投籃,你就會知道狗弟又成長了,他的菜鳥傳奇又寫下了新的一頁。」 Harangody said Rivers has a lot to do with his confidence in shooting the ball. 狗弟說他投籃的信心大部分源自河流。 "It's the great thing about playing for Doc. He puts that confidence in me to go out there and do that," Harangody said. "If I have a shot, take it. A lot of other teams, you don't get that as a rookie." 「在河流指導下打球很棒,他給了我許多信心讓我上了球場不怕出手。」狗弟說: 「如果我有一個投籃機會,我會出手,但在許多其他球隊,菜鳥是不准這樣的。」 He has also benefited from the players he competes with every day on the Celtics roster. 狗弟也從隊友身上獲益良多。 Said Marquis Daniels: "Shaq. Jermaine. Baby. Semih. You look at all the guys he goes against everyday in practice, he has no choice but to get better." 丹丹對媒體說道: 「你看到每次練習時,狗弟對抗像俠客、小歐、大寶、鵝蛋這些人, 他只有變更強這個選擇。」 Celtics center Shaquille O'Neal said a number of the older players have been on Harangody to play his game, when given an opportunity to play. 大歐表示許多隊上大哥們都叫狗弟有機會上場時,要打出自己的風格,別怕出手。 "We've been on him, to just take your time, shoot the ball with confidence and just play hard," O'Neal said. "He did that tonight. He played well." 「我們一直灌輸他觀念:準備好,信心地出手,努力奮戰。」 大歐說道:「他今天晚上做到了,打的很出色。」 Rivers said Harangody's penchant for pulling up to shoot is simply a continuation of what he did during his four years at Notre Dame, which included him being named Big East Player of the Year as a junior. 河流說狗弟Luke原地拔起投籃的傾向,是他四年在聖母學院時的招牌, 這招也讓狗弟在大三就被選為NCAA Big East區最佳球員。 "I think we should blame (Notre Dame coach) Mike Brey for that," Rivers quipped. "I watched him (Harangody) a couple times against Georgetown when my son (Jeremiah, now at Indiana) was there. He (Harangody) shot basically every time he touched it there, too." 「我想我們應該把他歸因於(聖母學院教練)Mike Brey所教的,」河流說, 「當我去看我兒子Jeremiah Rivers(現在在印州大)代表喬治城大學對上聖母學院 時,我就看過狗弟依照教練所教的方式出手。」 Harangody making the most of his opportunity should not come as a surprise. 狗弟命中這麼多球一點也不意外。 In recent years, the Celtics have had a considerable amount of success with the play of second-round picks like Harangody. 最近這幾年賽爾提克在第二輪都選得不錯,狗弟就是一例。 "A second-round pick coming to our team now, like Luke Harangody, who we think is a very good player," Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge, told "Nobody knows it because nobody gets a chance to see it because our team is good. If our team wasn't quite as good, Luke would get more of an opportunity." 「像現在第二輪選的狗弟來到超賽,我們認為他是個優秀的球員,」 總經理安吉這樣告訴媒體: 「沒有人知道狗弟有多棒,因為我們隊伍人才濟濟, 如果我們陣容不是那麼好,狗弟可能更有上場機會。」 But Harangody understands that his time to play will come, sooner or later. 但狗弟明白屬於他的時間遲早會來的。 In the meantime, he has to consistently prepare himself as if he's an everyday player. 在屬於狗弟的時間來之前,他必須持續準備,好像自己是個每天上場球員。 However, when Kevin Garnett suffered a right calf strain injury against Detroit on Dec. 29, the Celtics immediately inserted Glen Davis into the starting lineup. 然而當KG在12月29對陣活塞時右小腿拉傷,賽爾提克立刻讓大寶貝 拉進了先發陣容頂替KG。 With that move, Harangody knew the C's would be looking for s omeone to provide minutes off the bench at power forward. 隨著這個陣容變動,狗弟知道超賽會需要他替補上場打PF。 "I saw the opportunity there, with Baby (Davis) going into the starting lineup, to back him up," Harangody acknowledged. "I stayed ready this entire time, for a moment like this." "我看見機會隨著大寶貝進入先發陣容而出現了,我將會替補他。」 狗弟承認:「我為這一刻準備很久了。」 On Friday, Harangody had it going offensively by shooting 8-for-11 from the field. He showcased his ability to rebound despite giving up several inches to most of Toronto's frontcourt. And he did a decent job defensively. 星期五晚上狗弟出手了11次,命中8球。他展示了他抓籃板的能力, 儘管放棄了幾個多倫多暴龍的前場籃板。但他還是展現了他防守是 相當稱職。 But Harangody is not stupid. 但狗弟並不傻 He knows every game isn't going to go nearly as smooth. 他知道比賽不會永遠這麼順利。 But that's OK with Doc Rivers 但對河流來講這一切是OK的。 Because Harangody's greatest qualities can't be quantified. 因為狗弟價值是無法被量化的。 "He'll make mistakes because he's young. He'll make mistakes because he's going fast," Rivers said. "But he'll never make a mistake because he's not going hard. To me, as a coach, as long as it's not hurting the team too much with the mistakes, you love him." 「他會犯錯,那是因為他還年輕以及太急,但是不努力就不會犯錯對吧?」 河流說。「但小錯無彷拉,身為教練,我很愛狗弟。」 外電: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ilgatfe 來自: (01/09 02:24)

01/09 02:22, , 1F
推一下,翻錯太多 慚愧
01/09 02:22, 1F

01/09 02:22, , 2F
01/09 02:22, 2F

01/09 02:23, , 3F
01/09 02:23, 3F

01/09 02:24, , 4F
01/09 02:24, 4F

01/09 02:30, , 5F
Big East是聖母學院所在的NCAA聯盟名稱喔
01/09 02:30, 5F
※ 編輯: ilgatfe 來自: (01/09 02:31)

01/09 02:32, , 6F
01/09 02:32, 6F

01/09 02:34, , 7F
平常都潛水 XD 頭次在板上發文,還請大家多指教
01/09 02:34, 7F
※ 編輯: ilgatfe 來自: (01/09 02:39)

01/09 02:58, , 8F
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01/09 02:59, , 9F
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01/09 03:00, , 10F
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01/09 03:00, , 11F
future Hall of Famers 未來名人堂候選人
01/09 03:00, 11F

01/09 03:14, , 12F
我發現波士頓很會養長人耶...厲害= =
01/09 03:14, 12F

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01/09 08:26, , 18F
01/09 08:26, 18F

01/09 08:39, , 19F
01/09 08:39, 19F
歡迎大家指正 =)

01/09 08:53, , 20F
※ 編輯: ilgatfe 來自: (01/09 12:41)

01/09 13:49, , 21F
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