[外電] Sully:Doc不喜歡新秀

看板Celtics作者 (Never too late)時間11年前 (2013/06/08 08:06), 編輯推噓13(13022)
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新聞出處(必填): http://ppt.cc/dyu6 作者: Raise your hand if you've ever chided Boston Celtics head coach Doc Rivers from afar for not affording rookies enough time on the court. 曾經因為Doc不給新秀上場時間而痛罵他的請舉手。 (舉) Okay, you can all put your hands down now. Rivers has a long history of making young players earn playing time. Rajon Rondo sometimes came off the bench behind Sebastian Telfair during his rookie year. Glen Davis earned his way into the rotation late during the 2007-08 season, but took plenty of time before gaining Rivers' trust. Al Jefferson, Delonte West, Tony Allen, Avery Bradley, Kendrick Perkins, the list goes on and on. Chances are, any player who spent his rookie campaign with the Celtics under Rivers saw a minimal role in the rotation or didn't crack the rotation at all. 好囉可以將手放下惹。Doc的新秀需要自己贏得上場時間已經行之有年。 Rondo曾經當過Telfair的替補。 大寶在08年用自己的方式打進輪替陣容 ,但也花了很長的時間才贏得Doc的信任。 Big Al、Delonte、TOny、AB 、Perk,名單長的很。總之在Doc手下的新秀,大多是扮演小角色甚至根 本不在輪替名單內。 Rivers has been given grief at times for being so difficult on newbies. But as Jared Sullinger explained Friday, he believes it's for the best. 但Sully認為這樣對新人來說是最好的。 "Just learning how to be a veteran, learning that you have to be a pro's pro regardless if you're playing or not – always being there for your team and giving it 110 percent. That's what I've learned from Paul (Pierce), Kevin (Garnett) and Doc," the power forward said after helping to remake a homeless women's shelter at a community event in Dorchester. "Even Doc doesn't like rookies, it's true, but he's teaching you what you need to know and I think that's what makes Doc a great coach. You see all the guys that have left him from his tenure at the Celtics, and seeing them now, they all progressed to be somebody special in the NBA." "學習當個老將,不論你有沒有上場都必須學著成為專業中的專業,永遠給 予你的球隊百分之一百一的支持。這是我從二老身上學到的。""就算Doc不 喜歡新秀,這也是真的,但他是在教你所需知的, 而我認為這就是為什麼 Doc是個很好的教練。 看看那些離開C's的球員,他們大多在聯盟裡扮演著 特別的角色。" President of basketball operations Danny Ainge is widely praised for his drafting ability, but Rivers doesn't always receive credit for developing players. It can be frustrating at times when talented rookies spent most of their time stapled to the bench, of course, but Rivers' method of slowly developing youngsters has proven effective. 安吉的選秀能力被廣為稱讚(殺小?),但Doc在球員發展這一塊並沒有得到 太多讚許。對有天分的新秀而言,被釘在板凳上是很挫折的, 但Doc的這 一套養成系統雖慢但卻很有效。 Sullinger, who boasts the impressive basketball IQ of someone 15 years his senior, is the (very) rare Celtics draft choice who immediately received a big role. Sully這個被有15年以上資歷的老將稱讚擁有高籃球IQ的菜鳥, 罕見的在 球隊中擔任要角。 "I was just lucky enough to come in at the right time with the right amount of bigs, so I was just lucky enough to get in," he explained, humbly neglecting to mention his terrific rebounding rate or on-off court numbers. "But his reputation, it holds. He's on rookies harder than he is on the veterans, and I think that's why his rookies turn out to be somebody special – I mean, Big Baby (Glen Davis), Tony Allen, Kendrick Perkins, Al Jefferson. The way he coaches and how he coaches you, he prepares you to be a pro's pro. And I think that's why he's so hard on the rookies, because he knows his veteran's are going to be pro's pros but he doesn't know about the rookies, and he wants to teach you the way." "我想我只是很幸運在這個時點進到球隊。""Doc對新秀的要求比老將嚴, 而我想這是為什麼他的新秀能夠成為特別的球員, 比如說大寶、TOny、 Perk、Big Al。他的執教風格跟教導你的方式,都是要讓你成為專業中的 專業。我想這是為什麼他對新秀這麼嚴格,因為他知道他的老將會成為專 業中的專業,但不知道新秀會如何,而他想教你如何達成。" "It's just because we (rookies) don't know as much, don't know what the season holds," Sullinger added. "He knows what it takes to win, he won a championship in 2008, he was close to winning a championship (as a player) but he was just in the Michael Jordan era and all the other eras. It's just, Doc knows what it takes to win." "因為我們這些菜鳥懂得並不多,不知道賽季怎麼進行。""他知道如何贏 得比賽,他得過冠軍,當球員時也曾經離冠軍很近,只是剛好活在Jordan 的時代(Jordan真的誤了很多人)。他就是知道怎麼樣去贏球" And if rookies don't, they'll sit until they learn. 而如果新秀們不知道,就只好坐到他們懂。 -- 教你如何在菜鳥年成為Doc的先發球員 by Jared Sullinger -- It start with 6,then 17 ,then 33 ,then 34 ,then 9. It's all about Pride and Responsibility. And the Cigar. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/08 08:11, , 1F

06/08 08:30, , 2F
06/08 08:30, 2F

06/08 08:30, , 3F
06/08 08:30, 3F

06/08 08:31, , 4F
06/08 08:31, 4F

06/08 08:31, , 5F
06/08 08:31, 5F

06/08 08:32, , 6F
06/08 08:32, 6F

06/08 09:32, , 7F
06/08 09:32, 7F

06/08 09:36, , 8F
就我看來至少Doc不會放新秀上來敗光老頭的努力 不過
06/08 09:36, 8F

06/08 09:36, , 9F
這季實在沒人了 不要再操老頭了QQQ
06/08 09:36, 9F

06/08 11:17, , 10F
06/08 11:17, 10F

06/08 11:17, , 11F
06/08 11:17, 11F

06/08 11:18, , 12F
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06/08 11:22, , 16F
06/08 11:22, 16F

06/08 11:23, , 17F
06/08 11:23, 17F

06/08 11:30, , 18F
新秀要偷笑了 一般來說連換來的都要坐一季才有穩定出
06/08 11:30, 18F

06/08 11:42, , 19F
06/08 11:42, 19F

06/08 12:22, , 20F
黑暗兵法 爛一季抽狀元選Wiggins來接老皮的班 = =+
06/08 12:22, 20F

06/08 12:25, , 21F
剛好他也是PP在KU的學弟 不過應該不可能發生XDD
06/08 12:25, 21F

06/08 13:39, , 22F
06/08 13:39, 22F

06/08 15:14, , 23F
06/08 15:14, 23F

06/08 15:15, , 24F
06/08 15:15, 24F
※ 編輯: piercepaul 來自: (06/08 16:13)

06/08 17:54, , 25F
06/08 17:54, 25F

06/08 17:55, , 26F
06/08 17:55, 26F

06/08 17:55, , 27F
認為很蠢的錯誤... 所以才會一直冰吧...
06/08 17:55, 27F

06/08 17:55, , 28F
06/08 17:55, 28F

06/08 18:36, , 29F
要剛進NBA的新秀表現得很老練 真根本無理要求吧
06/08 18:36, 29F

06/08 18:43, , 30F
06/08 18:43, 30F

06/08 18:44, , 31F
06/08 18:44, 31F

06/08 19:17, , 32F
看看從老賽走出去的夥伴們吧 各個品質保證勒
06/08 19:17, 32F

06/08 23:39, , 33F
擺爛搶狀元已經失敗兩次了96-97 06-07 錯過TD跟Oden
06/08 23:39, 33F

06/09 00:28, , 34F
不喜歡新秀就算了 重點是老人都跑不動了 Orz
06/09 00:28, 34F

06/10 00:46, , 35F
06/10 00:46, 35F
文章代碼(AID): #1HidM7SI (Celtics)