[花絮] My Game-Day Style: Jaylen Brown

看板Celtics作者 (water1996)時間6年前 (2017/11/19 18:22), 6年前編輯推噓22(2204)
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這是B/R Mag的一篇專訪,內容主要是在講杰倫穿搭風格的轉變 附上原文出處https://goo.gl/nNGbd7 My Game-Day Style: Jaylen Brown FROM POLOS TO BIRKENSTOCKS TO CUSTOM STARTER JACKETS THE BOSTON CELTICS FORWARD SHARES HIS STYLE EVOLUTION By Joon Lee/Photography By Sasha Maslov https://imgur.com/gAiAV8X
Standard basketball shorts didn’t cut it for Jaylen Brown. He hated the length and extra fabric. So much so that in fourth grade Brown would roll up the legs above his knees. It was an easy solve until his shorts would unfold as he sprinted up and down the court. By eighth grade, Brown ditched them altogether, playing exclusively in shorts that stopped mid-thigh. 一般的籃球褲並不是為Jaylen Brown打造的。他討厭正常短褲的長度和額外多出來的布料 。也因為如此,Brown在四年級的時候會用最簡單的解決方法,把褲子捲到膝蓋以上,但是 捲起的短褲將會在他馳騁於球場上時再次展開。到初中的時候,Brown完全放棄了這個做法 ,只穿著長度只達大腿中央的短褲。 Then the jokes came. Get some longer pants, Kyle Lowry told him. Stop wearing those, Jarrett Jack added. In high school, while working out in his hometown of Atlanta, Brown crossed paths with NBA players at a local gym who’d rag on him. But Brown didn’t care about the haters. He took his short-shorts style to the league, and by the time he landed in Boston for his rookie season with the Celtics, the trend that got him laughed at was back in vogue. Fashion, as they say, is cyclical.’ 然而,隨之而來的是他人的調侃。 Kyle Lowry告訴他去換一條更長的褲子,。 別再穿那玩意兒了,Jarrett Jack附和著說。 Brown高中時在家鄉亞特蘭大訓練的時候,曾經被路過當地體育館裡的NBA球員嘲諷,但是 Brown絲毫不在意。當他來到波士頓,展開在Celtics的新秀賽季,他把短褲風格帶到了聯 盟,曾經讓他嗤之以鼻的穿著又重新流行了起來。 正如人們所說,時尚是周期性的。 https://imgur.com/1GXU7F8
“It’s not a statement. It’s just me being comfortable,” Brown tells B/R Mag. “People took notice ’cause I’m doing it in the NBA now, but I did it in college, and I did it in high school. Some people give me credit for the trend, but I don’t want credit. I’m just being myself.” This mirrors Brown’s motto on game days, when he’s walking down the corridor of an arena tunnel, rocking everything from Givenchy shirts to Saint Laurent jackets. “I would go to games like I go to dinner. If I come and wear something crazy, I’m just trying to be myself,” Brown says. “I really like black. I love wearing black, different aesthetics and shades. I like earth tones. Those are my go-tos.” 「先聲明,我這樣穿只是因為比較舒服。」Brown告訴B/R Mag。 「因為我在NBA這樣穿,所以現在人們注意到了,但是其實我在大學就這樣穿了,甚至更 早之前我在高中也是這樣穿的。有人稱讚我是潮流的引領者,但我不想要這些歌功頌德。 我只是做我自己而已。」 比賽當天他穿著紀梵希的襯衫和伊夫聖羅蘭的外套穿梭在體育館的長廊,完全印證了Brown說的這段 話。 「我去比賽時就像去吃晚餐一樣。如果我來的時候穿了什麼瘋狂的東西,我只是想成為我 自己。」 「我真的很喜歡黑色,它陰沉的色調散發出不同的美學氣息;我也喜歡大地色調,這些是 我的最愛。」 His style influences come from a range of sources, evident as he watches the Steve Jobs biopic, starring Michael Fassbender, in his Newton, Massachusetts, home in early September. Brown admires the late Apple co-creator’s minimalist look. “Jobs is one of my biggest inspirations,” Brown says. “ I like his fashion, that mock black turtleneck and jeans.” 他的穿搭風格來自很多不同事物的影響,最明顯的例子像是當他9月初在位於麻州牛頓市 的家中,看著由Michael Fassbender主演的賈伯斯傳時,Brown非常欣賞已故的蘋果創辦 人那簡約樸實的外觀。 「賈伯斯是我最大的靈感來源之一。」 「我喜歡他的時尚感,那件黑色高領毛衣和牛仔褲。 」 https://imgur.com/r36O6XO
As the movie continues to play, the 21-year-old calls for his Google Home to play the Spotify UK house music playlist. The home assistant speaker is just the latest addition to his apartment, part of his desire to expand his purview into technology, among other spaces. He wants to learn five new languages by the time he turns 25. He owns a piano, takes weekly lessons and is learning the piano riff for "Still D.R.E." by Dr. Dre. Brown wants to be more than an athlete. Brown is also learning how to play the guitar. 隨著電影的繼續放映,這位21歲的年輕人利用他的Google Home,用Spotify播放音樂清單 中的UK House舞曲。智能居家系統是他們家的最新成員,他希望將自己的知識範圍擴展到 科技和其他領域,而不是單單只是做一名運動員。 他想在25歲的時候學會五種新的語言,他也擁有一架鋼琴,並且每週上鋼琴課,他現在正 在學習Dr. Dre的鋼琴即興演奏“Still DRE”另外Brown也在學習如何彈吉他。 https://imgur.com/LBaDVIk
https://goo.gl/r39Bdu “You've got a rapper in Dame Lillard, you've got people in politics, Harrison Barnes is moving into that. You've got Russell Westbrook who's now a fashion designer,” Brown says. “It's become more acceptable, but still, the average basketball player, if you were to make a comment about Donald Trump, they'll be like: 'Shut up. You're just a basketball player.' I hate that. I want to help change that notion.” 「Lillard是一個饒舌歌手,也有像Harrison Barnes這樣想要朝政治之路邁進的人。 而Westbrook現在則是時裝設計師」Brown說道。 「現在跨領域已經比較能被接受了,但是對大多數的籃球選手而言,如果你想對川普發表 評論的話,人們會叫你閉嘴,因為你只是一個籃球運動員。我討厭這樣的現象,我想幫忙 導正這種風氣。」 Brown says his perspective was shaped once he left the 404 to attend college in the Bay area. Growing up in ATL, Brown followed local trends: Polos, Ralph Lauren, Ed Hardy and Jordans. “You had that stuff to be cool,” Brown says. “In Atlanta, it’s a competition. Whoever has the best dress, the best car, the best this, the best that.” His style changed during his freshman year at the University of California. He traded his Jordans for Birkenstocks and stopped wearing earrings. Brown說自從離開了亞特蘭大到灣區念大學,他的視野就被塑形了。在亞特蘭大成長的時 候,Brown會跟隨當地潮流穿搭:Polo Ralph Lauren、Ed Hardy和Jordans。 「這樣穿搭是非常酷的!在亞特蘭大,人們總是競爭著誰擁有最好的服裝,最好的汽車, 最好的這個,最好的那個。」 但他的穿搭風格在當他還是剛踏入加州大學的新鮮人時就發生了變化。他把Jordans換成 了Birkenstock,並且不再佩戴耳環。 “At Berkeley, you wore a hoodie and pajamas and Birkenstocks, and that’s swag,” Brown says. “I was so thrown off. What I thought was cool wasn’t cool no more, so I thought about what I actually liked. I started experimenting. I started wearing Birkenstocks. I wanted to dive into the culture.” 「在Berkeley,你如果穿著連帽衫,配上寬鬆型的睡褲和勃肯鞋子,他們會說你非常有魅 力,所以我把原來的穿搭方式戒掉了。我本來覺得很帥的東西在這裡變得不再酷炫了,所 以我開始思考我真正喜歡的東西是什麼。然後我開始時嘗試穿Birkenstocks,我想要融入 當地的文化中。」 https://imgur.com/H34DeAW
His fashion was evolving as he gravitated toward more jackets and sneakers. The jacket collection now ranges from custom pieces from Starter, celebrating his homes in Atlanta and Boston, to bomber jackets, which he prefers rocking in earth tones. 他的時尚正不斷朝向各方面進化,像是更多的夾克和運動鞋。現在他的夾克款式範圍非常 廣,從融入家鄉亞特蘭大和波士頓當地風俗元素的Starter定製作品,到配上大地色系的 短夾克都在他的收藏之中。 https://imgur.com/QNlslTV
He developed a visor collection too, to accommodate his flattop, a hairstyle he’s rocked for four years. 他也開發了一個晃了四年的髮型,高高的平頂頭配上一個可以遮陽的帽舌。 “I’ve always had tall hair,” Brown says. “The visor game is something I thought would be dope to get back into style.” Brown’s move to Boston added another dimension to his style, as he was introduced to the city’s blustery cold season. “I’ve added winter swag,” Brown says. “Big jackets, comfortable jacket, peacoats, etc. I never needed it before. When I got to Boston, it was fun because I got to experiment because of that.” 「我一直都有高高的頭髮,而帽舌是我認為會重新回到時尚尖端的元素。」 初來乍到的Brown,為了抵抗波士頓凜冽的寒風,也在他的穿搭風格中加入了其他層次的 元素。 「我在冬季的服裝加了很帥的東西。大夾克、合身外套、海軍大衣這些東西我以前從來都 不需要它們。但當我來到波士頓的時候,事情變得非常有趣,因為我必須要在它們身上做 些實驗了。」 https://imgur.com/AXfluJj
He also sports a wide range of Adidas sneakers, from the entire Yeezy line to Pharrell’s Human Races. Brown owns more than 100 pairs of kicks, including Gucci, Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga sneakers. Brown says most of them collect dust, with only 10 to 15 pairs in his regular rotation in his second NBA season, in which he’s scoring 15.1 points per game and grabbing 6.8 boards while shooting 43.7 percent from the field. He loves wearing everything from the latest hot drop to Flower Mountain, a sneaker brand only available in Europe. 他還有著非常多種Adidas的運動鞋,範圍從整個Yeezy系列到Pharrell's Human Races。 Brown總共擁有100多雙球鞋,包括Gucci、Alexander McQueen和Balenciaga運動鞋。不過 Brown說其實大部分都布滿了灰塵,因為第二個賽季他只有10到15雙輪換而已。Brown第二 個球季場均得到15.1分,搶下6.8個籃板,投籃命中率43.7%。他也喜歡穿著Flower Mountain(一種只在歐洲銷售的運動鞋品牌)最新的熱銷款式。 “I can’t tell you how I get them 'cause then everyone will be hitting me up, ” Brown says. 「我不能告訴你我是怎麼得到他們的,不然大家會來找我要。」 https://imgur.com/rdroavI
Since turning pro, Brown has elicited the help of four stylists, who routinely send him looks they think could work for him. He still likes shopping for himself, though. Last season, Brown, Avery Bradley and Terry Rozier frequently shopped together at malls and boutiques in Boston. “It gets harder for some guys to just go out and go shopping because of their names,” Brown says. “I’m still at the level where I can go places and shop and not be bombarded.” Which helps him focus on developing his sense of style. 踏入職業以來,布朗已經引起了四位造型師的注意,他們經常來詢問是否可以跟他合作。 不過,他仍然喜歡為自己去shopping。上個賽季,他和Avery Bradley和Terry Rozier經 常在波士頓的商場和精品店購物。 「有些人會因為自己的名氣太大,使的外出購物變得越來越困難。我目前仍處於能夠隨心 所欲去shopping,而不被人群打擾的階段。」 這有助於他專心發展屬於他自己獨特的風格。 “I can’t sum up my fashion because it’s still changing,” Brown says. “ How I dress is probably going to be completely different from five years from now. People will come at me telling me to wear this or wear that. If I don't like it, I don't like it. They couldn't pay me to wear it. If it's something I can rock with, I'll rock it. I'm more interested in being completely authentic to me. In my opinion, being myself is making a statement.” 「我不能對我的時尚做出定義,因為它仍在變化,也許你會發現五年之後的我與現在風格 迥異。別人會告訴我穿這個或穿那個,但是如果我不喜歡,我就是不喜歡。他們甚至不能 給我報酬然後叫我去穿他。如果這是我可以接受的東西,我會穿上他然後盡情地搖擺。我 更感興趣的是做一個完全真實的自己。我認為,做自己就像在陳述一個是事實。」 That explains why Brown looks up to Kanye West as a role model. While Ye has made a name for himself as a rapper, Brown appreciates how Kanye has diversified his profile, branching into clothing and accessories. 這就解釋了為什麼Brown將Kanye West當作榜樣。雖然以饒舌歌手聞名,但布朗卻讚賞 Kanye如何將自己的形象多樣化,並且拓展到其他領域,像是服飾和配飾。 https://imgur.com/AzBdxZV
“Now, Kanye is respectable in the fashion sphere and has his foot in the door,” Brown says. “The shoes he has coming out, the 700s, they look like dad shoes. It's making shoes that where I'm from, people would laugh at, but now if you look at them, they're Yeezys and he's making them cool. If that's his mindset, that's dope.” Brown is taking notes from Ye in hopes of making an impact beyond the court. “Kanye has multiple means of influence,” Brown says. “That’s something I’ m chasing as well.” 「現在Kanye早早已經踏入時尚領域並且具有崇高的地位。他設計出來的the 700s,看起 來又醜又舊,這種鞋子在我的家鄉是會被人嘲笑的。如果當初他抱著這樣的心態,那他就 是個笨蛋。現在如果你仔細看看,它們就是Yeezys,Kany讓它們變得很潮。」 Brown正循著Yeezys的足跡汲取經驗,希望在球場之外的地方也具有影響力。 「Kanye可以用不同的方式發揮影響力,這也是我所嚮往的。」 看完之後覺得挺有趣的,分享給大家 感覺杰倫真的是個非常神奇的球員,多才多藝外,看待事物也有自己獨到的見解。 以後球員工會會長卸任之後,轉職進入時尚圈或是音樂界大家也不用太驚訝XD 另外也恭喜杰倫今天拿下career high的27分~~ Let's go Celtics !! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1511086971.A.36D.html

11/19 18:31, 6年前 , 1F
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※ 編輯: water1996 (, 11/19/2017 18:32:48 ※ 編輯: water1996 (, 11/19/2017 18:36:40

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11/19 19:13, 6年前 , 4F
“.. everyone will be hitting me up” 這應該是說大家
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※ 編輯: water1996 (, 11/19/2017 19:25:51

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11/19 20:10, 6年前 , 9F
推 好文
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11/19 20:19, 6年前 , 10F
特地去估狗flower mountain shoes
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11/19 21:06, 6年前 , 14F
杰倫真的就是有自己的 STYLE 感謝翻譯
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11/19 23:18, 6年前 , 19F
推 叫杰倫的都好有才噢xd
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11/20 00:23, 6年前 , 20F
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11/20 00:29, 6年前 , 21F
好消息就是他的心態永遠不需要別人盯 自己會逼自己成長
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11/20 10:23, 6年前 , 24F
杰倫的出手姿勢很漂亮 希望可以練出更多樣的跳投
11/20 10:23, 24F

11/20 12:09, 6年前 , 25F
這兩季感覺就要破繭了 陣容這樣太美 不敢相信
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11/20 13:59, 6年前 , 26F
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