[情報] 釋迦切赫想要PK戰

看板Chelsea作者 (口禾火 瘦寶貝)時間17年前 (2007/02/25 18:43), 編輯推噓15(1501)
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http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/NewsHomePage/list_2209129_0 Sun, 25th Feb 2007 Should today's Carling Cup Final go the maximum distance, the spotlight will fall firmly on the two goalkeepers. Petr Cech has challenged the popular belief that in a penalty shoot-out, they have nothing to lose. 釋迦切赫希望自己能成為比賽焦點 XD 那就是pk大戰 While the Chelsea keeper is not going as far as to volunteer for a remake of 1970s arthouse film The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, he has his own take on the prospect of facing a spot-kick decider in Cardiff. 'You are not expected to save, but actually you are!' he reckons, and explains: 'It is easy to say it can only be the failure of the penalty taker but when you lose the penalty shoot-out, everyone is looking at the keeper and saying you didn't even save one. So that is not good.' 通常射失點球是攻方球員的錯 但是若是輸掉pk大戰 比賽結束後大家就會指責守門員 說他怎麼一個球都救不到 Cech's overall record in club level cup finals is won one, lost one - his previous Carling Cup Final experience with Chelsea the success; the defeat coming in the Czech Republic with Sparta Prague. 切赫的個人決賽紀錄是一勝一負 勝的是兩年前的米老鼠盃決賽 負掉的是在捷克跟 布拉格隊比賽的時候 He has faced just one penalty shoot-out before, in the final of the European Under 21 Championship when his nation beat France. Cech saved two of the French spot-kicks with another flying over the bar. 至於pk大戰的紀錄 切赫只有一次 在21歲以下隊捷克對法國的比賽 想當然是會贏的 切赫救下兩球 另外一球是大飛機 'If a penalty shoot-out happens again on Sunday, I will be happy to face it,' he says. 'But you can only enjoy it after because being the goalkeeper in a shoot-out in a final is not the best position you can get. 'Of course you want to win and you are the only one who can save the penalties so everyone is relying on you. That is a huge pressure but I think you can enjoy it after if you win. 當然守門員在pk大戰的壓力是很大的 但是相對的贏下來那爽度會很高 The 24-year-old keeper can make it four winners' medals in under three seasons if he plays in a Chelsea victory over Arsenal. 'Every trophy is a great thing for you, for the supporters and for every individual working every day in the club. 切赫有希望在今晚贏得他在切爾西的第四個獎牌 'In the first season we won the Carling Cup in February and after that you know that if everything goes horribly wrong, you have got your trophy and you can play with a bit more confidence, because at least you've got something in your hand. 贏下米老鼠盃可以穩定軍心 至少先拿下一冠再說 'Okay, this is not the best trophy but at least you have one. If we win on Sunday it will give us a good boost because we can concentrate on only three trophies.' 最後還是要找個台階下 XD 如果真的沒能贏下的話也還好 因為還有三個更重要的賽事 -- 不要pk大戰啦 我心臟受不了 ~.~ 另外有人知道釋迦的英文是什麼嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/25 18:45, , 1F
切赫帥喔! 可是我也不要看PK 心臟不太行
02/25 18:45, 1F

02/25 18:48, , 2F
拜託不要 XD
02/25 18:48, 2F

02/25 18:51, , 3F
buda ?
02/25 18:51, 3F

02/25 19:12, , 4F
sugar apple
02/25 19:12, 4F

02/25 19:13, , 5F
no pk +1 只要把槍手每一個射門都擋下來就很帥了啦 XD
02/25 19:13, 5F

02/25 19:14, , 6F
PK? 不要!
02/25 19:14, 6F

02/25 19:19, , 7F
02/25 19:19, 7F

02/25 19:37, , 8F
si-kia XD
02/25 19:37, 8F

02/25 19:40, , 9F
頭盔該不會愈戴愈習慣了八 XD
02/25 19:40, 9F

02/25 19:56, , 10F
02/25 19:56, 10F

02/25 19:56, , 11F
拜託不要 我對PK過敏 XD
02/25 19:56, 11F

02/25 19:59, , 12F
不要pk啦 很恐怖 來個傳統比分就好
02/25 19:59, 12F

02/25 20:02, , 13F
話說大名單大概幾點會出來啊!? 在考慮要不要出門看~~@@
02/25 20:02, 13F

02/25 20:09, , 14F
02/25 20:09, 14F

02/25 20:48, , 15F
Shaka? Saint Seiya後遺癥
02/25 20:48, 15F

02/25 22:35, , 16F
02/25 22:35, 16F
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