[轉錄][外絮] Juwan Howard:MVP我會選Derrick Rose

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DPLP-vW ] 作者: Sango5566 (三國56殺爆你) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Juwan Howard:MVP我會選Derrick Rose 時間: Thu Feb 24 02:48:26 2011 MVP? Juwan Howard likes Derrick Rose Updated: February 23, 2011, 12:11 PM ET Miami Heat foward Juwan Howard did not take the easy way out Wednesday when asked if teammate LeBron James or Chicago Bulls guard Derrick Rose deserved the MVP nod at this point in the season. 當被問到隊友LeBron James & 公牛後衛Derrick Rose,誰才是本季的MVP時, 熱火前鋒Juwan Howard給了自己的答案。 "I'm not even being politically correct, normally guys say I'm giving it to LeBron, but honestly I'll give it to [Rose]," Howard said on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN 1000. "If he stays on this pace that he's on right now, he's got my vote if I was part of the committee." Juwan表示:很多人都猜我會投給LeBron,但說實話我會選擇Rose。 如果Rose繼續維持這種表現,他將會得到我那一票,要是我有投票權的話。 "Derrick Rose has done a phenomenal job this year for his team, and I think if you take him off the Chicago Bulls team, I believe that team will be a below-average ballclub," Howard said. "If you take LeBron off our team, I think we'll still be an above-average ballclub, because we'll still have Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. 「Rose本賽季有著驚人的演出,如果公牛沒了他,我相信公牛將是一支水準以下的球隊。 如果我們隊裡沒了LeBron,我們依然能維持水準,因為還有D.Wade和C.Bosh在。」 "LeBron is having a phenomenal year. He's doing a lot of things for us and playing the same type of way he was playing in Cleveland, which is great." 「LeBron今年的表現依舊驚人,他替球隊做了許多事, 他的表現就如同他在騎士做的一樣棒。」 http://goo.gl/QNTvf -- 幾天後,[外絮] Sources: Heat shopping Juwan Howard in trade talks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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Paraguay:轉錄至看板 LeBronJames 02/24 13:40 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1DPZX9PR (ChicagoBulls)