[轉錄][外絮] For Rose, there’s still room …

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1E7JnEvz ] 作者: liugayo (好玩) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] For Rose, there’s still room to grow 時間: Wed Jul 13 14:33:47 2011 標題:For Rose, there’s still room to grow 對Rose而言,他還有很多成長空間 In the days after his Chicago Bulls lost to the Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference finals, Derrick Rose(notes) shut himself in his house and put the local pizza place on speed dial. For about a week, the NBA’s Most Valuable Player rarely left home. “Being that close [to the NBA Finals], and not getting it, hurt,” Rose told Yahoo! Sports. “I just stayed inside the whole time. I didn’t go anywhere else. I wore pajamas, watched a lot of movies, drank Powerade and got delivery food. My body was just sore and wore out. Mentally, too. “I’m just getting over it. …I know my time will [come] soon. That’s how I think about it. I guess you have to pay your dues.” 公牛在東區冠軍戰敗給熱火後,Derrick Rose 把自己關在家裡大概一個禮拜,足不出戶 的日子就叫披薩外賣來度過。 Rose跟Yahoo記者說:「都已經那麼接近總決賽了,還是到不了,感覺很心痛。後來我就 只是整天待在家裡,什麼地方都不想去,我穿著睡衣、看很多電影、喝運動飲料Powerade 跟叫外賣來吃,我身心俱疲...彷彿只是一具失了魂的軀殼。」 「我會超越這些煩惱…我知道我的時代終將來臨。我是這麼想的,在我成功以前繳學費是 必要的。」 About six weeks later, Rose is back in the gym. He had his first workout here on Monday as he starts to get ready for next season – even though he has no idea when that season will begin. Rose validated his MVP credentials during the playoffs, playing as well as anyone in the first two rounds. Quietly, however, he was dealing with troublesome wrist and back injuries, in addition to the left ankle sprain he suffered in the first round against the Indiana Pacers. Rose had become used to simply putting on an ankle brace and playing whenever he had previously sprained an ankle. This time, he required an hour worth of treatment before each game. 被淘汰後的六個禮拜後,Rose回到訓練館。就算他不知道哪時候會開賽,週一他仍然去 為下個賽季開始努力。 季後賽前兩輪他打出MVP的身價。然而在這期間,他默默承受著棘手的手腕傷跟背傷,此 外還有第一輪對溜馬時左腳踝的扭傷。後來他漸漸習慣戴著腳踝上的支架上場,每次上場 前也需要一小時去安裝。 After averaging 29.8 points and nine assists in the second round of the playoffs against the Atlanta Hawks, Rose’s scoring dipped to 23.4 points per game on 35 percent shooting in the East finals as the Bulls lost to the Heat in five games. Rose now says he should have been in better shape to handle the strain of the postseason. “I just learned from last season where my conditioning wasn’t up to par at the end of the season,” Rose said. “That’s what I’m working on this summer, getting my conditioning right. There was just fatigue. My body wore down. Just going through the rounds, the first time being there past the first round, it was hard. I’m just learning from it.” 第二輪隊老鷹時,Rose場均有29.8分以及9次助攻,但是打到東區決賽時,他得分下降到 只有23.4分、命中率35%,他現在說,他應該在那樣高張力的比賽中,把球處理更好的。 Rose說:「從上個賽季讓我了解到,到了接近季末的時候我沒把自己調整好,這是我今 年夏天要努力做好的事。比賽時我身體磨損得很痛,但這是我第一次打進第 二輪,這很困難,也讓我從中學習到經驗。」 “People will say, ‘He didn’t get that much help,’ ” Rose said of the Bulls’ loss to the Heat. “It’s always just been me. I put a lot of pressure [on myself]. What would have happened if I was in better condition? How would I have played? You never know how it would have worked itself out.” “I’m hard on myself, very hard on myself. I think that’s why I play the way I play because I hate making mistakes.” 輸給熱火之後,Rose說;「人們可能會說『他沒有得到更多外援』,這種事我已習以為常 ,我會自己攬下許多責任與壓力。如果我有更好的條件,那事情會怎麼改變? 我又會怎麼 處理? 而你從來就無法得知事情會如何發展。」(意即講再多也沒有用,還是反求諸己吧) Rose was intrigued by the recent news that New Jersey Nets guard Deron Williams(notes) has decided to play professionally in Turkey during the lockout, but Rose says he’s not seriously considering the option yet. He plans to continue to work out in Los Angeles and is contemplating playing in the local Drew League, a pro-am league. “I’m trying to stay positive,” Rose said. “I don’t think negative. I don ’t think I’m going overseas or anything yet. …You just hope our season starts on time. That’s the only thing I can hope for.” 最近籃網隊的Deron Williams決定去海外打球,Rose看到這樣的新聞後也感到新奇,但是 他說他不會真的認真去考慮那些事,因為他計劃繼續在洛杉磯工作(練身體、練球),還有 在當地的結合職業與業餘的籃球聯盟打球。( http://www.drewleague.com/ ) 參考連結:http://yhoo.it/o1PRp3 http://news.hoopchina.com/201107/64044.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rosebulls 來自: (07/13 15:00)

07/13 15:10, , 1F
他跟滷蛋都很累= =
07/13 15:10, 1F

07/13 15:17, , 2F
07/13 15:17, 2F

07/13 15:18, , 3F
07/13 15:18, 3F

07/13 15:23, , 4F
07/13 15:23, 4F

07/13 15:24, , 5F
07/13 15:24, 5F

07/13 15:24, , 6F
07/13 15:24, 6F

07/13 15:56, , 7F
我覺得試所有進攻大任都在Rose身上 他才會那麼累
07/13 15:56, 7F

07/13 15:57, , 8F
就跟Deng一樣 如果現在有個第二得分點還有Deng的替補就
07/13 15:57, 8F

07/13 15:57, , 9F
07/13 15:57, 9F

07/13 20:15, , 10F
可是公牛GM的交易功力似乎... 選秀是不錯啦@@
07/13 20:15, 10F

07/13 20:16, , 11F
07/13 20:16, 11F

07/13 20:45, , 12F
封館了阿= =
07/13 20:45, 12F

07/14 00:19, , 13F
公牛GM可能比較保守 封館前小牛 公鹿那種超賺交易
07/14 00:19, 13F

07/14 00:19, , 14F
GM可能怕打散團隊戰力所以不敢做 不過小牛那個交易滿扯
07/14 00:19, 14F

07/14 00:22, , 15F
07/14 00:22, 15F

07/14 12:23, , 16F
07/14 12:23, 16F

12/10 13:31, 5年前 , 17F
他跟滷蛋都很累= = https://muxiv.com
12/10 13:31, 17F

04/19 03:29, 5年前 , 18F
球迷想要吧~不一定是公 https://moxox.com
04/19 03:29, 18F
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