[外電] J-Rich想到有競爭力的球隊

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (幹 天氣好熱)時間13年前 (2011/07/15 19:10), 編輯推噓7(7010)
留言17則, 9人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Jason Richardson eyes a contender in free agency One of the top targets in free agency -- whenever it happens -- for a lot of teams is guard Jason Richardson. He's unrestricted and at 30 yeard old, still should have a good number of years left in him. He finished last season playing for the Magic and while he had trouble finding a solid role for the team, he's still going to be a valuable pickup for somebody. He isn't going to land anything near the $14.4 million he made in the final year of his deal, but he recognizes that and is fine with it. "I want to go to a great place for my family," Richardson told the Saginaw News. "I've been blessed by God to play in the NBA for a lot of money. I'd like to go someplace that has a chance to win a championship." "I probably have five or six seasons left in the NBA, so I want to go somewhere I can stay." Hard not to appreciate a player that understands a window might be closing and that money isn't necessarily the most important part to having a fulfilling career. Like Richardson said, he doesn't have a lot of run left in him so going to a rebuilding situation just for money probably doesn't interest him. So what are his best options? Here are three: 1. Chicago Bulls: The Bulls are definitely in the market for a scoring option next to Derrick Rose. Keith Bogans was a fine defensive stopper and occasional 3-point threat,but as the series against the Heat showed, Rose can't do it all. He needs wing scoring help. He needs not just a shooter to kick to, but a guy that defenses have to worry about.Richardson would fit nicely in between Rose and Luol Deng. The question is,will the Bulls have the space to sign him? And if not, just how serious is Richardson about this not-in-it-for-the-money thing? 2. Orlando Magic: He could just re-sign with Orlando. The hiccup there is that if he signs long-term,the Magic could quickly go from contender to rebuilding dependin on what Dwight Howard does. The Magic are built to atleast make a push and he fits pretty well in there as a second or third scoring option. He'd have to take a cut in pay and be willing to riskthe future a bit depending on other decisions. 3. Dallas Mavericks: Maybe the ideal situation for J-Rich. A lot of this depends on what Dallas does with Caron Butler, J.J. Barea and DeShawn Stevenson, but the Mavs could easily move on from one, two or even all three and bring in Richardson. And even pay him decently. With Butler's injury concerns,the Mavs might be hesitant about bringing him back and Richardson could certainly fit in well to the Maverick starting five. The Mavs don't have the window open for too much longer, but definitely for at least three or four more seasons. -- 綠茶已經說 錢不是他主要的考量了 不知道未來到底有沒有機會>< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/15 19:35, , 1F
07/15 19:35, 1F

07/15 21:18, , 2F
如果這3支球隊都出錢簽他 那錢就是考量啦
07/15 21:18, 2F

07/15 21:23, , 3F
其實三隊能出的錢都一樣多 如果考慮上場時間
07/15 21:23, 3F

07/15 21:24, , 4F
07/15 21:24, 4F

07/15 21:24, , 5F
小牛本來缺SG現在來了Rudy 加上Butler要復出 綠茶去小牛
07/15 21:24, 5F

07/15 21:25, , 6F
可能時間也不會多到哪裡去 小牛也沒說對綠茶很有興趣
07/15 21:25, 6F

07/15 21:44, , 7F
07/15 21:44, 7F

07/16 03:00, , 8F
這消息聽了真是令人興奮!!!小牛應該比較不可能 除非Cuban
07/16 03:00, 8F

07/16 03:01, , 9F
還想更貪心 如果J-Rich對魔術灰心的話 說不定就有機會奔
07/16 03:01, 9F

07/16 03:01, , 10F
07/16 03:01, 10F

07/16 08:37, , 11F
07/16 08:37, 11F

07/16 10:36, , 12F
錢->中產 時間->48分
07/16 10:36, 12F

07/18 12:23, , 13F
07/18 12:23, 13F

07/18 12:24, , 14F
魔術隊有他的鳥權吧 要出中產以上都沒問題
07/18 12:24, 14F

07/18 13:09, , 15F
新的CBA出來 這些條款還有沒有很難說 說不定公牛也簽不下來
07/18 13:09, 15F

12/10 13:31, 5年前 , 16F
如果這3支球隊都出錢簽 https://muxiv.com
12/10 13:31, 16F

04/19 03:29, 5年前 , 17F
新的CBA出來 這些條 https://muxiv.com
04/19 03:29, 17F
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