Re: [請益] 中醫和自然醫學孰優孰劣?

看板ChineseMed作者 (sdhws)時間3年前 (2021/06/17 14:01), 3年前編輯推噓1(2112)
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自然醫學在美國部分的州可以使用“Naturopathic Physician”的頭銜 例如華盛頓州的法律RCW 18.36A.030載明: "License required. (1) No person may practice naturopathy or represent himself or herself as a naturopath without first applying for and receiving a license from the secretary to practice naturopathy. (2) A person represents himself or herself as a naturopath when that person adopts or uses any title or any description of services that incorporates one or more of the following terms or designations: Naturopath, naturopathy, naturopathic, naturopathic physician, ND, or doctor of naturopathic medicine." 哥倫比亞特區的法律§ 3-1206.21. Scope of practice.載明: "(d)n individual licensed to practice naturopathic medicine under this chapter may use the titles “Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine”, “ Naturopathic Physician”, “Licensed Naturopath”, “Naturopathic Doctor”, “ Doctor of Naturopathy”, “Naturopath”, or the initials “ND” or an “NMD”." 夏威夷州的法律Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 455載明: ""Naturopathic physician" means a person who holds a current license issued under this chapter to practice naturopathic medicine. " 然而目前我還沒有在美國任一州的法條裡看見中醫能用"Physician" 當然也可能是我沒注意到 所以到底有沒有呢? 如果沒有會是什麼原因? 會是兩種醫學體系自身的問題嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

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我可以使用I am treating her. 我在治療她。Naturopathi
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06/18 03:30, 3年前 , 6F
c Physician因為沒有州執照,不能使用treat這個字。認
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06/18 03:30, 3年前 , 8F
灸學位,考取執照賺錢。結果我倆的薪水都輸給physical t
06/18 03:30, 8F

06/18 03:30, 3年前 , 9F
herapist. 孰優孰劣?
06/18 03:30, 9F

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確實每個地方的法律文化都不同 譬如在美國"doctor"是博士的頭銜,醫師會被稱作doctor是因為他們多有博士學位 但是在尼泊爾就完全是另一回事 根據尼泊爾的Ayurveda Medical Council Act, 2045 (1988)法令 "doctor"純粹只有醫生的意思,而完全沒有博士的意思 根據條文" “doctor” means a person who has obtained the minimum qualifications in Ayurveda Science as mentioned in Section 4.5 and is involved in the profession related thereto." "doctor"是指取得4.5節所提阿育吠陀科學最低資格並從事相關專業的人 接著再看關於從業資格的條文4.2 Qualification of doctor: 4.2.1 For purposes of registering the names of doctors pursuant to this Act, the following qualification has been prescribed: Having passed Ayurvedacharya or Vaidhyaratna or bachelor in Ayurveda or equivalent thereto from a recognized educational institute. Having done master’s degree in Ayurveda science after having bachelor degree in any other system of medical science. Having done bachelor degree in Ayurveda and modern medicine and surgery from a recognized educational institute. 執業登記對於學歷的要求包含: 1.阿育吠陀學士學位 2.取得其他醫學系統學士後,再取得阿育吠陀碩士 3.取得"阿育吠陀暨現代醫學及外科學士學位" 所以完全沒有要求博士學位,只需學士學位即可取得法律上的doctor資格 最後再看關於執業範圍的條文 5.2 Power to issue certificate and prescription: 5.2.1 The registered doctor shall have the powers to certify the following matters and issue certificate: To endorse the birth and death certificates. To sign the certificates relating to Ayurveda medical treatment or physical or mental qualification. 5.2.2 The provisions on giving prescription of the prescribed Ayurvedic medicines shall be as prescribed. 本法所定義的doctor有權開具證明及處方 其所能開立的證明包含:出生及死亡證明、阿育吠陀醫學治療證明 還有身體及精神條件之證明 其所能開得處方為法定之阿育吠陀藥物 因此從執業範圍來看,這裡的doctor確實是從事阿育吠陀的醫師 從尼泊爾的例子可以知道,doctor一詞在美國雖指具有博士學位的人 但在不同的國家其法律上的意涵未必相同 如尼泊爾的doctor在法律上可以指僅有學士學位的阿育吠陀醫師! 來自尼泊爾政府網站的法條全文連結: ※ 編輯: sdhws ( 臺灣), 06/19/2021 16:18:54 ※ 編輯: sdhws ( 臺灣), 06/19/2021 16:20:41 ※ 編輯: sdhws ( 臺灣), 06/19/2021 16:30:52
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