Re: [討論] 基督的人性是被造的?

看板Christianity作者 (ddd)時間12年前 (2012/11/30 03:57), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串14/22 (看更多)
: 您的安全的方法很不錯,但小弟在想...第二點的神性改為人性是否會有甚麼問題? : : 2. 然而神性出來抵抗(私欲受到抑制而無法懷胎):「然而不要照我的意思,照你的...」 : 您在之後補充提到的, : 耶穌基督是帶著神屬性的框架,以人的本質再加上聖靈的充滿面對試探; : 所以試探並非是空劇。 : 而我們人因為沒有神屬性的框架,以致於出生時仍帶有原罪, : 這也是與基督最大的不同之處。 : 我們基督徒則以人的框架、人的本質、再加上聖靈的同在面對試探。 : 因為框架不同,所以有 “全然的墮落”, : 但被揀選、救贖之後有聖靈的同在,永蒙保守。 : 不知理解是否有誤? 請指教。 : 另外,小弟的問題是歌羅西書2:9 提到 : “因為 神本性一切的豐盛,都有形有體地居住在基督裡面” : 這部分似乎不合於您所說的基督耶穌的 “人性的內涵”。 : 或者是此處的經文並不能這樣解釋呢? 這是一段基督論的信仰告白,對像是「永恆的基督」(Christ of Faith, conceptually distinguished from the Historical Jesus) 而非拿撒勒人耶穌(保羅與拿撒勒人耶穌並不當面認識,無法第一手地評價耶穌的神性與 人性。) 用個粗淺的比喻:好像耶穌13-15歲在唸三年國中,有十二個同班的好同學。保羅是耶穌「畢業」上高中後 才入校的學弟。 保羅得到的啟示,是關於1-100歲的這位基督,而不是那耶穌那特定三年的「學校事」。 但如果信徒已經接受,「永恆的聖、神-人基督」曾經有33年的時間以拿撒勒人耶穌的身 份活在世上(也就是Divine Logos 和 Jesus of Narazrth 的 virtual correspondence) 那神學上就不會有問題了。 保羅之所以強調「形體」,就是反「諾斯底幻影說」這個異端。此異端認為永恆的基督只 是取了拿撒勒人耶穌這個「皮囊」。 NET 聖經註釋有這段: In him all the fullness of deity lives. The present tense in this verse ("lives") is significant. Again, as was stated in the note on 1:19, this is not a temporary dwelling, but a permanent one. Paul's point is polemical against the idea that the fullness of God dwells anywhere else, as the Gnostics believed, except in Christ alone. At the incarnation, the second person of the Trinity assumed humanity, and is forever the God-man. 「倒空了神性」降世為人的耶穌,其實正正反映了祂在永恆中的實質:充盈著上帝神性。 Barth 在教會教義學 有以下描述: To come to the point. The New Testament tradition—in this respect most clearly documented in the so-called synoptic Gospels—is self-consistent in one great truth. There can be no doubt about the full and genuine and individual humanity of the man Jesus of Nazareth, but in that man there has entered in and there must be recognised and respected One who is qualitatively different from all other men. He is not simply a better man, a more gifted, a more wise or noble or pious, in short a greater man. But as against all other men and their differences we have in the person of this man One who is their Lord and Lawgiver and Judge. He has full power to condemn them or to pardon. He has full power to call them and bind them to Himself. He has full power, as against their cosmic limitation, to pronounce in His existence a final Word concerning them and all human history. He is the Saviour before whom there was none other, neither shall be after. This is the “act of God,” the “eschatological event of salvation,” to use our modern jargon. In attestation of this understanding of the man Jesus the New Testament tradition calls Him the Messiah of Israel, the Kyrios, the second Adam come down from heaven, and, in a final approximation to what is meant by all this, the Son or the Word of God. It lifts Him right out of the list of other men, and as against this list (including Moses and the prophets, not to mention all the rest) it places Him at the side of God. Karl Barth et al., Church Dogmatics, Volume IV: The Doctrine of God, Part 1 (Translation of Die kirchliche Dogmatik.; Each pt. also has special t.p.; Includes indexes.;Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2004), 159. 「人子在地上也有赦罪的權柄」這部分就是來自神性框架:耶穌的 ontological identidy (as God) in eternity : 最後、想再請問亞他拿修信經中36節或是韋思敏斯特信條八章2節所提到的: : 基督的神人二性是不可分的結合於一個位格之內 (非合成、轉化、混合) : 您對此有甚麼看法,因為看似與您所提出的論述稍微有所不同所以才提出。 : 或者這也算是防禦性的講法呢? 而在此若以"奧秘"來解釋是否太早或過於消極? : 以上,再次感謝。 亞他拿修信經原文是這樣的: One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by assumption of the Manhood by God. One altogether; not by confusion of Essence; but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man; so God and Man is one Christ. (Unus omnino, non confusione substantiae, sed unitate personae. Nam sicut anima rationalis et caro unus est homo: ita Deus et homo unus est Christus) 傳說中這個信經是防Nestorianism的後世托名之作,故特別反對二性分開的說法。 內容跟迦克敦信經很像: two natures, inconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; concurring in one Person and one Subsistence, not parted or divided into two persons, but one and the same Son 不過在防禦工程之外,亞他拿修信經硬是添加了一個進取性的類比:「如同人之理性與感 性聯合」。這就可能會有影響了! 其實照先前提的保守解釋,在這裡帶入也通:把神性比為理性、人性比為感性。這樣好像 耶穌的感性慾望受到各種處境挑動時,就有完美的理性幫他擋下問題,以致能做出符合上 帝心意的行動。 一般信徒對神人二性的奧秘,得到了這個說法也就不會再有什麼問題了。 :) ◆◆◆ 只是較高端神學研究中,這段非普世信經的內容還是要受到挑戰。畢竟信經不是啟示,它 挾帶了柏拉圖式希臘哲學理性(完美的)高於感性(缺陷的)的預設,充其量是在當時盡 人智慧的解釋,不能被當作真理。尤其在現代的認知科學、哲學檢驗下,這個類比不知道 能走多遠。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/30 11:34, , 1F
11/30 11:34, 1F

11/30 11:37, , 2F
11/30 11:37, 2F
※ 編輯: breath35 來自: (11/30 12:16)

12/03 04:32, , 3F
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