[情報] Caffeine and the Kidney: What Evidence Right Now?

看板Coffee作者 (rit)時間14年前 (2010/06/08 20:53), 編輯推噓3(306)
留言9則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Caffeine and the Kidney: What Evidence Right Now? Davide Bolignano MDa, Giuseppe Coppolino MDa, Antonio Barilla MDa, Susanna Campo MD Manila Criseo MD Donatella Tripodo MD and Michele Buemi M 一篇義大利人整理的REVIEW文章 大義是說 目前為止一天3-4杯咖啡不不會對於健康成年人或腎病之患者有不良之影響, 但是要注意的族群,包含老人、小孩、以及服用止痛劑或是利尿劑的病人, 而有些報告顯示攝取咖啡與鈣結石有關,其主要還是與水分攝取不足有較大 之關係..........由上可知還是不要讓未成年人喝過多的咖啡.......... 有興趣的版友可看看全文.................... 以下為節錄部分摘要 as yet, there is no evidence contraindicat the consumption of the equivalent of 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day in healthy or nephropathic subjects. However, particular attention should be paid to the elderly, children, and patients on concomitant treatment with analgesics or diuretics, whereas in subjects with a family or clinical history of calcium lithiasis a moderate caffeine consumption should be associated with an adequate fluid intake. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ritt 來自: (06/08 20:53) ※ 編輯: ritt 來自: (06/08 20:56)

06/08 20:56, , 1F
我前幾天拉肚子時,有 espresso 的味道,害我不知如何是好..
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06/08 20:58, , 2F
按大T可以修改標題 剛看見標題還以為是某奴隸銀行勒...
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06/09 23:06, , 7F
恩 好像是我問的? 不過文章看起來像是推論而非證明ㄟ
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06/09 23:07, , 8F
是說小朋友喝咖啡之餘也要多喝水的意思嘛 ?
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06/10 09:55, , 9F
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